Chapitre 76

Chapter 76

Slipping back into reality, I suppressed a yawn before forcing my eyes open. Only to see a pair of slightly luminous eyes looking into mine from less than a hoof width away.

It says a bit about how used I am to changelings that I didn't catapult myself backwards, screaming.

"Amber, that's still creepy," I mumbled, lighting my horn as I glanced back, putting a bubble of silence over Luna, Sunset and Twilight. Sunny and Sparks had shown up really late last… actually this morning.

Amber raised her head and blinked at me in slight confusion but seemed to shake it off, "The Queen wishes to speak with you, sir."

The queen can buck the fuck off.

Amber apparently felt my emotion on the subject and had planned ahead as she lit her horn and lifted a cup of hot tea to float before me aloing with a plate of diced mango.

I glowered at her for a second before I took it in my magic and sipped.

...Okay, fine…

Suppressing another yawn, I scooted to jump off the bed and snacked on mango cubes, "What does she want to talk about?"

"Don't know, sir."

"Lead the way."

At least the inside of the Changeling Hive is warm and not too bright. It's actually slightly comfortable. Not as fond of the close spaces and the resin covered tunnels will always scream xenomorph to me, but the rest?

Kinda liked it.

Amber led the way down deeper into the hive, it was very soon clear where we were going. The Throne Room.

A pair of drones moved to the side to allow us past.

Chrysalis were lounging on her throne in the middle, Skitter sitting on the slightly raised rim just beneath it. Skitter seemed annoyed, looking away from her mother.

I gave them both a bow, spreading my wings wide, "Queen Chrysalis, Princess Skitter."

Chrysalis waited for several long moments before she turned her head to look towards me, "Welcome back, my little predator. I expected you to come to me as soon as you returned with my daughter."

I took a step forward, meeting her eyes, "I'm not one of your children, Chrysalis. I don't answer to you and I had more important things to do."

The Changeling Queen stared at me for a moment before she slid off her throne, walking down the steps to me, slowly circling me once, "You are wounded, pony. Drop your illusion."

I didn't bother following her with my eyes, but did as she said, revealing the mostly useless by now bandages.

Chrysalis lit her horn and energy lashed out, cutting the bandages and they fell off me as green blades of energy flashed past me close enough to part my coat.

I turned my head to look at her, "Seriously?"

Chrysalis ignored me, running her hoof along my barrel, "Amber. Explain?"

"It was a duel with a griffon, My Queen," Amber said and walked up to look up at her, "My charge was never in any real danger."


I sighed and moved between Amber and Chrysalis, facing the Queen, "Not her fault in any way. Now what do you want? I was having a perfectly happy afternoon."

Chrysalis regarded me for a moment, her hoof raising to touch my chin, "You taste…" she said and frowned slightly, "...frustrated."

I looked up at her and sighed, shaking my head as I reached up to take her hoof, pushing it towards the side and down, "I'm not in the mood, Chryssy," I told her firmly, "I know you already know what happened from Skitter."

Chrysalis blinked at me and then lowered her hoof, putting it back down, "My daughter intends to try again. Talk sense into her!"

Glowering up at her, I then shook my head and walked around her, walking over to the 'ling Princess, "Skitter?"

"It can still work, sir," Skitter said softly, "It has to work. Unless other changelings start to work with other creatures… they will never survive. Things are so much better now!"

I sighed softly and touched her with my hoof, "I don't know, Skitter," I admitted, "Last time didn't go well. Maybe it was because I was there, but… your hive doesn't seem to have the best reputation among other 'lings. I don't know if it's possible to make them listen."

Skitter buzzed her wings, sounding annoyed, "I...know. But like you do with the Thestrals, I can't just give up, sir."

I sighed, "Maybe… maybe approaching them is the wrong way of doing things," I said after a moment before I frowned, "One moment," I then said and turned to look at Chrysalis, "I had an idea. The Queen we talked with actually gave it to me, but I have no idea if it will have any effect. How close an eye does 'lings keep on other hives?"

Chrysalis raised an eyebrow at me, "Usually not at all. But I suppose it would make sense they would be paying attention to us."

I nodded, "'lings don't mix a lot with ponies, do you? Even in Canterlot?"

"Not particularly, no."


"Sir?" Skitter asked, walking around to look down at me with a frown, "How do you mean?"

"Stop trying to convince them and start showing them how things could be. You have plenty of food, but that doesn't show on the surface and to observers. Most 'lings are down here in the hive when not gathering love," I said and looked between them, "Well, change that. Have drones start taking jobs around town. Work in cafes, libraries, take courses at schools. The exact same thing I would have tried with Thestrals if there were enough of us. But as you're all in a single city and some in the Crystal Empire, it might work."

Chrysalis regarded me for a long moment, not saying anything.

"Do you think that might work, sir?" Skitter asked, looking thoughtful.

"I don't know," I admitted and stomped my hoof, "But I think it at least has a chance. It's what I would have tried if there had been enough thestrals, but isolating yourselves won't work in this case. Different problem. If it works, we might see other hives copying you or approaching you."

Chrysalis made a small sound and looked at Skitter, "Well, Daughter?"

Skitter nodded, "...Yes, we will try it first, Mother. Even if it does not work with other Hives, it should improve the view of Changelings to most ponies. At the very least in Canterlot."

"Perhaps," Chrysalis said and then looked down at me, "We will attempt this, pony. I do not think it will work, ponies are… hesitant about outsiders."

I looked up at her in turn, "That's the entire point. Stop being outsiders. Be seen every single day, sell them their coffee, deliver their newspapers, take classes and go to theaters. Become normal to them. And this is the most important part… no disguises and try to make friends."

Skitter looked hesitant and then glanced at her mother, "...Perhaps we should discuss this with Princess Twilight as well? She may have ideas."

"Indeed," Chrysalis said and then looked at me again, "Go rest, my little predator. You are still injured