Chapitre 44

Chapter 44

I trotted up to Luna in the dream realm and promptly put my forehead against her barrel, "Save me."

"Are you being serious or just dramatic?" She asked, sounding somewhat amused as she gave my ear a nosing.

"I have been dealing with Griffons and Yeti posturing at each other all day," I grumbled, "Just when I think they are going to start moving forward, they backslide into posturing. That has to count as serious."

"Dramatic it is," Luna said with a smile and shifted to put a hoof beneath my chin, guiding me into a soft kiss.

I kissed back and shifted my wings before I sighed and looked up into her eyes, "But seriously, can we… annex them or something?"


Damn it.

Luna looked amused and moved around to put her side against mine, pulling me close with her wing before she lay down, pulling me down with her.

I sighed and leaned against her, resting my head against her shoulder, "...I'm not made for this sort of job," I admitted, "I don't have the patience for it."

"You seem to be doing quite well," Luna said, "Talks are still ongoing, are they not?"

"They are," I agreed and flicked an ear, "Not going anywhere fast, but they are at least still talking."

"Then it's a good thing."

"...I know," I admitted, "I'm just venting a bit," before I shifted to look up at her with a small smile, "How was your day?"

"Asleep," Luna teased and bumped her nose gently against mine, "And I need to wake up again soon for Night Court."

I shook my head and smiled up at her, "Nope. Mine. Can't have you tonight."

Luna smiled and hugged my closer with her wing, kissing me softly before she sighed softly, "Page…"

"...I know," I sighed and shifted my wings beneath hers, leaning against her warmth, "It's just… miss you."

"When you get back," Luna said and rubbed her cheek against my mane, "I'm taking the days until you leave off my duties. Or nights."

"Really looking forward to that," I said softly and smiled at her.

She smiled and gave me a soft kiss, "Me as well."

I sighed and leaned against her, "How much longer?"

"...A few minutes," Luna said before she smiled softly, "Meeting Celestia later?"

"Lesson tonight," I agreed and flicked my tail with a nod.

"Anything interesting?" she asked, her wing shifting to brush along mine.

I earflicked before I answered, "Actually, battlefield tactics. Not something you and I ever really covered, we mostly did practical fighting."

She nodded, "At the time, that was the most important thing," and then started to get up, stretching her wings before smiling down at me, "Have fun."

"Will try," I said, looking up at her with a smile of her own, "You too, have a nice night."

Leaning down, Luna brushed her lips against mine before she dissolved in a sea of sparkles that quickly faded away.

I sighed softly and got up, stretching my wings with a small groan before I headed to find Celestia's dreams.

It didn't take long and I soon stepped through, out onto a Canterlot courtyard. The courtyard at the west of the castle actually.

I found myself in a group of hundreds of ponies and I looked up, seeing Celestia giving a speech. Seems like she doesn't escape work in her sleep either.

Tapping my hoof against the cobblestone beneath me, I solidified the dream and dismissed the dream images of ponies around me and I was alone, looking up at the balcony.

"Page," Celestis said and spread her wings, taking to the air before gliding down to me, "How are things in Griffona?"

"Not coming to blows yet," I said and smiled at her, "But otherwise, nothing overly good so far. How are things in Canterlot?"

"Not coming to blows yet," Celestia repeated to me with a smile as she landed before me, folding her wings, "But otherwise, nothing overly good so far."

I snorted, "Oh ha ha. Very funny, Sunshine."

She smiled and stuck her tongue out at me, "Canterlot is Canterlot."

"I have a feeling that you had a good day though," I said and looked up at her.

Celestia nodded, "A fairly good day," she agreed and fluffed her wings, "I visited my school for gifted unicorns. That always brightens my day up."

I nodded, "Looking to find a new student?" I asked, looking up at her.

She looked thoughtful, "...Maybe," she admitted quietly, "There are a few that have potential, but there is much left to see before we are there," before she smiled at me, "Besides, I already have a student."

I grinned and nodded, giving her a small bow, wings spreading, "So, what is on the schedule today, Miss Celestia?" I asked.

"Battlefield tactics," she answered and flicked one ear before closing her eyes and focusing hard. The dream didn't answer to her. It never did, dream magic was simply too far from her Domain. So I gave it the command to change according to her thoughts.

We found ourselves on a grass plains stretching out in the distance. I looked around, glancing at the sun straight above before I looked behind her. A kilometer or so away I could see troops, thousands of ponies.

I glanced behind me. Equally many were waiting an equal distance away in that direction.

Celestia opened her eyes and looked at me, "Equal forces. Pegasi, Earth ponies and Unicorns. Rules are that we give orders and fight, but no alicorn level magic or dream manipulation. Objective is to capture the other."

I nodded firmly, "One hour preparation."


With that, I gave her a slight elegant bow, half spreading my wings before I turned and took to the air, flying towards my forces.

I'm never going to out maneuver her, that was simply not going to happen. She's smarter than I am and has thousands of years of practical experience.

But maybe I can surprise her a bit.

Let's see how she likes trenches with massed crossbows, archers, spellfire and ballista. Nothing in the rules about using dream magic during the prep time, after all.