Chapitre 77

Chapter 77

I was terrified.

I had not been this nervous about anything for years. Considering what had happened during that time, that felt like it was saying something.

"Relax, they'll like you, I promise," Twilight said, her horn lighting up and her magic running across my mane, brushing it back a bit, "And it's not the first time you meet them either."

I blinked at her, "I think I'd remember if I met your parents before!"

Twilight smiled, "My coronation. A couple of other events since."

"...Ah," I admitted and frowned, "Well, in my defense I likely met a lot of ponies there and I doubt they remember me much either."

She stretched her wings and smiled, "They'll like you. Come on or we'll be late."

I pulled my cloak a bit tighter across myself against the icy wind before I sped up, walking next to Sparks before she let the way through a small gate to the path through a small garden towards the door of a… rather nice looking stone house. It wasn't a noble estate, but this was not exactly the cheapest part of Canterlot either. And it wasn't exactly small.

"Sparks, are your family noble?" I asked.

"Now, yes, before me, no," Sparks explained, "But we're an old family and have some property across Canterlot."

"Ah," I said, nodding. That really made a lot of sense. Considering the property values in Canterlot, that likely brought in a comfortable amount of Bits.

Sparks led the way over and paused, knocking on the door.

We didn't need to wait more than moments before the door opened to reveal Twilight Velvet. Now when I saw her, I recognized her almost instantly. Sparks was right, I had seen her before. Her mane was lighter than Sparks but had a similar pattern with even lighter parts, almost white, her coat being a grayish white with three purple stars as a cutiemark.

"Twily!" she exclaimed and then looked at me, "Prince Page, welcome!"

"Just Page, please."

"Come in! Come in! It's freezing outside!" she said with a smile, backing away to let us inside.

Twilight motioned me inside before closing the door behind us. She lit her horn and collected our cloaks and scarfs.

"Mom, thi-" she started to say before Velvet gathered her into a tight hug,

"Missed you, Twiliy," she said softly.

"Missed you too, mom. I'm sorry I didn't visit earlier."

Twilight Velvet let go with a smile, brushing her hoof across Sparks mane before she turned to me.

"It's nice to finally meet you as well Lady-oph!" I started to say before I found myself pulled into a tight hug as well and I quickly hugged back.

"Just call me Velvet, dear," she said, "Keeps confusion at a minimum," before she let go of the hug and stepped back with a smile, "Besides, you're together with our Twilight now.."

She smiled happily, looking between us, "It makes me so happy! I almost thought I would have to rely on Shining and Cadance for grandfoals!"


"Mom!" Twilight exclaimed with a blush.

"Twily, we love Sunset, you know that," Velvet told her, "But I always hoped you two would find a stallion, and seeing you two makes me so happy!" before she smiled at me, "And such a handsome one as well, your foals will be so cute!"

"I-I uh…" I started to say, trying not to blush.

How the buck do you even answer that? Thanks for approving of me boinking your daughter?


"Hello, I'm Night Light," a voice said and I turned, spotting another unicorn I recognized. He had a blue coat with slightly darker blue mane and with a double moon crescent cutiemark, "You must be Prince Page."

"I… yes! But just call me Prince. I mean Page!"

He smiled, "Are you interested in telescopes? Come, I'll show you mine."

An opening! I took the excuse to escape as quickly as I could, "I love telescopes!"

Oh great, I sound like an idiot.

He motioned for me to follow, but not before giving Twilight a quick hug. We headed up stairs and around the corner before he stopped and smiled at me, "Figured you needed a rescue."

"Thank you, sir."

"No worries, I know how my wife can get when excited, she'll call down in a couple of moments," he said and led the way to what could only be described as a small observatory, it held a brass telescope twice as large as a pony and the walls seemed made up by scrolls and books.

"This is amazing," I said with a smile.

"I enjoy your wife's work," Night Light said with a nod, "Things got really interesting after she returned."

I slowly nodded, "Likely did."

"I'm curious," Night Light said, "You're a night alicorn as well, correct?"

I frowned, "In a way, yes. Not strictly, I'm the Alicorn of Stories, which isn't strictly bound to the night, but is tightly involved with dreams, so… kind of?"

"Can you move stars like Princess Luna?"

I shook my head, "Not really no. Admittedly I never tried, but other than dreams our realms don't really overlap."

Night Light nodded and held out his hoof, "Call me Night."

"Page," I said and bumped my hoof against his, "Nice to meet you."

"So how's Twilly, Midnight, Spike and Talon really doing in Nocturnis?" he asked quietly, lowering his voice and glancing towards the door, "She sounds like she's doing good in her letters, but…"

I nodded and shifted my wings, "Spike and Talon are doing fine, I think they like having another dragon around and the environment is good for them. As for Sparks and Midnight… they're doing fine, but they work too hard."

Night smiled, "You know, she says the same thing in her letters about you?"


"Now, my wife has likely calmed down by now, so how about we head down and join them for dinner?" he suggested and nodded towards the door.

I nodded in agreement, "Sounds good."

Sparks might not be happy about being left alone though. I'll likely be paying for that one later