Chapitre 93


The moon shone into the throneroom and I looked at the earth pony standing before the throne, "How sure are you of this report, Whispering Wind?"

She shook her pale yellow mane back, "Fairly, wild weather is always somewhat unpredictable, but everything points towards the rain season showing up really early this year. Couple of weeks at best until the clouds start showing up."

"The other weather ponies don't agree," Wind Stalker protested, shifting his white wings, "And we're actual pegasi!"

"You are too busy having your head in the clouds to watch them!"

I could tell an old argument when I heard one. How that's possible when Wind and her family only moved in here a couple of months ago, I had no idea.

"Look," I said and interrupted before anypony could answer her, "It wouldn't hurt to be prepared a bit early, would it?" I asked before I looked at Hardy Brick, "Can we have the village inspection ready before then?"

He considered that for a moment and nodded, "We can. Not like we'd be able to build the hotel before the rainy season anyway no matter what we do. We won't be delayed much in any case. Biggest problem is imports."

"As always," I agreed and then looked at the weather ponies again, "We're not getting anywhere arguing who's right in this case. I think that it's better we go with the conservative case in this one. Better that than trying to rush the preparations at the last minute."

Buck. If the rainy season really did show up early, that'd delay any possible railway repairs by months at best.

It never rains but it bucking pours.

"About that," Fluttershy said, shifting her wings, "If the rainy season is to arrive almost a moon early, we should step up our fruit harvests and our hunting. Nopony likes doing either in pouring rain and it makes both much harder."

I nodded, "That's a good point. We sho-"

A thestral landed on the platform outside and trotted inside, giving me a bow, "Your Highness. An airship has been spotted approaching."

"What do you mean, an airship is approaching?" Moon Glow asked, taking half a step forward, "Details, Private!"

"I'm sorry, Commander," he said and stood up at attention, "An airship is approaching Nocturnis airspace from the north. The airship is carrying the colors of the Crystal Empire. It will arrive in just under an hour."

"Princess Cadance?" I asked nopony in particular, "What could she want? Does the Crystal Empire even have airships?"

Moon Glow nodded, "Two, according to reports."

Did she forget something or what?

"Do we even have somewhere to dock an airship yet?" I asked, looking towards Moon Glow. She nodded,

"Yes, sir. The upper training platform can do it. It's not ideal as it's close to the trees, but it should be possible."

I nodded, "Arrange for somepony to guide them down and arrange a royal escort. And send somepony for Twilight, she'd like to be here when they arrive."

"Yes, sir."

Then it was finishing up the meeting as she arranged everything followed by waiting.

"Any idea what this is about?" Twilight asked as she walked in, sitting down next to the throne.

I shrugged my wings and offered her half of my mango, "No idea. Did she forget a hairbrush? Or Flurry?"

Sparks suppressed a smile but took the fruit, "I doubt that's it. Maybe it's some sort of help from the crash?"

"Would they even have gotten word about that yet and had time to get there? It's only been a week and a half."

"...True," Sparks said and nibbled at the sweet fruit, "It takes…more than a week and a half or so to get an airship here from the Crystal Empire at absolutely best. So even if somepony told them the moment we crashed, they wouldn't have made it yett. They must have left before."

I nodded, "They have good timing in any case," I said with a smile, "They'll be able to attend the Founding Day celebrations tomorrow."

Twilight started to answer but was interrupted by the door opening and a pair of guards entered.

"Announcing Archmage Sunburst, Crystaller of the Crystaller of the Crystal Empire and messenger of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza."


Said unicorn walked in between the guards and approached the throne, giving a small bow, "Prince Page, Princess Twilight," he said with a smile, "I bring word from Princess Cadance."

I smiled at him, "Welcome back to Nocturnis, Sunburst," I said and motioned towards him with my hoof, "Didn't expect you quite that soon, but you're always welcome."

"Ah, thank you," He said and stood up again.

"You have good timing," I told him, "Founding Day is tomorrow and Pinkie Pie was involved so I'm sure it's going to be quite an experience."

He nodded and adjusted his glasses, "I'm glad I made it in time, that's why I'm here, we wanted to deliver this before then," he said and slipped a scroll from a pocket in his robes as he took on a more official tone, "I have a missive from Princess Cadance to Prince Page and Princess Twilight of Nocturnis as well as the ponies of Nocturnis."

I shared a look with Twilight before I looked at him again, "Go ahead."

Sunburst cleared his throat and unrolled the short scroll and started to read,

"The Crystal Empire would like to thank Nocturnis for it's hospitality during our unannounced visit earlier this year. Your town is beautiful and very welcoming to ponies of all kinds. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor would like to extend a hoof of friendship between our two cities and rulers.

Hence we would like to deliver a gift to the people of Nocturnis consisting of a full one thousand stone obelisks of four meters tall and one and a half across with a narrowed top made from our native crystaline stone and carved by our famous masons. Each to be delivered as they are finished. A full twenty are ready to be delivered on the next train.

We, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor of the Crystal Empire, wish the people and rulers of Nocturnis well and that you enjoy our gift."

Sunburst smiled and rolled the scroll up, "But it seems like the first delivery will be a bit delayed because of the train situation."

I gaped at him and slowly climbed onto my hooves, jumping down to him with a flap of my wings, "...Is that true?" I asked quietly, "A thousand obelisks?"

Sunburst nodded, "A thousand," he agreed, "And if more are needed, I'm sure we can figure out a deal," he said with a small and slightly sheepish smile, lowering his voice as he adjusted his glasses with a hoof, "...I think Cady were feeling bad about trying to interfere with you and… uhm… well," he said before he cleared his throat a bit uncomfortably.

A thousand obelisks. Even unenchanted… that'd cut out years of us making them! Decades of being able to afford them!

I think I managed a pretty decent approximation of Twilights 'yes yes yes' dance, bouncing in a circle around a bemused looking Sunburst, Twilight joining in moments later