Chapitre 50

Chapter 50

Opening my eyes, I laid still. The light of the sunrise filtering in through the high windows to the bedroom as I resisted the urge to roll over and scream into my pillow.

Instead I rolled onto my stomach and looked to the side. For once I was the first one awake, Sunny and Sparks were still asleep, cuddled up together at one side of the bed.

They likely stayed up late last night while I was fighting an imagined griffon.

When leaving Nocturnis, I had almost imagined this trip being somewhat relaxing. I mean, mediating between Griffons and Yeti, sure, but the rest would just be time for us.

But no.

Griffons and Yeti, somehow helping Skitter contact another hive without it turning into a war/feeding frenzy and now this bucking duel nonsense. Then there was back home and having the entire population of Nocturnis looking to me for answers that didn't exist.

Slipping out of bed so as not to wake anypony, I exited into the main room, closing the door behind me as I exited onto the balcony, putting my hoof against the thick stone railing as I looked towards the raising sun for a split second before quickly looking away.

How do you do it, Sunshine?

How do you keep it from overwhelming you? At least My Luna is somewhat defended from the pressure from being Nocturnal, but you face it all head on.

But you don't bend. You don't break. All that pressure, it just… wash over you like water against the base of a mountain.

I'm not going to be able to do it like that. It was wearing me down. I could tell.

And it was just a small town.

Looking down, I saw a squad of griffon guards fly past, heading towards the edge of the town towards the gates, spears held in their talons.

Change of the guard.

"Good morning, your majesty," a voice said and I glanced back, spotting Flower Rain. She was carrying a small tray with fruits in her muzzle, baked goods and some smoked fish. And a cup of tea.

"Good morning, Flower," I said, giving her a small smile, "Sleep well?"

She nodded and crossed over, settling the tray onto the wide stone railing, "I did, sir."

"You didn't need to bring me that," I told her with a smile.

"It was just inside the door, I just carried it here," she said with a smile of her own.

I nodded and picked a slice of apple with my magic, "Thank you," I said and looked out over the city again.

After a few minutes, I looked to the side, finding Flower sitting and watching me. Her notepad was laid on the railing, her pen sitting on it.

"What?" I asked with a small smile."

"...You look thoughtful," Flower admitted, "It's not really my place to ask, but I'm curious."

I smiled and shook my head, taking a piece of smoked salmon, "Oh no, Flower. If it's anypony's place to ask, it's yours. You're my assistant. You kind of do need to know what I'm doing or thinking or it'd make your job impossible. If you're curious, ask."

"...What are you thinking about, sir?"

"Right now, that I have asked you to call me by name before," I commented. Mmm, smoked fish.

Flower shifted a bit uncomfortably, "It feels wrong."

"I'm not going to force you," I said and sighed softly before sipping my tea, offering her the tray.

Flower hesitated but then took a slice of apple.

"As what I was thinking about," I continued and flicked one ear, "Nocturnis and what we could do to attract business. The village is going well, but we can't deny that we need a flow of bits to purchase the items we need to import what we need… and for our ponies to afford to do the same."

Flower nodded, "Such as steel. And nice clothes."

"Not a lot of mines in Nocturnis," I agreed and stretched my wings for a second before sipping my tea again, "When we get back to Canterlot, I need to discuss the matter with Celestia and Luna, see if either of them has any ideas.

"What of Princess Twilight and Princess Midnights shield obelisk ideas?" Flower asked, scribbling a small note down. Likely to remind me to discuss it with Sunshine.

I nodded, "It would open up a lot of space for us," I agreed, "Plenty of things dangerous that's the size of a pony, but it will help a lot and we could set up normal walls against most of those. But we'll need so many of them, they take time to make and then even more time to enchant and then they need to be transported into place. But it will be worth doing."

Flower nodded slowly, "Like carving a railway tunnel through a mountain."

"Same idea," I agreed and sipped my tea again, "What time did the talks continue?"


I nodded. I needed to go talk to Skitter. Before waking up I had gone looking for Changeling dreams. I found them towards the south and I was fairly sure I had a fix on the hive now. I would have to check on a map to be certain, but if I remembered my geography right, it put them close to the coast.

That was a bit odd, Changelings as a rule aren't fans of salt water. It has a tendency to leave crystals behind in their leg holes which apparently itched and was tricky to get rid of.

Glancing towards the bedroom, I smiled to myself, "When they wake up, please let them know I have gone to the airship to talk to Skitter."

Flower nodded, "As you like, your majesty."

And we were back to that. Oh well. Foal steps, I guess.

"And please alert the guard that I want to go to the ship in ten minutes or so," I said and picked another piece of salmon.

Flower got up and bowed briefly before she trotted back inside.

I could just have left, but the least I could do would be to give them at least a couple of minutes to prepare. Rude not to.