Chapitre 42

Chapter 42

The day had actually been pretty light. A lunch with the King, then Sunny and Sparks had taken a tour of the city.

I had gone over all of the reports and such while they were out. Which is what I was still doing now. I didn't have Sparks close to photographic memory, I actually needed to study.

I wasn't actually here to help the Griffons though, I was here to oversee the talks and mediate, not take a side, which was something I had to keep in mind.

Sparks poked her head in from the balcony, "Page, they're here."

Looking up from my notes, I nodded and jumped off the bed and headed out to join Sunny and Sparks on the balcony. Celestia's Sun was setting in the distance and it took me a second to spot what Sparks were looking at.

A dot in the distance, slowly growing larger.

Sunset put a hoof on the stone railing, peering into the distance, "Just one airship."

"Yep," I agreed, "That's according to what they sent to the Griffons so that's as planned. The real work starts tomorrow… you girls ready?"

Sparks nodded, "Ready," she agreed and then smiled at me, "I made a list."

"Everypony is very surprised," Sunny teased and winked at her before she snorted in amusement, "And I'm ready as well… well… as much as I can be, this show is all up to you two. I'll just sit there and be pretty."

"And you do it very well," Sparks teased and kissed her cheek, causing the unicorn to blush softly.

"Very well indeed," I agreed with a smile before turning back to looking towards the incoming airship. It made a very familiar silhouette.

Same model as those that attacked Canterlot.

Not a happy memory. I sighed softly and Sparks brushed her wing against mine as she looked at me, "We should all go get some sleep. There will be an early morning tomorrow."

I just nodded and sighed, "You're right, we should," I admitted and flicked one ear. I really need to talk to Celestia about this entire thing.

"Want to watch the Sunset first?" Sunny asked, "The view from here is amazing, as good as from Canterlot."

"Oh, I don't know," I said and smirked, "I think I prefer watching Sunset inside. What about you, Spark?"

"Mmm… definitely. Can be a very nice view."

Sunny blushed.


I slowly opened my eyes, looking out into the brighter and now slightly blueish haze of my little bubble of dream stuff. I no longer floated in the middle of nothing, now I laid on a circle of some sort of glassy black material.

Progress, at least. Nobody said that making a new… well… not world exactly, but area… would be fast in any way shape or form. I mean, even somebody that was meant to be almighty was supposed to have taken seven days, after all.

Stretching my wings, I sat up and then got up and stretched with a small yawn. Whatever it was, it was exhausting.

So enough for tonight. Sunshine should be asleep by now anyway.

Exiting the bubble, I left it behind and headed towards Celestias dream. It was where I expected, silvery and blue and I barely paused as I walked into it.

The dream crashed into view, leaving me in a square in… not Canterlot… ah, the village outside the Castle of the Two Sisters, I could see it in the distance.

Nopony else was in sight, but Celestia was lying beneath the tree at the center of the square and next to her was the world's largest cupcake. Topped by the world's most massive cherry. Seriously, the berry was larger than a pony!

Fucking dibbs!

I tapped my hoof against the cobblestones as I approached, solidifying the dream. Celestia looked up towards me and she smiled,

"Page. How was your day?"

"Studying," I admitted and stopped, looking up at the muffin, "I like your dream."

Celestia grinned and shifted her wings, "Don't ask me. You're the Dreamwalker."

"Well," I said and eyed her, "It certainly draws attention to your cherry."

"Hungry?" she asked with a smile, "You can have it anytime you like."

I smiled, "I certainly wouldn't mind. One of the good things about dreams, you can have as much as you like. You never tire."

Igniting my horn, I lifted the pony sized cherry down and floated it along as I walked to lay down on the grass next to the larger alicorn, "The Yeti arrived today," I then added.

"Long day tomorrow," Celestia agreed softly, "Remember, you're not-"

"Not on anypony's side," I said and shifted my wings, "I am here to mediate, not take sides."

Celestia nodded as she regarded me. I delayed by taking a bite of cherry, chewing thoughtfully,

"It's difficult," I admitted after a moment, "To think like that. I like the Griffons. I dislike the Yeti. Putting that behind me and being neutral… it's difficult."

"Welcome to holding Court," Celestia said gently, "Often, you just mediate between two sides. Especially for us, that has been something we have done often."

"Princesses?" I asked after swallowing a mouthful of cherry.

She smiled and shifted her wings, "Alicorns. Even before unification, some ponies asked for us to mediate because of that."

I nodded. That made sense. A thought struck me and I took another bite of cherry before I looked up at her, "Sooo… how long was it before ponies started to worship you?"

Celestia smiled wryly, "Around the same time as it became well known that we could move the sun and the moon. Unfortunately, discouraging it didn't really help for quite a while."

"Well, to be fair," I said and had some more cherry, "Not like praising the sun requires a physical being. There is that big great glowing thingy in the sky."

"No," Celestia said and flicked one ear with a small thoughtful frown, "But it does get decidedly more creepy when they make statues of you and sacrifice creatures to it."

I blinked and then nodded, "Ah. Yes, that would do it," I agreed and frowned, "Did that happen?"

"A few times," Celestia sighed softly, "Usually some far away cult. We always discouraged ponies worshipping us, but it never seemed to help much. Nothing like that has been widespread for a long time, thankfully."

I eyed her, "...Beautiful Immortal god-princesses, moving the heavens, at least twice as large as any other pony and with aspects of all the tribes," I said and raised an eyebrow, "What could possibly have brought that reaction from some ponies."

Celestia shot me a displeased look and I cheerfully took a large bite of cherry, chewing.

"You may find it amusing now," Celestia said and raised an eyebrow of her own, "Just wait until it starts happening to you."

I grinned and then licked juices off my muzzle, "Oh please, nothing I do is anywhere near flashy enough. I barely ever even enter dreams to adjust them away from nightmares anymore, nopony sees me work most of the time. Cadence, definitely. Sparks, oh yeah. Me? Eh, kind of doubt it."

Celestia, Princess of Equestria and Alicorn of the Sun, rolled her eyes.

I took advantage of her distraction and went muzzle deep in the juicy fruit