Chapitre 2


The sky was clear above, the stars shining brightly as we waited by the train station.

I looked to Twilight as she shifted her wings, looking towards the tracks.

"You look nervous," I told her quietly, moving close to put my side against hers.

Twilight sighed softly, "...Sorry," she said and took a slow deep breath, letting it back out, "Tonight we'll turn it on and I've been working on it for so long."

I smiled at her, "It'll work, don't worry. The small one did work nicely," I said and glanced up towards the very slight shimmer in the night sky. You could just barely make it out across the stars, making them glimmer.

The absolutely first place we had put beneath a test dome had been the train station. Because this was the one place we absolutely had to keep on the ground so it had been a good place to drop the first dozen obelisks at and see if it worked at close to full size.

Sparks shifted, leaning softly against me, "I know. But I also haven't seen my brother for a year and a half."

"I know," I said quietly and nosed at her ear, "Too bad your parents couldn't come too."

They had not been in Canterlot, both of them off to conferences. We should have sent the invitations earlier.

My fault.

"And Princess Celestia," Twilight agreed, "But somepony needs to stay and run the rest of Equestria."

I nodded.

I missed her. Still saw her for lessons every couple of nights, but even so. Dreams were just not the same.

My ears perked up at the sound of the incoming train and I looked towards it, seeing a light far into the darkness.

"They're here," Sparks said and gave me a quick hug with her wing before she pulled back and shook her head, her magic running across her and adjusting her hair and tail before she glanced at me and I felt her magic across me as well.

I smiled, raising my wings and posing a bit for her.

Sparks quickly blushed slightly and poked my side with her wing.

I winked at her again and then took a step back as the train came into the station, folding my ears against my head to keep the worst of the metal against metal break sounds as it started to slow down.

Moon Glow whistled and ponies quickly moved to form an honor guard on each side of the door.

It only took a couple of moments after the train stopped before the door opened and a full squad of Night Guard exited. They smoothly moved out and slipped into the holes in formation left by the Nocturnis guard.


Luna stepped out onto the platform. As beautiful as the night sky, her long mane moving in an ethereal wind.

I slowly walked closer, "Luna," I said softly with a small smile.

"Page," she answered with a small smile of her own, taking another step closer, her nose touching mine softly.

I looked up into her eyes.

"Oh just kiss already, you're not fooling anypony," Cadence said as she walked past to give Twilight a hug.

Well, when she's right, she's right and I moved closer, kissing Luna deeply. Luna made a small happy sound, her large strong wing slipping around me and pulling me closer.

When I finally paid attention to the rest of the universe again, everypony else had already disembarked the train and I smiled up at Luna, "You know, at some point we should actually try to do a normal royal welcome."

Luna smiled and moved up next to me, slipping a wing across my back, "What is the fun in that, My Page," she said and nosed at my ear, brushing past the feathers attached to my mane there..

Twilight stepped up to hug Luna as well, "Welcome to Nocturnis."

"Thank you, Twilight," Luna said with a smile.

I looked at Shining Armor and Sunburst, raising my hoof, "Hey guys, how was the trip?"

Shining smiled and tapped his hoof against mine, "Long."

"But not unpleasant," Sunburst added and tapped his hoof against mine in turn, "I'm looking forward to seeing the dome."

"Me too," I agreed, "The dome for the train station worked nicely. Getting the large one up will be such a game changer."

"Uncle Page!"

I ducked down and caught the little bundle of energy into a hug before she could tackle me off my hooves, "Hi Flurry," I said with a grin.

Damn, what do they feed her! I swear, she's growing like a weed