Chapitre 1

Chapter 1

The insects chirped in the night, the jungle lit by nothing but the moon and the stars far above.

I spread my wings and jumped towards the next thick branch on the next tree with a single silent beat of my wings.

Landing on silent hooves, I stretched before peering down into the darkness. A couple of trees had been cleared away and a crystal spire had been placed.

"You don't have to check each yourself," Flower Rain said as she landed next to me.

"No," I answered, ""But I want to see at least a few of them before we pull the lever."

Flower sat down and started to adjust her braided mane, "Last one?"

I smiled and looked at her, "Date morning?" I asked.

Flower shifted slightly and put her hoof back down, "...Yes."

"Well," I said, "We better get back then. Sorry for dragging you along with me in the first place. This isn't really your job."

That got a smile from the small thestral, "No, but I wanted to see them too, your majesty."

"Let's head back," I said and spread my wings, jumping into the air and climbing upwards past the crowns of the forest and the stars above.

And the dozen of thestral guards circling above the trees, two of them pulling a sky carriage.

Pulling up higher, I banked around before going down to land on the sky carriage. Moments later, Flower landed next to me.

"All ready, sir?" Moon Glow asked from where she was sitting in the carriage. The pegasus was wearing a pair of night seeing goggles.

"All ready," I told her, "Thank you for indulging me, Moon Glow. I know you don't like when I do excursions into the forest."

"All part of the job, sir," she said with a smile, "Alright everypony!" she added, raising her voice, "Back to Nocturnis!"

The ponies pulling the carriage shifted course and everypony else fell into formation around us.

I took a deep breath, taking in the clear night air, looking up towards the moon shining far above.

My Luna. My Moon. My Sky.

She'll be here in a few nights. In time for the ceremony to turn the shield bubble on. It was as good of an excuse for her to be able to visit as any.

Cadence, Shining Armor, Sunburst and Flurry Heart were on the way as well.

It was only right to invite them. They did pay for most of this in any case, every single of the obelisks making up the shield domes were imported from the Crystal Empire.

If they had not given them to us, we would not have been able to do this for decades more.

Nocturnis was starting to come into view. Shining sparkles of light in the darkness of the forest, like stars moved down from the skies to the treetops.

It was beautiful.

Some thought the most beautiful city in Equestria was Canterlot. They were wrong, so very wrong. Dead wrong.

But I couldn't blame them, most had never been to Nocturnis.

But this project, this shield…

…It would change everything. We'd be able to clear some land along the river for farming. Keep the large predators away from the city.

Make day ponies feel safe to visit. We could have tourists! Make things safe enough to attract investors!

A way for us to grow, to become independent from the support of the rest of Equestria. I hate that we have to keep having to loan money.

I know Sunshine didn't mind at all and they could afford it, but…

I wanted to show we could do this.

But tourists and becoming more independent from the support required greater safety, such like the dome shield.

Of course, all of this assumed they could stand being around the dangerous thestrals. I glanced to the side to see Flower nibble on a slice of apple from her bag, the tiny bat pony looking up towards the stars.


Dangerous scary bat ponies.

The village approached into the distance and we swept in across the outskirts, passing above the school. One of the buildings that were always kept brightly lit on the inside. While most students were thestrals, a significant percentage were day ponies and even the unicorns weren't really old enough to keep a light spell going for that long.

I glanced down the side as we passed the market square. Stands were set up and ponies were milling around. Food stands set up, the scents of grilled meat rising up against us.

Well, if anything good came of this in the end, it was ready access to barbecue. Even if most recipes were Griffin so far from natural reasons. Still, we were getting better at it. Some of the spices we found so far were really great.

Damn, now I'm hungry. Well, it is getting to be lunchtime, maybe I'll head down to the market after we land.

We started to head down towards the palace's landing platform. We circled the throne room once on the way down before landing.

I jumped off the carriage, "Thanks everypony," I said, looking around, "I just wanted to see some for myself. This is a big step forward for our entire town. Thanks for escorting me."

"All in a night's work, sir!" Moon Glow said, saluting.

I smiled at them and nodded before I headed inside, Flower moving to follow and I paused to look at her, giving her a side motion with my head, "What are you still doing here, go have fun."

Flower smiled before she bowed, "Thank you, your majesty. See you tonight?"

"Tonight," I agreed, "Now go have fun!"

She smiled and took to the air, jumping off the platform. She worked hard, she deserved to enjoy life whenever possible.

Wish she had told me she had plans, I would have insisted she didn't come.

Entering, I headed up the ramp towards the throneroom where I was promptly ambushed. For a split second I suspected treachery, but it was even worse.

Starlight Glimmer and a stack of paperwork.

I seriously have to talk with Cadance about her when she's visits. Maybe if Starlight found somepony, she'd relax a bit and I might as well get an expert on the job.

Besides, that'll distract her from me, Sparks and Sunny