Chapitre 79

Chapter 79

The moon shone above in the icy cold sky, the sun gone only minutes earlier. The sky was clear and shimmered with stars and the train station was lightly lit by torches and magical crystals. Ponies were yelling, getting last minute cargo loaded.

I pulled my cloak slightly tighter around myself and smiled sadly up at Luna, "So this is it for a while, I guess."

Luna sighed softly, "I will come to visit in six months, as I promised," and leaned down to nose at my ear, "I will miss you, My Page."

"I already miss you, my beautiful Sky," I whispered back, moving closer with a small sigh, "I wish I could stay."

"So do I," Luna said softly and then smiled at me, "But maybe it's for the best, you are about to freeze solid."

"I'm fine for another little bit," I admitted, pulling my cloak a bit tighter around myself with my magic, smiling up at her.

"If nothing else, I believe I may help with that," Celestia said as she walked up to join us, walking up next to me and I could feel the heat radiate from her like a summer's day.

I grinned, "I have so many comments about that and so little time."

Celestia winked at me before looking at Luna, "Should I leave you two to say goodbye, sister?" she teased.

Luna shook her head, "You know better than that, Celestia," she said before she smiled, "Besides, I think it will be better if Page doesn't develop frostbite."

I flicked my ears and smiled, "Well, I'm going to miss you too, Sunshine. But we'll keep our lessons going, right?"

"Indeed you will," Luna said and walked up to my other side, her wing settling across me for warmth, "It's going well, isn't it?"

"It is," Celestia agreed, "Page is a rather good student actually. There are some subjects you could teach him in better than myself."

Luna nodded, "We can discuss that later."

"I'm sure you'll figure things out," I said, "And I may ask Sparks or Midnight later as well for some magical theory. Or Sunny even. I'm really light on that subject."


I looked over towards where Sparks and Sunset were talking to Sparks friends. Sparks were staring at them before stepping up and gathering Rainbow and Applejack into a tight hug.

"What's that about?" I asked and looked up at Luna.

"No idea," she answered, "Let's find out."

All of us made our way over along the platform towards them, "What's up, Sparks?"

Twilight whirled to look at me, "Did you know about it!?"

I blinked at her, "Know what?"

Twilight smiled, "They're all coming to visit!"

Rainbow nodded, "Like we'd let you go back to some jungle alone!" and flexed her wings, "Besides, we want to see Flutters again!"

"Indeed," Rarity agreed as she walked up next to Twilight, wearing a very fluffy winter coat, "We have all taken a full moon off from our duties here, Prince Page. And assuming you have no protests about it, we would like to accompany you back to Nocturnis."

I quickly shook my head, "No problem at all, you're all welcome to come visit anytime you like!" before I smiled, "Well… at least this time we will be traveling in royal rail carriages. Normal traffic is not as comfortable, we're not set up for tourists yet."

"Oooh it's going to be so much fun!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed and bounced in place.

Seriously, does that mare have bones? Speaking of things related to Pinkie Pie, I wonder if Discord ever spent some time with pony mares before Fluttershy. Because that would explain so much.

Shaking that thought from my head, I decided that I rather not know anything about the subject, I turned towards Luna before my ears perked up as a loud whistle pierced through the air, "I was about to say something, but I think the ponies of the train want to get going."

Luna nodded and leaned in, cupping her wing around to pull me close as she kissed me deeply. I kissed back, pressing close in turn as I pulled her tighter.

Finally she broke the kiss and smiled at me, "See you in the morning?"

"Of course," I said, smiling up at her. I didn't want to let go.

Sunset moved up next to us, putting her hoof on my shoulder, "Come on, wingboy. We have to go."

I slowly let go, nodding, looking at her, giving her a small smile, "I'll join you in a minute?"

Sunset nodded and turned to head onto the train.

"...Damn it, I'm no good at goodbyes," I admitted, "So let's not make this one. See you after sunrise, My Sky," I said and gave her a kiss.

She smiled and nodded, "See you then."

I looked at Celestia, "I'll come visit in a couple of days, Sunshine," I said and walked up to her, shifting a wing out from beneath my cloak for her.

Her warm wing spread out and she shifted it across top of mine, warm feathers tickling softly and as warm as summer sun, "Looking forward to it, my student," she said softly.

Pulling my wing away, I turned to face them before I smiled and turned away, walking over to board the carriage. I looked back once before walking onto the warmth of the train.

I hate this. If my ponies in Nocturnis didn't rely on me, I would never be able to do this. Climbing onto the train right now was like pulling my own teeth out. Every step physically hurt.

Sunset apparently knew exactly what kind of mood I was in as she herded me to a warm couch and settled down to read a book with me and a couple of glasses of hot and strong cider.

It actually helped a lot