Chapitre 45

Chapter 45


Earth Ponies galloping towards us, mixed in with them were pegasi flying above and unicorns running behind.


I peered over the edge of the trench, "Loose!"

My ponies rose from the trench and let loose a flurry of crossbow bolts and spellfire, cutting into the first ranks of charging ponies.


Earth Ponies pulled on ropes, raising sharpened spikes facing away from the trench.

I could hear Celestia yelling orders and her forces turned away, splitting and galloping in two directions around my fortifications as the Pegasi passed above us, swooping down towards us, being met by unicorn spellfire as they did while the earth ponies used their strength to reload the used crossbows.

Meanwhile, my pegasi headed to the left to harass the earth ponies and unicorns there.

Just as they hit the second trap.

Small sharp wooden spikes, just a hoof tall stuck into the ground in the thousands along the flanks of my fortifications.

The first pony went down rolling with a scream.

My pegasi was upon them as they were forced to slow down and watch their steps.

That's where things went wrong as firespells started to arch towards us as Celestia rallied her unicorns.


The unicorns stopped firing and raised overlapping shields as the earth ponies took aim at the right groups and fired again. This time they plinked off magical shields, and didn't do much damage at all.

Well, that was a standard tactic, so luckily I had planned for that.

I jumped out of the trench, "Ready for hoof to hoof!" I yelled. The Earth Ponies and unicorns started to gather up in formation when I discovered a slight flaw with my plan.

It ended up with me in the middle of two enemy forces.



"Shift pikes towards the rear force and move west!" I yelled loudly. Unicorns started to rip the raised west facing pikes from the earth and shifted them towards the left force before I galloped towards the west, everypony galloping along and trying to keep to formations as my pegasi circled around above.

Shit, shit, shit! Need to get out from between! She's only won like that twice in the past!

Spellfire slashed down towards us from both directions, breaking shields down as they did.

"Shield! Shield! Pegasi, harass their outer flanks!"

By the time we were out of their combined spellfire and had everypony behind solid shields, I turned to look back towards Celestias forces, only to find that while I had been busy yelling at ponies and get them lined up, Celestia had taken possession of my fortifications and pulled the sharpened pikes back into their original positions.


I wasn't sure how many ponies she had lost, but my forces were down to two thirds. Well, I'm not charging into that, I know exactly how nasty it is and it's currently inhabited by a sneaky bitch too.

"Unicorns, high arching spellfire!" I commanded and spells started to arch through the air to hit the shields held over the trenches by her unicorns.

Damn it, I need a better view.

Taking to the air, I joined my pegasi, circling above my forces as I peered towards Celestias forces.

Well, this was bad.

Okay then, I know what I wouldn't like when I was in there, so let's try that. It looked like I was still outnumbering her.

I went down to land, "Okay, Pegasi harass, Unicorns and Earth Ponies, split the forces and flank. Careful with the trip hazards."

Heading with the left force, we kept our shields up against her spellfire as we trotted forwards to flank them. My unicorns were starting to look worn and tired from the constant shielding.

Okay, we're in position, now we move in and-

A battle roar filled the air and Celestias forces charged us, completely abandoning the fortifications as they all galopped towards our forces, earth ponies with spears at the ready.


"Shields down! Shields down!" I ordered, "Spellfire! Spellfire! Crossbows! Front ranks, spears!! Pegasi, aircover!" I yelled as I cast piercing spells towards the charging ponies, joining in with a couple of spears of ice.

Our forces crashed with the sound of armor against armor as ponies hit ponies and things descended into a melee as her forces hit mine in an arrowhead formation, piercing into my forces and breaking my lines.

I turned, pulling my chakram from it's hanging hook and sent it spinning with my magic, "Unicorns!" I yelled, "Switch to fire! Fire!"

Things descended into confusion and fighting until something hit me from the right, sending me sprawling on the now muddy ground with an earth pony wearing her armor pinning me down, a knife in his teeth held against my neck.

Everything went quiet, the sound of battle dying down and I collapsed, breathing heavily as I felt the mud soak into my coat and beneath my armor.


Opening my eyes again, I looked up at Celestia, finding her standing above me. Her legs were muddy, but the rest of her looked as radiant as usual, her golden armour glinting in the light of her sun.

"Well…" I said, looking up at her as the earth pony moved off me, "I bucked up."

Celestia smiled and laid down in the mud next to me, "Page, it's not the first time I met somepony that tried those sort of fortifications," she said and her horn lif and I could feel her brush mud from my face, "if it helps, I say you did better than they did. Now, what was your mistake?"

Rolling over onto my stomach in the mud, I shifted the dream to make the forces around us go away, but I left everything else like it was while trying to brush some mud off myself, "Well… a great number of them. But the main one was splitting my forces while in a position that allowed you to use all of yours on half of mine."

Celestia nodded, "So what should you have done?"

I sighed, "What you did. I should have taken everything I had and went after the half you were in."

"One way of doing it," Celestia agreed and helped brush mud off me with her magic, "Especially while your unicorns were relatively fresh. But if it is risky as it leave your flank exposed against the other half. Why digging holes though? To avoid spellfire?"

"Mostly," I agreed," and to hide the rest of the surprises. They also give some cover against pegasi."

"Unless we use them for weather," Celestia pointed out, "Your pegasi wouldn't be able to go up and stop it without exposing themselves to spellfire from my unicorns."

I slowly nodded, "So the idea to use trenches was completely wrong?"

"Not at all. The idea with those little spikes hidden in the grass on your flanks was a good one as well," Celestia said and frowned, "Somewhat cruel, but it would work quite effectively. But it was the wrong composition on my side of the fight for that sort of fortification to work effectively. You'd need actual walls. It helped, of course, but even so. And you abandoned them too easily when you thought you were being surrounded."

I slowly nodded again and climbed to my hooves, "I see," I said and shifted my wings, "Let's move this to somewhere other than a muddy field an-eeepOPH!"

Celestias magic gave my hooves a firm push and I found my hooves suddenly not beneath me anymore and I ended up face down in the mud with a splash as the multi thousand years old goddess of the sun descended into laughter next to me.

Revenge will be mine