Chapitre 84


"Can you teleport the wounded to Nocturnis?" I asked Twilight quietly. She hesitated and looked at the eleven ponies on the blankets laid out on the floor for a second before she looked at me with worried eyes,

"Not directly and not all at once," She answered quietly, "It'll take a couple of hours each way and while I'm gone… There is nopony here that can handle a Rexosaurus. Everypony that's come here will last until the guard arrive and can evacuate them."

I took a slow deep breath, quickly regretting it as the air smelled like blood, mud and rain. I finally nodded, "Everypony's stable," I agreed and closed my eyes, "Best not risk it."

Damn it.

"Hey…" Sparks said quietly, shifting closer, "Are you okay?"

I shook my head, "Nopony should be okay with this," I answered equally quietly, "We were just going home and… buck…"

Twilight nodded and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back tightly, burying my nose in her mane.

There was a flash of light and Sunset appeared again. This time she was alone, still soaked to the bone, her mane and tail clinging to her and she was covered with mud all the way up to her stomach. She looked exhausted and just sank down on the floor.

"I'll check on her," Twilight said quietly, "Check with the guard, see how we're looking."

I wanted nothing more than to rush to Sunset, but instead I nodded and let go, moving towards the closest broken window and climbed out into the rain.

It instantly soaked through my coat and my mane clung to me, but it didn't bother me much. I might not like being rained on more than any other pony, but thestrals are at home in this environment. We had short coats and dried quickly, no feathers to keep the moisture in. Rain mostly just ran off us.

It didn't take me long to find Moon Glow, she was set up in the next carriage. It was on it's side and she had set up a small command post lit up by a glow crystal at one end of it, out of the rain.

"Sir, you shouldn't be out here," she said when she looked up from what looked like a quickly hoofdrawn map and saw me walking inside.

"I'm not in more danger here than there," I said as I joined her, "How are we looking?"

Moon Glow sighed, "We have a perimeter set up, but… we're not really secure. Not enough ponies. But we can at least keep an eye out if something get close, we have enough thestrals."

"Do we know what we hit?"

Moon Glow grimaced and nodded, "One of those large turtle like herbivores was on the tracks. It's dead and the engine is a complete wreck."


"The engineers?" I asked quietly.

Moon Glow shook her head.


For a long moment nopony said anything, there was no sound but the wind and the beating rain.

"How's everypony looking?" I asked, "Do you have any walking wounded?"

Moon Glow nodded, "Couple of twisted hooves, three injured wings. A couple of broken ribs. A whole bunch of smaller cuts and scrapes. I'd like to send them to rest, but I can't spare any of them right now."

"What about you?" I asked, motioning towards the bandage around her head.

She forced a small smile, "Banged my head. A small cut, that's all. I'm fine. Has a headache the size of Canterlot, but I'm fine.."

"Rescue is on the way," I told her seriously, "I have alerted Nocturnis of what happened."

Moon Glow frowned, "It'll take them at least a day to get back here… but as soon as the rain dies down the scent of that turtle thing will bring every predator in the jungle down on us."

Damn. Fuck, that's a really good point.

I slowly nodded, "...I have an idea," I said, "I'll check with Sparks if she can teleport it away, don't need to be far, just a kilometer or so. Get it away from us, maybe draw them away."

"Good idea, sir," Moon Glow agreed and then frowned at me, "...Are you alright, sir?"

I gave her a small smile, "Bruises, nothing else. I'll be fine," I said and got up, "I'll get back and speak to Sparks. Keep me informed on how things are going."

"Will do, sir," Moon Glow said and got up, "I'll walk you back."

I knew better than to argue with her. If nothing else it would make her feel slightly better to know that she got me back there safely.

Rain poured down over us as I made my way over to the window before climbing back in, giving Moon Glow a small wave before I shook the worst of the water off myself, ignoring the twinge of pain from my shoulder and wing from the movement.

Looking around, I crossed over to sink down next to Twilight. She finished running her magic across Sunset, getting rid of the water and wrapped heer in a blanket before she looked at me, "Page?"

"Things are as secure as they can be," I told her quietly, "We apparently hit one of those large turtle herbivores. Moon Glow pointed out to me that as soon as it stops raining, it's scent is going to spread and attract predators. Do you think you can teleport it away? Don't need to be fair, maybe a kilometer or so."

Twilight hesitated and glanced at Sunset.

Sunset raised her head and looked at her, "I'm fine," she said, "Go do what you have to do, okay?"

Sparks nodded and leaned in to whisper, "Look after her," to me. She kissed my cheek and then got up, "Where can I find Moon Glow?"

"Next carriage over," I said and scooted onto the spot she had previously occupied, "She'll have somepony show you where you need to go."

Twilight nodded and disappeared with a flash of light.

Sunset shifted and leaned against me, resting her head against my shoulder. I just put my wing around her silently,

"How are you doing, Sunny?" I whispered softly.

She didn't answer for a long moment before she spoke up, barely audible, "I found the engineers."


I pulled her tighter, resting my head against hers. She shifted closer and started to cry quietly against my coat as I stroked her mane