Chapitre 78

Chapter 78

Sparks was not happy about having been left alone like that.

"I can't believe you left with my dad like that!" she hissed as the heated carriage headed towards the castle..

"I'm sorry, I panicked!"

Twilight sighed and rubbed her hoof beneath her horn, "I should have warned you about mom. She can get… excited sometimes. I swear, I have to be related to Pinkie Pie somehow. At least I didn't inherit any of that."


Do not look at her, do not make any sounds. I'm in trouble enough without making it worse.

"I like them," I said instead and smiled at her instead, "But next time we're bringing Sunset and Luna because they'll serve as a distraction."

"Fair," Sparks admitted and leaned against me, her wing slipping across my back as she rested her head against my shoulder, "...You really like them?"

"I do. Your dad is cool and your mom's nice. And I really liked the meal too, your dad is a rather good cook."

"Thanks," Twilight mumbled, "That's something I do wish I inherited. I could burn water."

"Oh come on, it's not that bad," I said and nosed at her ear, "I'm not that good at it either. I can do some things, like… five dishes well, but..."

"Without a chef we'd both starve," Twilight grumbled in agreement before she sighed, "At least Sunset is pretty good at it."

"Luna can cook as well."

Twilight blinked, "Really?"

I nodded, "Grew up with it. She's pretty good, but she doesn't get to practice a lot."

"Huh," Twilight said and flicked one ear, "...We're leaving tomorrow evening."

"Yeah," I agreed, "Having an urge to stay in Canterlot?"

Twilight looked thoughtful and frowned before she shook her head, "Not really," she admitted, "Not Canterlot, just the ponies here. I have actually been missing Nocturnis."


"The sounds of the night, everypony there…"

I nodded, "Our own bed," I interjected.

Twilight grinned briefly, "You too, huh?"

"A bit, yeah," I admitted, "Luna's is too soft for me now. I love sleeping there, but it's so soft."

"I know!"

I smiled and then looked at her, "Speaking of Nocturnis…"


"When we get back, I want to make a change. With you and Midnight," I said. This will not be easy to get her to agree with.

Twilight pulled back slightly, her wing slipping off my back as she frowned at me, "Which is?"

"Work less hours. Limit it to eight hours a day, you work too hard, Sparks. You and Midnight both, besides, you're the Princesses of Friendship. You need time to meet ponies and make friends, it's what make you happy an-"


"-d I thi-, what?" I asked and blinked at her, "Okay?"

Twilight nodded with a small smile and rubbed her shoulder against mine, "Okay. Yes, you're right. But on one condition. That you and Sunset do the same."

"Sparks, I don't know if-" I started to answer before I broke off as she glared at me, "...I'll try," I admitted, "I have already brought things down a lot, but not every night is the same. And good luck convincing Sunset about it."

Sparks grinned, "I bet we can manage it together."

"I figure we might be able to."

"Also… I had a strange talk with Queen Chrysalis earlier," Twilight said, changing the subject, looking at me, "Did you have anything to do with that?"

"...Strange how?" I asked, blinking at her innocently.

"Hmm," She said, watching me suspiciously, "She asked how changelings could make friends with ponies. I did not expect that. You said something to her or Skitter, didn't you?"

I sighed, "Guilty. I talked with them yesterday. They wanted to talk to me about how to win over other hives and I figured that instead of contacting them, try to show them how good things could be with ponies or other creatures. Was it a bad idea?"

"No, Page," Twilight said and kissed my cheek, "It was a great idea and I'm proud of you."

"Think it'll work?"

Twilight nodded, "I think so. But it will be difficult, especially in Canterlot."

There was that.

"Thought anymore on that school idea of yours?" I asked, brushing my wing against hers softly.

Sparks frowned, "Yes, but I need to talk to Midnight about it too, I have some ideas, but… I don't know yet."

I nodded.

Twilight shifted, leaning against me before she suddenly trembled in silent laughter. I raised an eyebrow at her, "What?"

"I've never seen you that tongue tied before!"

I pounced at her, gaining a squeak of surprise from the alicorn before she giggled as we rolled off the couch of the heated carriage and down on the floor.

I managed to keep her too distracted to keep teasing me for the rest of the trip.