Chapitre 39

Chapter 39

Sparks looked through the long scroll, mumbling to herself, a pen floating along with the scroll, doing small checkmarks.

"And Prince Page…" Sparks said and turned to look me over before she nodded to herself, "Check."

"I take it that I pass inspection?" I asked with a smile and walked up next to her, shaking my mane back slightly, showing off the feathers.

She smiled at me and fluffed her wings, "You know… you are crowned royalty. You should have a crown."

"And i can't help but notice that you're not wearing your own either," I commented dryly and took the scroll from her with my magic, touching my horn gently against hers, "Relax, everything is in place," I said, looking into her eyes.

"Are we sure tha-"

"Twi, seriously," Sunset said and walked up to her other side, wearing full Warmage uniform, "Everything has been double and triple checked."

Twilight looked at her and took a deep breath before letting it out, "...You're right, sorry."

"To be fair," Sunset said and grinned at me, "Without Twi, we would all be way less organized."

"So true," I agreed and gave Sparks a quick hug with my wing.

She blushed softly and kissed my cheek before she took a deep breath, "Okay everypony, to their positions!" she said loudly and pulled back from beneath my wing.

I smiled at her, shifting my wings.

Sunset lit her horn and I felt her magic shift through my mane before she nodded and walked around to my other side.

Moon Glow looked around and then gave a signal.

The door to the outside opened and a slight wind filled the compartment, taking with it the scents of some sort of spices and slight smoke from the town before.

On the platform of the pyramid fortress what looked like a small company of griffons in heavy armor were standing in straight lines, carrying halberds. Halfway along the path between them there was a small reception party of half a dozen griffons, one of which I recognized as Lord Aether, the brother of the current King, the same griffon that met me last time I came here.

Moon Glow gave a slight signal and six members of my guard exited and took up position on each side of the ramp down to the platform, all six thestrals holding spears.

Glancing back at us, Moon Glow gave a slight nod.

"Showtime," I whispered softly and then raised my head, walking calmly out of the airship to the ramp where I spotted, one hoof lifted slightly from the ramp as I made a show of taking in the display they had put on for us.

Sunset walking on my left, keeping a step behind me, Twilight on my right, keeping pace.

Walking calmly down the ramp, I raised my wings, spreading them wide and high.

"Prince Blank Page, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Lady Sunset Shimmer," Lord Aether said and bowed slightly, "In the name of King Darkfeather, I welcome you to Griffona."

"Thank you, Lord Aether," I said, giving a smaller bow in turn, "On behalf of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna as well as all of Equestria, we are always happy to assist our allies."

Aether smiled and motioned towards the entrance, "Please, come with me, your highnesses. I'm to guide you to the King as soon as you arrive."

"Of course."

And with that, we were off again, my Guard and an equal amount of Griffon honor guard joining in behind us.

He led our way, not to the Throne room like I expected, but past several checkpoints and heavy steel doors to a smaller chamber with a large megalithic map table in the middle. It was sculpted to resemble the landscape of the entire Griffon Kingdom and then painted.

I kind of wanted one.

King Darkfeathers looked up from where he had been discussing something with a Owl/Jaguar pattern griffon wearing a dark uniform.

The King looked like I remembered, the Owl/Lynx pattern gryffon with dark colors was wearing nothing but a simple gold circle around his brow.

I gave him a small bow, "King Darkfeathers."

"Prince Blank Page, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Lady Sunset Shimmer," he answered and a smile, "Welcome. I do wish it was under better circumstances and I hope the journey was pleasant."

"As much as such things can be," I said with a smile, "It is good to see you again, your highness."

"And you as well," he agreed before waving one hand, "But I think we can be rid of the 'your highness' at least in private, Prince Page."

I nodded, "Agreed, it has a tendency to get tedious," I said with a smile and motioned to Twilight, "I don't think you have met Princess Twilight before?"

"I have indeed not," Darkfeathers agreed and moved up, taking her hoof and giving it a small kiss, "A pleasure, Princess."

Twilight smiled and shifted her wings, "I'm looking forward to seeing your kingdom, King Darkfeathers."

"And I will make sure that you get a complete tour," he said and shifted his wings, giving her another small bow, "It's the least I could do for such a beautiful woman."

Twilight blushed slightly and nodded.