Chapitre 41

Chapter 41

I slowly stirred awake and yawned, stretching slowly.


Feeling about a bit, I opened my eyes and looking around. I was alone on the bed, both Sunset and Twilight were missing.

Ugh. What time is it?

The sun was filtering in through the high windows, but I couldn't actually see it from here so all that told me was day.

We had been up late last night, going through everything that had been delivered. I had expected Sparks and Sunny to sleep in today, but apparently not.

Yawning again, I scooted out of bed and then stretched again before heading towards the other room, finding it also empty, but the door to the balcony/landing platform was open.

Exiting to the balcony, I instantly spotted Sparks and Sunny standing and looking out over the city, a scroll floating in Sparks magic.

"Morning sleepyhead," Sunset said and grinned at me, "About time you wake up."

"Naturally nocturnal," I grumbled to her as I joined them, resting my head against Sunny's mane.

"Lazy stallion more like it," Sunset teased, "Or what do you think, Twi?"

"Definitely," Twilight agreed with a smile, slipping her wing over my back, pulling me into a quick cuddle on the side opposite to Sunset, "Sleep well?"

"Mmm," I agreed, resting my head against her neck. I couldn't do that with Sunny anymore.

Both Sparks and I were almost half a head taller than the unicorn by now. Used to be half a hoof, but we had both gotten taller in just two years.

What more… our body type seemed to have started to change too. I had started to see hints of the longer legged look on Sparks that Luna, Celestia and Cadance all shared.

And… in my own mirror image as well. Not quite as much, but that might just be an illusion because of my naturally wider barrel as a stallion.

But I couldn't deny the fact that we were both growing. My old 'Warmage' uniform didn't fit anymore.

Another five or ten years and we'll need to renovate the castle in Nocturnis or we'd both risk banging our horns on the lower parts.

Any unicorn knew how nice that was, even without magic going through it.

Nopony can ever say that being an Alicorn was all upside.

"So what are you two up to?" I asked after a moment as I raised my head again.

"We're discussing the construction of the city," Sparks said, "Kitten was just pointing out that the heavy walls are from not having magic."

I nodded, "Yep, no blasting spells. And while Griffons have wings and can skip the walls, most non-pony enemies don't."

"Earth pony cities were actually similar," Sunset pointed out, "Not to this level, but they tended to have strong walls pre-equestria."

Sparks nodded in agreement, "They were, but those walls are thicker than most roads are wide and those blocks of stone… they must weigh hundreds of tons."

I nodded, "You aint shifting those in a siege. Even with magic, unless you have the right alicorn or an exceptional unicorn you can hammer those all day with spells and it's not doing you any good."

"Of course, then it would be better to just teleport on top of them," Sunset admitted, "But it is impressive construction. But I think they might have been constructed before teleport spells were invented in anycase."

Hmm, I agreed, nodding before my stomach rumbled softly.

Sparks grinned, "There is some breakfast inside," she pointed out.

"I should have a look at that, shouldn't I?" I admitted before I slipped out from beneath her wing and headed back inside to find a spread of food laid out on one of the side tables. A collection of baked goods and fruits, a mix of Equestrian and what I could only assume was Griffon kinds.

I also found a thestral on one of the couches, going through a stack of papers, squiggling down a note from time to time.

"Morning Flower," I said as I picked up an apple with my magic, splitting it in quarters before nibbling on one of them, "Everything going okay?"

She looked up from her notes, a pen held in her muzzle, "Good morning, your majesty," she said, smiling around the pen, "Everything is well, I'm just getting some paperwork ready."

"Halfway across the world and I still can't escape, huh?" I asked playfully.

"It's not for you, your highness," she chuckled, "It's for my counterpart among the griffons. He's not entirely sure what to feed thestrals and is wondering if anything else special is necessary."

"Ah. Fish then?"

"And some meat," she agreed, shifting her pen to the other side of her muzzle with a smile, "That did take some time getting used to," she then admitted, "But it taste so goood…"

"That it does," I agreed and snagged a muffin after finishing the apple, "So what's on the schedule today. I'm assuming we're meeting King Darkfeather again?"

"Indeed, your majesty," Flower Rain agreed, "At noon for lunch."

"Plenty of time to review the field reports, "I agreed, "Good, I think tha-"

"Oh no," Sunset said with a smile as she and Twilight walked inside, "Bath first, it should be done by now. We all need one after a week on an airship."

Which was a fair point, airships didn't even have showers, just small washing basins.

I nodded, "...That would be nice