Chapitre 49

Chapter 49

I hit the wooden deck, rolling onto my hooves only to get a hoof to the face.

I fell back down.


Dream or not, that hurt. I made the dream as realistic as possible. That broke my muzzle.

Resetting myself in the dream, I looked up at the star filled sky through the branches above, Luna's moon shining down on the training grounds.

Luna's reaction when I told her what had happened had not been what I had expected.


Luna flicked one ear and sighed, nodding, "I see."

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting down on the not-ground of the dream realm.

Luna settled down and stretched her wings, "I feared that since the first time you went to the griffons. It would happen sooner or later, it's the nature of the griffons. They are belligerent at the best of times and it was only a matter of time before one got in their mind to improve their station by challenging you."

"...I see," I admitted and scraped my hoof against the not-ground, "So you're not against this?"

"I'm against you getting hurt," Luna said seriously, "And I expect you to represent Equestria well," she continued before she sighed softly, "But as I said, it would happen eventually, My Page."

"I'm not too used to fighting without my magic," I admitted, "I'm going to seek out Tempest, see if she can brush up my skills a bit."

"Go before she wakes up," Luna said and gave me a quick kiss, "I will see you later tonight."


Tempest moved to look down at me, "You fight like a unicorn with their magic blocked."

"...Thanks…" I said, looking up at her before I rolled onto my hooves, getting up, "Because that's basically what I will be during this."

"Roadapples, Commander," Tempest said, walking around me and poking my wings with her hoof, "You have these and these," she continued, giving my legs a poke, "Flight of a thestral and strength of a earth pony. You should be able to move like a thestral and fight like an earth pony. And earth pony your build and size is strong enough to bend me into a pretzel. You're an alicorn, you're just as strong. Why didn't you?"

"Because I can't hit you," I sighed, "You're freakishly fast."

Tempest shook her head, moving around to face me again, "No, you're just obvious about what you're trying to do."

"I'm the alicorn of stories! Literally the Prince of Lies! How am I being obvious!?"

"You look where you're going to try to hit me," Tempest answered calmly and flicked her tail and right ear, "It matters much less in magical combat as usually it's at a range where you can't see your opponents eyes, it even helps your aim with spellcasting which is why you are in the practice of doing so."

I hesitated and shifted my wings, "Oh."

"You don't have much pure hoof to hoof training, do you, sir?" Tempest asked.

"...Some, but not much," I admitted, "It was never a focus, I always learned something that involved magic. Spellcasting, shields or holding a weapon in my magic."

"I don't recommend weapons," Tempest cautioned me, "you're not trained to hold one in your muzzle. That needs special training."

I shook my head, "Hadn't planned on it. But do you think you can get me up to what's needed to fight a griffon hoof to hoof."

Tempest nodded, "Definitely," she agreed, "But we'll be practicing every night until then. You don't need to work your strength up, it's all good. All you need is practice."

"Okay then, we'll do that," I agreed before I sighed, "...And when we'll get back, I'll make sure that Twilight and myself join you and Sunset at least a couple of hours a week."

"Midnight as well," Tempest agreed with a nod, "Not a bad idea, sir. Now, can you give me a griffon?"

"Your dream, focus on it and I'll make it do it."

Tempest closed her eyes and focused and I tapped the floor with my hoof, making the dream shift and a griffon formed next to us. He was bigger than Razorwing, a scar across one eye, just barely missing the eyeball itself. He was a falcon/lion mix and wearing a set of light metal armor.

He snorted and looked at Tempest, "So this is the kind you give your allegiance to now, girl?"

Tempest opened her eyes and looked at him in surprise, "He looks so real."

"Well, your memory made me," he said, shifting his wings, "is it no wonder I look like you remember?" he asked and then looked at me with a small scowl, "You want to learn how to fight a griffon, pony? We'll get you there."

I blinked at him and then looked to Tempest, "Somepony you know?"

"Knew," Tempest admitted, "Back when I was a filly, just a couple of years after I left home. He ran a small mercenary company. I traveled with the caravan they were protecting, he's the first one that first taught me how to fight."

"I'm Ironclaw," The Griffon told me, "Let's see if you can do better than a little filly