Chapitre 10

Chapter 10

I slowly started to come too. I was laying on something hard and my head hurt.

Slowly I forced my eyes open against the glaring light.

To nopony's surprise, this didn't help my headache and I squeezed my eyes shut tight again.

I heard... crying. And I was somewhere glittering and purple. And laying on the cool hard floor.

What the hell happened, last I remembered was visiting Midnight to talk about the shield and then...

What the buck happened. Damn it, Midnight you said nothing would explode me!

I slowly pushed myself onto my hooves to look arou-

"Vamponie!" somepony yelled and then something fast and heavy hit me from the side.

I didn't have time to resist or do anything really. Or even understand what was going on.

I hit the floor, bounced off something hard and then came to a rolling halt, my head ringing.

"Rainbow! No!"

My vision blurred, threatening to darken at the edges.

Something touched my back, "Page! Page! Are you alright!?"

"Not so loud," I managed to answer, "Think... I hit my head. Or my head hit me."

I blinked my eyes slowly but firmly. Focus, damn you!

Slowly the world came back into focus and I slowly started to push myself back up.

A hoof rested on my back, "Stay down," Midnight said firmly, "Fluttershy, get some water."

Fluttershy, why were sh-

Rainbow. Midnight has said Rainbow. Rainbow was not in Nocturnis... which meant either was I out for a long time or we had moved somewhere.

I turned my head, spotting a familiar Crystal table taking up the middle of most of the room. I could see... Luna and Celestia. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and The Pink One.

Puzzle pieces fell into place with a resounding thunk as my hamster climbed back onto its little wheel and went back to running.

"We're in your world," I told her quietly, looking up at Midnight.

Midnight nodded and then looked over at Celestia and the rest, "We are," she said seriously.

"We just managed to find you," Celestia said and moved a bit to the side, revealing Starlight Glimmer. The unicorn looked tired and wore a magic suppressor ring around her horn, "Starlight came to her senses and decided to assist us."

"Twilight, who is that?" Applejack asked and looked at me.

Midnight rubbed her forehead with her hoof, "This is Prince Blank Page of Equestria," she said with a tired sigh, "Which is who you just assaulted, Rainbow."

I slowly pushed myself up onto my hooves to sit. My head felt like it was splitting apart. My vision was blurry.

"Oh Celestia, you're bleeding," Midnight said and I felt a hoof press against the side of my head. I almost wobbled.

I groaned and tried my best not to pass out, "You know," I said, "I can't help but think I got the worst deal when it came to landings here."

"Just lay down again," Midnight said, "We'll figure this out and get you back, I promise. Just focus on not hurting yourself, okay?"

I should be feeling worried about being in a different universe or timeline or whatever, but I just couldn't gather the energy for it.

But my head felt like it was splitting in two and my mind felt like it was stuffed with cotton clouds.

Letting Midnight guide me to lay down again, my eyes felt heavier than the sun and I floated off into darkness.


I slowly started to wake up, forcing my eyes open and looking out over the richly decorated room. The walls shimmered softly in the moonlight coming in through the window.

My head hurt.

Where... am I? How did I get here?

Last thing I remembered was... I was talking with Midnight in her lab, Talon wanted to join the guard and then... I woke up here.

Slowly I pushed myself up to sit.

My head hurt, but it didn't get any worse. I reached up with a hoof to feel it. I had bandages around my head. Oh. Head injury.

Would explain the memory loss, yes.

Still had no idea where I was though. Didn't look like a cell of some sort, that window was glass and didn't have bars on it. It looked more like an expensive hotel room or guest room. Somewhere rich.


But where? Hmm. Crystals. Crystal Empire?

Prisoner or rescued?

The lack of bars leaned towards being rescued, but could be political prisoner and they were just polite. Could be magically warded.

Carefully and quietly I climbed off the bed and moved over towards the window as silently as I could before I reared up to reach and look out.

That's... that's Canterlot at the horizon. I could literally see Canterlot through the window.

This angle would put me in... Ponyville? Or thereabout?

Ponyville doesn't have a structure like this.

I slowly sank down to sit.

But I knew of a Ponyville that does have a structure like this. Midnight had told me all about it. Her Ponyville in her universe had a crystal castle.

I was in Midnight's home universe.

Oh buck.

My mouth suddenly felt very dry and I closed my eyes tight, forcing my breathing to remain even. Don't panic. You're not stuck. She got from here to our place and now somehow they got at least me here. Likely her as well.

If they can do that, they can send me back home too.

I'm not stuck. I'll see everypony again.

I'm not stuck. Don't panic.

Panicking never helps anyway.

I put my hoof on my chest, taking a slow deep breath before extencing it as I breathed out. Sparks' calming down technique helped a little.

I did it again.

Then I put my hoof back down and stood up. Okay. I knew where I was. Where I was didn't mean I was safe, no way to know yet who was in control here, for all I knew it could be... okay, not evil Celestia, it was way too dark for that.

But it could be Nightmare Moon, The Storm King or even Chrysalis. Okay, not Chrysalis, then I would have been glued to a wall or in a pod. So Changeling takeover was unlikely.

Closing my eyes, I listened hard before letting out a chirp of echolocation. It was inaudible to a non-thestral, but it gave me a map of the room I was in. All the walls felt equally solid, the door sounded like some kind of crystal and through it I could hear a pair of muddled spots.

Couldn't see through walls with it, but if somebody stood just outside, I could usually detect it from the dampening of the echo.

I was under guard.

Under guard, but is the place magically warded? Teleporting with an injured head was not a good idea.

Could I risk a short teleport, just outside?

Going to have to, had to know what was going on before anypony realized I was awake.

Moving as close to the window I could, I cast a quick teleport spell and disappeared from the room