Chapitre 92

Chapter 92

"Any word from Sunset yet?" Twilight asked as she landed next to me.

I shook my head, "Not really, they'll arrive today. Wish you could have come with them?" I then asked, giving her a small smile while bouncing my chakram in my magic.

"...Yes," she admitted as she looked at the weapon, "But between me and Midnight, one of us really should stay in the village to be safe."

"Mmm," I agreed and hung it from my weapon harness, "How's the deployment of the ballistas? Haven't read that report yet."

Twilight shrugged her wings, "Three out of twelve planned have been built and deployed. One of which is at the practice range so ponies can train with it. It'll take a bit until everypony is caught up and they have replaced the old ones."

"Cool, we're more or less on schedule," I agreed with a smile, glancing up towards the moon, "I heard Pinkie wants to get involved in planning the founding day party."

Twilight nodded and smiled, moving to put her wing against mine, "I know you think she's a bit…" and then broke off, looking for a fitting word.

"...Energetic?" I suggested, "Extremely extroverted? She's a nice pony, but I'm not sure we are really compatible," I then admitted.

"...Yeah," Twilight agreed, "But she really is the best party planner I know."

"True," I said and nodded, brushing my wing against hers, "I'm sure Flower can put her together with whomever is doing the practical planning."

"Already done."


I glanced towards the moon again.

"Worried about Sunset?" Twilight asked with a small smile.

"Huh?" I asked, looking at her.

"You tend to look towards the moon when you worry about something," Sparks said with a small smile, "It's actually kind of cute."

"Oh," I said and sighed, "...A bit," I said softly and started to walk with her off the training ground, "She's going to be down on the ground and I won't be with her. I know it's silly, she can handle herself and she has guards, Midnight and a bunch of other ponies with her."

Twilight nodded and walked along next to me, "I know, I worry too," she said quietly, "But like you said, Midnight and Tempest are both along with her."

Both of which made me feel better. When it came to raw power, Tempest was way ahead of the bell curve for unicorns. Buck, she beat me when it came to raw magical strength in the real world, and most likely Cadance as well.

She was the one unicorn that could throw bolts almost as hard as Sparks and Midnight.

But even so… surface.

"Well, I talked to her yesterday," I said, "They were almost there, they should be in place right now and see what can be salvaged."

Twilight nodded, "Page… about Rarity…" she said as we walked onto one of the bridges between platforms, "She's looking tired lately. Is there anything going on?"

I flicked one ear and shook my head, "Sparks, you know I can't discuss other ponies' dreams," I told her, "But if you think something might be going on, it might be."

"I see."

Stopping walking, I looked at her, "Look," I said and shifted my wings, "if somepony has nightmares, I can cancel them and so can Luna. We can even shift them towards nicer or happy dreams. But none of which does anything to fix the underlying problem on it's own. If somepony has been through a traumatic event, it needs working through and everypony does that in their own way."

Twilight sighed, "I know," she said and then smiled at me, "And how many nightmares have you stopped for me?"

"A couple the last few days," I said and shrugged, "A bit over regular rate. But that's neither uncommon nor unusual after an event like a train crash. In fact, you are below median in this case."

She nodded slowly and shifted a bit closer, her side touching mine, "When you handle nightmares… do you see them?" she asked as we started to walk again.

I hesitated and then shrugged my wings, "Sometimes. If it's a particularly intense one, it's not a good idea to just cancel it; it will just cause more. It's much healthier to enter it and redirect it towards happier subjects. And always if it's a Nightmare. If it's a strong bad dream, I have to check for one of those in anycase."

"I heard the capital N in that one," Twilight said, "Luna has spoken of them before. Are they common?"

"Not really, they are a kind of unintelligent psychic parasite that eats fear," I said, "And no, they aren't common. They aren't dangerous as such, but they do hurt ponies. So we try to stop them whenever we run into one."

Twilight looked up towards the stars for a moment, "I see," she said softly, "You know… you never see those this well in Canterlot. Too much light."

"Mmm. That's one thing that's a massive pro for Nocturnis," I said with a small smile, looking up towards the skies, "You know, we should invite your parents at some point. I bet Night Light would love to see them from here."

Twilight looked at me with a grin, "So you're saying that my mother didn't scare you away permanently?"

I rolled my eyes, "Once things calmed down, she was nice. And she made nice cookies."

She smiled and we continued on our way, "So, where are we going?" Sparks asked after a couple more minutes of walking.

I blinked at her, "Huh? I was following you."

Twilight facehooved and shook her head, "...Oh," before she put it back down, "Well, we're almost at the market, might as well have a look and see what they have."

"Sounds like a plan