Chapitre 43

Chapter 43

Agnelia of the Red Rose froze when she entered the room, the part of bulky guards following her, carrying spears stopped behind her, filling most of the door.

I smiled pleasantly at her, giving her a small bow, "Lady Agnelia," I said, "I hope your journey was not too tedious."

"It was not, Prince Page," she finally answered, "Thank you. I was unaware of whom Equestria had sent to mediate these talks."

I smiled at her, shifting my wings slightly, "Equestria is a neutral part in this and so am I," I said before adding a bit more fang to the smile, "I'm mostly here to see that everypony… behaves," I then continued before looking towards King Darkfeathers, "On both sides."

His wings shifted but he nodded firmly, "Just so," he agreed and then gave the white furred Yeti a small polite bow, "Lady Agnelia. Welcome to my home."

She bowed back, "Thank you, your highness," she answered, "And I bring you greetings from The Storm King."

Interesting, he seemed to have quietly dropped the rest of his titles.

"You bring more than that it seems," Darkfeathers said and moved around to his side of the solid stone table, "Your Kingdoms forces are raiding our villages!"

Oh, we're on that part already?

I gave Agnelia a small bow and motioned towards the table. She seemed to collect herself before walking over towards it.

I shifted my wings and walked over towards it where Twilight was waiting, "You have met Princess Twilight?"

"We have met," Twilight agreed and nodded to Agnelia, "Welcome."

"Princess," Agnelia agreed with a small bow to Sparks before she sat down by the table, "And yes, our forces have been raiding your territory. Or perhaps I should say, our former forces."

"Former?" Darkfeathers asked, putting his hand on the table as he glared at her.

Agnelia didn't look happy at all, "Former," she repeated, "After our…" she glanced at me and Twilight, "...Negotiations with Equestria, we had some internal difficulties. There are several rebel groups, one of them close to your borders."

"And your forces gathering along our border?"

"We are simply defending against any ill thought through retaliations," Agnelia answered, looking at him, "Your force movements indicated that you were preparing to attack us."

Darkfeathers visibly bristiled, "Now listen here you-"

"King Darkfeathers," I interrupted him and turned towards him, "Personal attacks are counter productive to these talks. I'm going to have to ask you to avoid them."

He took a deep breath before he nodded and looked at her, "My apologies," he said and shook his head and continued, "Griffons has died."

"And while I am deeply sorry about that," Agnelia said firmly, "It has nothing to do with us."

"They are your soldiers!"

"Not for years. They are traitors and rebels and should be hunted down and destroyed," the yeti said with a small scowl, "But they keep escaping across your borders or we would have crushed them already!"

Darkfeathers shifted his wings, "Oh would you have?" he asked and and snorted, "You mentioned other rebel groups as well. Only one is here, are they? Do you require assistance?"

Agnelia's fur visibly stood slightly on end, "We have things well in hand, thank you."

"Then why are they raiding our villages!?" Darkfeathers growled, "I'm holding your King personally responsible for any damage done and demand reparations!"

"Absolutely not," Agnelia said and before she smiled, "But we would be more than happy to send in forces to assist you if you are unable to deal with them."

"Absolutely not!"

"Good that everypony is agreeing," I said with a smile, interrupting before things escalated, "But maybe a small break for refreshments would be a good idea?"

Best let everypony take a step back and clear their heads.

Darkfeathers blinked and looked at me before he nodded, "...Yes, of course," he said and gave Agnelia a small slight, barely visible bow, wings spreading slightly, "My apologies, Lady Agnelia. Prince Page is correct, would you care for something to drink?"

Agnelia looked slightly uncertain before she nodded, "An Equestrian brandy, if you would, your highness."

Darkfathers studied her with something of slight approval before he looked towards me and Twilight.

Twilight shifted her wings with a smile, looking up from her notes, "We'll have the same, please," she said and I nodded in agreement.

He motioned for somepony unseen and it didn't take long for our drinks to arrive.

I picked it up in my magic, sniffing at the apple brandy, giving it a sip. Hmm, good stuff too.

Darkfeathers was the next one to talk, "Your rebels entering our lands is unacceptable," he said quietly, holding his own class in his hands, claws scraping across the glass softly, "They are killing my citizens and burning villages and harvests."

Agnelia looked down at her own glass, "We're not overly fond of them either," she said dryly before sipping at her drink, "They have caused damage on our side of the border as well. They have an airship as well."

He frowned, "We haven't seen any reports of that."

"You haven't?" she asked with a frown of their own.

Excellent. They were actually talking now.

I sipped my drink, shared a look with Twilight and then settled down for the long haul. This would take a while