Chapitre 36

Chapter 36

"This is so fascinating," Sparks said with a smile, papers spread out around us on the bed in a semicircle along with books and scrolls, all about griffons and their culture.

Pretty much the same bunch of stuff I had read through on the first trip to the griffons along with everything new we had from the ambassador's request.

Sunset had begged off three hours ago and made her escape, leaving me alone at the mercy of the Princess of Books.

But not like she was wrong.

"Really is," I agreed, "But my head is starting to swim a little," I then added and shifted to lead my head against her back.

"We have been at it for a bit," Twilight admitted and smiled a bit, "Want to go for a walk around the ship?"

A small rumble from beneath my ear made me laugh slightly, "And maybe a snack?"

"...And maybe a snack…" Twilight agreed with a small blush.

Grinning, I struggled onto my hooves and stretched as Twilight gathered up enough of the papers to make us a path off the bed.

I carefully scooted off it and stretched my wings, turning and stretching my neck, causing a cracking sound slightly before I gasped, "Oh Luna, that's good."

Sparks made a disgusted sound and shuddered, "Could you not?" she asked and jumped down next to me, "my brother does that. It's awful."

"But it feels so good!" I protested.

Twilight shuddered again, fluffing her wings before she shook her head, "Just don't do it around me, please," she conceded, "It sounds like you're breaking, it's… eughhhh," she said and stuck her tongue out.

I grinned and pressed my side against hers, "Is that so?" I teased, "Maybe I already did… maybe I'm a zomponie and out for braaaaaiinnnns…" and nipped at the side of her neck.

Twilight laughed and pulled me close with her wing, turning her head to kiss me, "Mmm… then you'd have at least one then," she teased.

I kissed back and then grinned at her, "When the zomponies come, I'll stick close to you. Because with you around, they wouldn't even look in my direction."

"Really?" Twilight asked with a smile, "So that's the plan, is it?"

"Very much so, why do you think I ended up with three very smart mares? All parts of my zomponie plan!" I asked and winked at her.

"Luna's right," Twilight said with a smile, "you can be a very silly pony."

"Yes, yes I can," I agreed with a wink, giving her a small nuzzle, "So… snacks?"

"Snacks," Twilight agreed firmly, leading the way out of the cabin towards the galley, "So… what do you think about the griffons in general? I have met a few, but not that many."

"I like them," I said and walked up next to her again as we exited the narrow doorway, "In general anyway, like any species they have their bad apples, but in general… I like them."

"Because they feed you fish?"

"Because they feed me fish," I agreed cheerfully, "But also… something about them reminds me of… home, you know?"

Twilight frowned slightly in thought, "I suppose I can see that," she agreed, "That actually makes sense," she continued and looked thoughtful, "...And why do you get along so well with Changelings too…"

"Luna figured something similar," I agreed and grinned briefly at her, showing off my fangs, "Might also be why I took so easily to this entire thing."

She nodded and then smiled playfully, "...Luna really likes those, doesn't she?"

"Noticed that, did you?" I asked with a grin and then shifted a bit closer, "And what about you?"

"They are pretty exotic," She answered, her cheeks turning a bit red before she glared slightly at me, "But that's completely not the point."

I flicked one ear and smiled, "and what is the point?"

Sparks blinked at me in surprise.

"Did I cause the smartest mare in Equestria to lose her train of thought?" I asked, "I must be more distracting than I thought," and raised my wings high, striking a bit of a pose as I shook my mane back.

Pretty batty pony.

"I- Uh… ugh!" Twilight made a small annoyed sound and then sighed, shaking her head, "You know, I have nopony but myself to blame for finding intelligent ponies attractive."

"Was just thinking the same thing," I agreed with a grin, folding my wings again, "there is only one thing to do."


"Blame Sunset. This is all her fault."

Sparks grinned and shook her head, "You know, you're right. This is completely her fault, without her here it would likely been years before you and I got together!"

"Oh?" I asked and brushed my wing against hers and she flexed it against mine in turn, "We would have gotten together anyway, huh?"

"Well, yes," Twilight said and shifted a bit closer, "Might just have taken a bit longer if we didn't spend more time together, but I liked you already before we brought Sunset back. It… well… just not like this. I love you for you, not for being with Kitten."

I gave her a soft kiss, "I love you too Sparks," I said and pressed softly against her as we walked. She was right about that, even if not for Sunset… I liked Sparks. I loved her, but to get there we would have needed to spend time together and with me in Canterlot and her in Ponyville…

Would have taken longer. But I also liked to think we would have ended up here too.

She smiled and then blinked and looked around, "...Shouldn't we be at the galley by now?"

"Oh, that's three doors back."

"What! Why didn't you say anything?!"

I smirked at her, "Because you're being adorable right now and I didn't want to interrupt."

Her cheeks turned red and she smacked my side with her wing.

Completely worth it.