Chapitre 51

Chapter 51

I found Skitter in the same small cargohold I last saw her in. What I didn't see was eighty percent of the Changelings that used to be there with her.

I very carefully didn't ask where they were, because if I didn't know, I wouldn't need to lie about it if asked by the griffons.

Skitter looked up when I walked inside and smiled, "Welcome, sir."

"Thanks Skitter," I said and crossed over to sit down next to her, "Not going to have a look around while we're in town?"

"...I have gone out," the changeling princess admitted, "But I… don't enjoy the taste of griffons. They are too belligerent."

"I suppose," I agreed and then looked at her, "I found the other hive. If I read the geography right, they are located close to the ocean towards the south."

Skitter frowned, "The ocean, sir? Are you sure?"

"Well, no," I admitted, "It's not a perfect science and Changelings dreams are strange. I'll be able to point it out more precisely when we get closer."

Skitter nodded, her wings buzzing softly for a second, "How many did you find, sir?" she asked as she turned to look at me.

I sighed and shifted my wings, "They are a smaller hive," I said, "One Queen and a hundred or so drones. I didn't enter any dreams, 'ling dreams are too trippy. But there are not a lot of them. I don't think she has an active Princess either. Be it because she is too young or because they don't have enough love for one, I have no idea."

Skitter buzzed her wings in thought, looking towards the drone before she nodded, "That might… help."

"Hmm," I agreed and frowned slightly, "Doing okay, Skitter?"

She looked back at me again, "I'm fine, sir."

I raised an eyebrow at her and she shifted slightly,

"I'm… nervous," she admitted and looked uncertain, "S-she will be a Queen. I wouldn't be able to fight her if… she tries to."

"It won't come to that," I told her seriously, "I will make sure of it."

Skitter shifted and glanced down at her hooves but she seemed to relax slightly, "...I'm not sure it works like that."

"I'll make it work like that."


Skitter nodded like what I said just made total sense, "Yes, sir."

"Take some time to relax," I told her, "Just… shift to a griffon and take a walk around the city. Griffons have love too."

She slowly nodded, "I...I suppose I should… I am a bit hungry," she admitted.

I got back to my hooves, "Just be careful. Don't get caught."

Skitter looked at me like I said something dumb before green fire crawled up from her hooves along her black chiting in a flash, all the way up to the top of her horn.

In her place was a white falcon/tiger griffon female with brilliant green eyes.

Or that's what she would look like to anypony else, I could see her real form through the shape, but it was good, very good.

She raised one hand and looked down at her claws before she eyed me, "Well, pony? Still think I might get caught? My name is Zakia of House Grimclaw."

A pair of the drones flashed in green fire and a pair of dark feathered griffons moved to flank her.

I smiled at her and chuckled, "There is little chance of that," I admitted and half spread my wings as I bowed to her, "My apologies, Lady Zakia. Please, allow me to escort you to the entrance."

"Very well, pony," she said, her voice haughtily before she swept out of the small cargobay.

I grinned and quickly moved to catch up, "This way, my lady," I said and led the way towards the door facing away from the landing place.

Lighting my horn, I pulled it to the side and bowed to her, "I hope you enjoyed your tour of the airship."

Skitter… Zakia… looked at me, "It was sufficient, pony," she said before she winked and threw herself into the open air, her wings spreading and she started to glide down towards the city below, the two drones following behind her.

Closing the door behind them, I flicked one ear.

At least Skitter was feeling better now. I was more worried though. She was right though, at that other hive was a Changeling Queen.

Somepony like Chrysalis. I could not fight Chrysalis, even if it would be a straight up fight. Knowing her, it would not be.

Fairly sure even Pincer would have been more than my match in a straight up fight.

Which one would this one be more like? Chrysalis or Pincer? Pincer we might be able to out maneuver. Chrysalis…

But we had Sparks on our side. Power overwhelming and all that. I need to talk to her about that tonight, that it might come to fighting to defend everypony.

I closed my eyes, leaning against the metal wall of the airship corridor for a long moment. The idea of asking Sparks or Sunset or anypony to possibly fight a Changeling Queen…

I hated everything about it.

But I would do it anyway. Because it was the least wrong option I could see. But… but maybe Sparks could see something better. She was the Alicorn of Friendship.

Maybe… maybe she could see what I couldn't.

Resting my head against the cold metal for another second, I then stood up, took a deep breath and walked through the airship towards the exit, giving the crewponies I passed a smile.

A pegasus met me by the exit and I nodded to her, "Moon Glow. Good morning, I hope I didn't disturb my guards too badly with my little sidetrip."

"Not at all, sir," she said and smiled, "I was just curious if you had anything else planned."

"Not today. Back to our quarters before the next set of talks."

Moon Glow nodded, "Yes sir