Chapitre 38

Chapter 38

I paused outside the door to the small cargohold before pushing the door open as I entered. As I did, I found myself subject to thirty sets of eyes.

The cargohold wasn't very big, it being a royal transport airship. It was actually a bit smaller than the bedroom I shared with Sunny and Sparks.

Thirty ponies would not have been comfortable in there and would have felt claustrophobic at a third as many.

But these were changelings, not ponies and worked in three dimensions, not all gathered on the floor.

True to Skitters word, they had not covered the place with resin, instead they had strung up ropes all over the place and used that for attachment points in the black resin, glowing green patches lighting the place.

Skitter was in the middle, laying on what almost looked like a smaller version of Chrysalis throne and all around here were Changelings. In all three dimensions.

Sparks walked in next to me and glanced around. She shifted her wings with a small frown but didn't say anything.

I smiled at Skitter, "You guys doing okay in here?" I asked and looked around, "Anything you need?"

Skitter got up and moved up to us, "We're fine, Sir," she said and buzzed her wings slightly, "We have all we need right now. Thank you for checking on us."

I smiled up at her, "Just wanted to check that everything is alright," I said and flicked one ear.

"Are you sure you don't need more room?" Twilight asked next to me, looking up at Skitter, "This seems a bit crowded."

Skitter shook her head, "This is nice for us, Princess Twilight," she said with a smile, "We like to be close to each other."

I nodded, "They like cramped areas," I agreed and then smiled at Skitter, "As fitting for cuddle bugs."

Skitter smiled down at me, her wings doing a small buzzing sound.

"Well, we'll leave you to it," I continued and looked up at her, "Let us know if there is anything you do need."

"Of course, sir."

I smiled at her and then we left, the door closing behind Sparks and me. She glanced back towards it and flicked one ear.

"What?" I asked her as I paused, looking back at her.

"It's just…" she started and then shook her head, moving up to join me again, "I just realized I don't know a lot about Changelings. I'm meant to be Princess of Friendship, but I don't know… almost anything about Changelings. Or… or Griffons if I'm to be honest. Or any creature but ponies."

I smiled at her, "Have you 'encountered' many other creatures than ponies?"

Twilight sighed softly, "I… not really," she admitted, "A few. But you have Changelings following you around all the time. I have barely even talked to any of them!"

"Well, they usually like to keep hidden," I said, "But that can be fixed easily enough. Amber?"

"Yes sir?"

Sparks twitched at the voice behind us and she looked back at the changeling that has appeared behind us from… somewhere.

"Amber, would you mind answering some questions for Twilight?" I asked her with a smile, "She's curious about 'lings."

Amber buzzed her wings and smiled, "Of course not, sir. But I'm meant to guard you."

"I'm not going far, I'll be reading in the bedroom. Only way inside is through the main room, if you two are there, you can still keep an eye on me."

Amber seemed to consider that for a moment before she nodded and looked to Twilight, "What would you like to know, Princess?"

Twilight smiled, "Oh, there is so much! But I need to take notes!"

I left them to it as we entered the private quarters and I crossed the room and entered the bedroom, finding Sunset already on the bed, reading a book in the light from the circular window.

She glanced back when I entered and the door closed behind me, "Twi's not coming?"

"Eventually," I answered and jumped up, laying down on the bed, resting my head on her back, "But I may have accidentally put her on the track to be curious about 'lings. She's interrogating Amber right now, it might be a while."

Sunny nodded and flicked her tail, "We won't see her until after midnight," she agreed and then looked at me, "We're arriving tomorrow."

I nodded and sighed softly, "Yep."

Closing her book, Sunset rolled onto her back. I smiled and scooted up to rest my head on her chest,

"Nervous about it?" I asked, looking at her face.

"Me?" Sunset asked, looking amused, "I'm just going to blend into the background. I'm just a random unicorn, everypony is going to be focusing on you and Twi."

"Random unicorn, my tail," I snorted, "You're the student of Princess Celestia, a Warmage and in a relationship with two alicorns!"

Sunset stuck her tongue out at me, "Yeah, sure, but compared to you two? Besides, you two are going to be at the talks. I'm more than happy to let you two take the spotlight."

I flicked one ear, "And you wanted to be an alicorn."

"I was young and dumb," Sunset said with a smirk, "This is much more fun."

"Fun, huh?" I asked with a teasing grin, raising my head to look down at her before I flicked one ear, "You like what you've been doing in Nocturnis, don't you?"

Sunny nodded, "I do. You know, before I met you, I never really was the athletic type," she admitted, "I mean, I kept in shape and all, even in the human world, but… I never really exercised as such. But working with the Guard has been really fun."

"Glad you like it."

"Speaking of which," she then continued, "You and Twi really should join practice sometimes. Being sneaky or just throwing power at the problem doesn't always work. You have to keep practicing."

I sighed softly, but not like she was wrong, "...As soon as we get back to Nocturnis," I agreed, "We'll invite Midnight as well, she'll need it too."

"Good idea," Sunset said and smiled up at me, "Want to read a book until Twi manages to disentangle herself from her questions?"

I nodded.

That did sound nice