Chapitre 91

Chapter 91

I walked out onto the balcony and put my hoof onto the railing as I overlooked the village and it's lights. Ponies going about their business. The small market was active today. Likely ponies stocking up on what goods would soon be in short supply.

Something howled in the darkness below the city. I wasn't worried about Fern, he was made from wood, nothing here saw him as food. I'll go check on him tomorrow night anyway, I missed the large houseplant. He must be so lonely. Wish we could keep him up here at home, but it didn't work. He didn't like the heights and he was just too big now.

"Hey," Sunset said and walked up next to me, sitting down on the wooden floor, her forehooves on the railing.

"Hey," I said, giving her a small smile, "How'd it go?"

Sunset shrugged, "It'll take a couple of days to get things put together, but we'll get an expedition to salvage as much as we can from the train. No way to really move bulk items, but we might be able to get a few carriages back onto our side of the tracks if they are intact enough. Midnight can lift them into place. Then we can pull them back, we'll bring every earth pony we have."

"Do we know if any are intact enough?" I asked and moved to sit down next to her.

Sunset shrugged, "...Don't know yet. I hope so, because without them we'll never be able to get even a fraction of the salvage back here. I looked at a couple before we left, but couldn't really tell. I kind of had things of higher priority. But a couple didn't look too seriously damaged."

"Hope so," I agreed, "That will help a lot…. And if nothing else, we might be able to salvage parts of the train itself."

Sunset nodded and then smiled at me, "...That was a good speech, by the way."

"Thanks. Not the kind of speech I would have liked to give if I had any choice in the matter, but we do what we can."

A sound behind made me glance back as Sparks walked out to join us, sinking down to sit by Sunsets other side. Her wing settled across her back and she leaned across to steal a kiss from me.

I smiled and kissed back for a second, "How are the girls settling in?"

Sparks gave Sunset a cuddle with her wing and a small kiss before she answered, "Tired but I think everypony is finding Nocturnis rather exotic. We're all so used to it, but for anypony else it's quite something else. I really think that setting up as a tourist destination would be a rather good idea."

Sunset leaned against her, "You know, that's not a bad idea. General construction is done, right?" she asked, looking at me.

"According to tonight's meeting, they finished the last living wraparound two weeks ago," I agreed, "Are you thinking of asking what they think about building a hotel?"

Sunset nodded, "Yeah. I mean, the railway is down, but there are airships."

"Airships are expensive…" Twilight pointed out with a small frown.

"Yes, but it can also bring the more sensitive things we need back and forth. Nowhere near as much as the train, but even a couple of tons of tools and other supplies like paper, ink…"

I slowly nodded, "...You know, that's actually not a bad idea, Sunny. I may have to run the idea by Sunshine next time I talk to her."

Twilight smiled, "Then we just need to convince ponies to come down into the monster infested jungle to stay with thestrals."

"...Well, there is that…" I sighed, letting my head sink down until I rested my forehead against the railing, "Big scary bat ponies. Watch out, we'll eat your grapes."

Sunset sighed, "I wish there was some way to show ponies how this place is. How thestrals really are, that you're just ponies like everypony else. Bit strange ponies, mind, but still ponies."

Twilight rolled her eyes and poked her with her hoof, "Oh, real subtle."

Sunset poked back.

I eyed them as I raised my head, "...What are you two up to?"

Sunset turned back to me and reached up to poke the side of my head with her hoof, "Just trying to get you to think, Wingboy. You're too smart to be this slow. Come on now, even I can see it."

Raising my hoof, I gently pushed hers down as I looked at her and then at Sparks, "...You two are talking about writing a book."

"I think it would work," Twilight said with a smile, "Your other works are pretty popular. At least it would be a way to spread a more positive light on bat ponies."

I flexed my wings before I nodded, "I have thought about it, but there are a couple of problems. I don't want to create some sort of stereotype about bat ponies. Especially now when our identity is as fragile as it is right now. Everypony is trying to find their own culture. The kind of book you're talking about could very easily end up affecting that."

Twilight looked thoughtful, "And would that be a big problem?"

"...Maybe. Maybe not," I admitted and pulled Sunset into a cuddle, resting my chin on top of her head, "Maybe it'd be fine. Or maybe it would end up changing the future for the worse."

Sunset shifted, pressing her muzzle up beneath my chin, "You mean like building this place?"

"You have to admit, she has a point there," Twilight said and got up, putting her hoof on the railing as she looked out over the town.

"I… guess I could write something," I admitted and pressed my nose softly to Sunnys ear, "Maybe check with some other bat ponies to see if it's something they wouldn't mind releasing to the rest of the world. Use what we know of our history so far too..."

Not something like what I wrote for Sunshine, that would give the entire wrong impression, but… romance did sell well.


Something historical maybe. Heroine meets a mysterious pegasus… during travels? During a war? No… pre-Equestrian. Yes, adventurer. Yes, she's an explorer, exploring the mountains and is saved from the… yes, the snow elementals. No, fire. Fire elementals. Saved? Save him? No, saved.

I raised my head and looked around, "...I need…" I said and headed inwards in search of pen and paper