Chapitre 48

Chapter 48

"I don't like this," Twilight said, looking at me from her place on the balcony.

We were on the balcony of our rooms, overlooking the city, the sun setting in the distance.

"Neither do I," I admitted, "but I really don't see an alternative right now. You heard Darkfeathers, Not doing it may seriously damage pony/griffon relations or at least reputation. They put a lot of honor weight on their duels."

Sunset frowned at me and then shook her head, "Do you think you can do it?"


"Without getting hurt?"

I hesitated and then nodded, "...Yes," I answered with a nod, "And I'm going to be practising in dreams with Luna until then."

"Actually," Sunset said thoughtfully and flicked one ear, "Go to Tempest instead. Luna's used to fighting with magic, Tempest knows how to without it."

That was a good point, Tempest had been doing very well for herself.

I slowly nodded.

Sparks didn't look happy and looked behind me and Sunset, "Amber, what do you think about this?"

"Don't have a problem with it."

I blinked and looked back at the changeling, "Huh?" I asked. Now that was surprising!

Amber blinked at me, "It's just one griffon, sir. They are strong and has sharp bits, but they are not very fast and this one look especially dumb. You will be fine."


"I still don't like it," Twilight protested and sighed, "I...I don't like ponies fighting. Or other creatures for that matter. And you could still get hurt."

"I'd rather not either," I admitted and shifted my wings, looking down at my hooves, "But in this case it may be the best of two bad choices."

"You could also pick a champion," Sunset suggested, "I could do it, I have been practicing with Tempest."

My first reaction of 'absolutely bucking not' was a very emotional and… human one. Asking a woman to defend me was…

Not only instinctual, but cultural and just plain bucking wrong.

But in the pony way of seeing it, it was fairly normal. At least used to be in the past, before Celestia reformed the Royal Guard, mares made up almost all of pony fighting forces. In fact, it was illegal for stallions to serve in the armies of the old earth pony city states as well as in the pegasus legions.

Unicorns had allowed them, but they had still been rare.

My personal guard was all mares.

I was literally having women defend me daily.

But this was different! Somehow anyway, I wasn't really sure exactly how it was different but it was. It was, damn it!

Maybe it was just me, but there was no way I'd allow that.

I shook my head, "Thanks Sunny, but griffons are patriarchal. Asking a mare to represent me would not go over well."

That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

Sunset smiled slightly at me, "And you don't want to."

"...And I don't want to," I admitted and sighed, "If you got hurt doing it… I don't know what I would do."

"And how do you think we feel about it?" Twilight said and moved up to us, her wings raising, "How do you think Luna would react?"

I flinched slightly, my ears flicking to the side, "Sparks…"

"Don't you 'Sparks' me!"

I flinched again and Sunset moved up, pressing her side against Twilights, looking up at her,

"Twi, calm down. It will be fine," Sunset reassured her, "I know you have read the griffon dueling code, it's usually to first blood. It'll be fine."

Twilight looked down at her before she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before opening her eyes again and looking at me, "I don't like this."

I moved closer, touching my horn to hers as I looked into her eyes, "I know," I said softly, "Neither do I… but sometimes th-"

"There is no right choice, just the least bad one," Twilight muttered and sighed, resting her forehead against mine for a second, our horns crossed as she grumbled, "I know. We have the same teacher."

"We do," I agreed and then shifted, giving her nose a small kiss, "I'll be fine, I promise."

"You better be," She said, looking into my eyes before she sighed, "Let's head to bed before Tempest wakes up if you need to talk to her."

I nodded. Good point, she was in Nocturnis, she'd be waking up soon with the sun going down, "I'll go sleep," I agreed, "You two coming?"

"In a bit," Sunset said and eyed Twilight, "...Wanna watch the sunset?"

That got a smile from the alicorn, "I always like watching the Sunset."

"Me too, but we shouldn't do that on the balcony," I chimed in with a grin, "What if some griff flies past?"

Sunset turned slightly red and poked me with her hoof, "You, sleep," and then looked to Twilight, "you, get something for us to drink."

Sparks grinned and leaned in, kissing her cheek before walking back inside, running her wing across my back as she did.

I glanced after her and then sighed softly and touched my horn to Sunsets, "I should get going before Tempest wakes up."

Sunset nodded and leaned against me for a second, "Be careful."


"Since when