Chapitre 52

Chapter 52

"So we are agreed?" Agnelia said across the table, "We will provide observers and advisers to your troops and move our own to block theirs at the border. Our forces will not cross the border itself. We'll catch them between us."

King Darkfeather nodded, "Agreed. In return for you moving the rest of your forces away from the border as we deal with your rebels."

Oh thank Luna they are done. It has been a long few days, just sitting here listening to them.

But finally it seemed like they had come to an agreement.

Darkfeather got up, moving around the table. Agnelia doing the same as they met by Sparks and me.

She bowed slightly to him, offering him her hand.

He took it in his talons, giving the back a small peck with his beak, "Perhaps in the future, we could meet in less adverse conditions," he said.

Agnelia nodded, "You have an impressive city, your highness," she said, "I wish there was time to see it. Perhaps in the future… if this works, maybe there may be more things we can discuss in the future."

"I'm sure there are, my lady," Darkfeather said with a smile as he let her hand go, "But we should act quickly."

"There is little time to spare, I should prepare for departure," she agreed and then turned to bow slightly to me and Sparks, "Your highnesses," she said before she looked to Darkfeather, "We will meet again, King Darkfeather," she said before she turned and walked out, her guards joining up behind her.

Twilight smiled at the king, "That worked out well."

"As good as can be expected," he agreed and smiled at us, "Thank you for mediating in these talks. I have no doubt having you here had a calming effect," he said before she smiled a bit more wryly, "On both sides, I have to admit."

Pax Equestria. Or fucking else.

"I'm just glad we could help," I said and shifted my wings, "Nopony wants a war."

He nodded, fluffing his feathers up slightly, "Indeed. But she's right, there is little time to spare, I should send messages to my forces to expect Yeti advisors along the border."

I gave him a small bow, "Of course. Don't let us hold you up."

He left the room and I shifted closer to Sparks, resting my head against her neck. I could feel her smile against my ear as her wing settled across my back,

"Glad it's over?" she asked softly.

"Mmm. Not sure I'm made for these kinds of things," I admitted equally quietly before I pulled back and smiled at her, "You are so much better at it."

Sparks rubbed her cheek against mine for a second, "But they wouldn't have listened as well to me."

The Yeti feared me. The Griffons, or at least Darkfeather respected me.

I brushed my wing against hers, "Well, that only shows that they're all idiots."


Damn it, why did Luna teach you that!?

Sparks let go of my ear, shooting me a small glare, "Stop that!" she commanded as her horn lit and she wrapped us in a dome of magic, hiding any sounds from inside and the outside mirrored.


"Putting yourself down!" she said and stepped back to glare at me, "You're always doing that! Look at what you have accomplished!"

I cringed slightly, "...Sorry," I said and glanced down at my hooves for a second, "It's just… from this point of view it just seems that everypony else has done all the important things. I couldn't have done anything without everypony else. I didn't build the village, I didn't figure out how to remove the curse or can even cast the spell to do it. I don't defend the village or even-"

I found a pair of forelegs wrapped around me as she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Page…" Twilight said against my neck, "Nothing of that would have happened without you. You thought to do it, you got everypony together. Pulling in the same direction," she said and pulled back to look into my eyes, her horn touching mine, "I couldn't have done that. Not with the thestrals."

"If you knew about them, you would have."

Twilight smiled sadly at me, "No. No I couldn't have. They wouldn't have trusted me."

"Because of this," I said bitterly, spreading my wings, "Because of Discord?"

She shook her head and kissed my temple, "No. Because of this. What's in here," she said and her hoof touched my chest, "And here. The same reason I fell in love with you. The same reason Sunset did. Or Luna. Because of who you are," she said softly and then pulled back to look into my eyes, "It's nothing to do with thestral traits or even being an alicorn. Look me in the eyes and tell me you wouldn't have tried this when you were 'just' an unicorn. If you found the thestrals anyway."

I looked at her for a long moment before I glanced down at my hooves, "...It's just so much," I admitted quietly, "Everything is coming at once and it never seems to be less of it, just more and more. I never told anypony but Celestia, but… I don't think I can do this."

Sparks shifted close again, hugging me tight as her wings slipped around me as she rested her head against mine, "You can," she said softly, "We can. You're not alone in this, we're with you the entire way."

"I know," I whispered and held her tighter for a moment before slowly letting go, smiling at her with a small sigh, "It's just so much sometime."

Sparks nodded, smiling back softly, "I know. But we can do this. Ponies rely on us for it."

I nodded, "They do," I said and smiled back, looking into her eyes, "I love you."

She was so beautiful.

"I love you too," Sparks said quietly, her nose bumping softly against mine as she met my eyes