Chapitre 83


Opening my eyes, I found the carriage lit up more than when I fell asleep. Somepony had set up candles around the place. Struggling to sit up, I spotted Amber just next to me. She was a complete mess, one leg covered with changeling resin and she was missing a wing and I could see cracks in her carapace along her side.

"Amber…" I said softly, "Are… are you okay?"

She nodded, "I'm fine, sir," she said quietly, "I will molt in a couple of weeks, most of my wounds will heal fully then. The rest might take a few more molts like my wing."

I touched her chin with my hoof, "Lay down and rest," I said as I fed her love, "I need you to be rested."

"Sir, I-"

"Need to lay down and rest or I'll find somepony to cuddle you until you do."

Amber hesitated before she very carefully sank down to relax on the floor. I smiled at her, "Good. Just rest, okay. Let other ponies keep me safe for now."

Looking around, I spotted Sparks with six ponies laying on the ground next to her.

"Sparks?" I asked as I crossed over to her, "How are they?"

She looked at me and sighed, moving over to me, leaning against me. I sighed and slipped a leg and foreleg around her.

"They're all hurt, but… so far, nopony has died. A some have broken limbs, broken ribs… concussions," she said whispered, "I… I don't know what to do."

I felt her tears against the coat of my neck and I held her tighter, "We can only do what we can do, love," I whispered into her ear, "

"A-all my books,I read medical books and I- I can't…"

I kissed her temple softly, "You're doing better than any of us could. I'm going to see what material we have for splints and bandages."

Twilight took a slow deep breath before she nodded firmly, "Right."

With all this broken glass, there is only a matter of time until somepony comes in with serious cuts. No way the medical bag of the train would be enough for this.

Giving Sparks another quick hug, I then let go and looked around for something to rip up. The blankets would be needed as they were, but…


LIghting my horn, I started casting a couple of cutting spells to start with before starting to peel strips from the coverings of the closest couch. Couldn't use it anyway, it was upside down and attached to what was now the ceiling.

There was a bright flash and Sunset appeared in the middle of the carriage, supporting a pony, a compress pressed against her shoulder. Both of them looked soaked to the bone from the rain still pouring down outside.

"Deep cut on the shoulder," Sunset reported to Twilight, "I think he has a concussion too."

Twilight nodded firmly, "Any sign of the medical pony?" she asked and moved to take over.

"Nothing yet," Sunset said and looked over at me, "They're on their way?"

I nodded and looked around before floating a bowl outside to let the rain start to fill it, "They're on their way, but even with fast fliers it will take a day to get here even if they can leave immediately, especially if they bring carriages. Is this everypony you found?"

Sunset shook her head, "Only the injured, most of the guard is okay, just minor cuts and bruises, they're setting up a perimeter around the area the best they can. I need to get back."

I nodded, "Go."

She flashed out of reality again with another teleport.

Pulling the now mostly filled bowl back inside, I focused on my magic. This would be a fire spell, so this would be amazingly difficult, but…

I focused on the bowl as my magic surrounded it. The liquid slowly started to boil and bubble as I brought it up to temperature.

Once boiling away, I started to fill it with my makedue bandages, setting it down where Sparks could get to it easily, "Make sure you dry and cool them before use, give it a heating from time to time to keep it close to boiling," I told her.

"Got it," she agreed as she checked on the… I recognize him, he was one of the train attendants. He came with the royal carriages. Chef I think.

If he was in the kitchen when this happened, he might be the luckiest pony in the world just getting a cut on the shoulder and a concussion. I couldn't think of a worse place to be during a crash except maybe the engine. That place was nothing but hard metal surfaces and flying blades in a crash.

A white coated pegasus mare with a red heart cutiemark clambered in through one of the broken windows, careful to climb on the blanket folded over the edge to avoid any broken glass. One of her wings was tied to her side. She stumbled, landing with a small cry of pain before she struggled to get back up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her as I moved to help her onto her hooves.

"I'm fine, sir, my wing is broken, but I can move and work," she said and shook her head, "I'm nurse Crimson Star," she then added and made her way over to Twilight, starting to talk quietly with her.

I hope everypony will be okay.

I wanted nothing more than to head out there and help search, but it wouldn't help, it would just make things harder for the guard to keep everypony safe. It would do nothing but distract them.

Damn it!

Instead I did what I could and kept ripping bandages and passing into the bowl of hot water. I'm a bucking alicorn, why do I always feel so bucking useless!?

"Injured, coming through!" A yell came from the door and Rarity slowly lifted a unicorn through, an expression of focus on her face from the weight, "Two broken legs, a deep cut on her ear. No sign of concussion."

I knew her, I recognized her as a member of my guard. Dropping the fabric into the bowl, I lit my horn, "I got her," I said, taking her in my magic, "How far along are you?" I asked as I floated the mare towards Sparks, careful not to move her too fast and make her legs move. Buck, she looked horrible, her mane was matted with blood and it was all the way down her leg and barrel, but I couldn't see a wound, as a pillow was pressed against her head with her forehoof. Her eyes were closed and her face in a grimace of pain.

"Almost at the cargo I think," Rarity said, "Most everypony seemed to have made it through. But I need to go help Pinkie, we have two more we have found."

"Go," I told her seriously and she dropped back down on her side