Chapitre 11

Chapter 11

I spread my wings as I appeared in the empty night air. It smelled faintly of recent rain and the grass below glittered in the moonlight, but the sky was clear.

It was a summer night and I rose on silent wings towards the top of the castle as I put an invisibility spell around myself. Every cast of magic caused my head to throb ominous and that last one made my vision kind of wobble.

So no more magic for me.

I circled up to land on the highest spire, setting down soundlessly before I looked around. I could see Ponyville a couple of hundred meters from the castle. Dark and asleep. Good little ponies slept during the night. Which if this was Nightmare Moon wouldn't happen. It would all be night.

Scratch one off the list.

No banners. No occupying soldiers on the streets.

Not the Storm King.

...Nor any invading army actually. Most would have done that sort of thing to keep control. Evil Cadance could maybe do it anyway. All will love me and despair and all that.

Best not let my guard down too quickly.

There was one spot of light I could see, a balcony about half way up on one of the outer towers. Somepony was still awake.

Spreading my wings, I quietly took to the skies once more, circling down to land on the railing of the balcony, keeping close to the wall. Invisibility or not, best keep out of sight if possible.

"-en the Storm King sent an envoy to Canterlot to negotiate our surrender if you can believe it-"


..Or I suppose here she would just be Twilight. No, too confusing, she'll stay Midnight in my head. Until she says otherwise.

"Did he truly expect that to work?"


...No. Not Luna.

At least not my Luna. My Sky. She was far away. So far away.

I felt my ears droop, but I took a slow and deep breath, forcing them back up again. I can do that later, I need to focus now.

...And lay down, my head really hurt.

Buck it, if Midnight was comfortable enough to be telling the other Luna about what happened while she was away, things couldn't be too bad. I quickly moved quietly across the crystal towards the open door and looked inside. Luna, Celestia and Midnight were all on a large and overstuffed couch by the fireplace.

I quietly entered the room and jumped up onto the armchair to the side, settling to lay down and letting my invisibility spell fade away.

Nopony noticed.

"Agnelia almost ran back to her ship after Page talked to her," Midnight explained, "He refused to say what he told her, but apparently it was effective."

"It was nothing special," I said, "Mostly I just explained what would happen if they kept threatening Equestria."

Oh, hey.

I didn't get smacked with a sun this time. Didn't even consider that possibility until afterwards. Glad that didn't happen.

What I got instead was three funnily identical startled squeaks and everypony in the room spun to look in my direction.

"Page!" Midnight exclaimed and jumped off the couch, quickly moving over to me, "You should be resting!"

"I'm fine," I said, "just a headache."

"You were bleeding from the head and have a severe concussion!" Midnight said firmly before she hesitated, "...Page, what do-"

"We're in your home universe," I told her, "Already figured that much out. I just had to lay down before it happened involuntarily."

Midnight nodded and frowned, "You haven't eaten anything since we arrived, you should eat."


"No caffeine," she said firmly before she frowned, "We don't have any meat or fish, but we do have fruit. I'll have somepony get us some. Better for you than anything else we have right now."

I nodded, looking towards Luna and Celestia, forcing a small smile, "Blank Page. Nice to meet you."

Celestia nodded, "The honor is ours. Twilight has been telling us of your world, it sounds amazing."

"Thanks," I said and shifted a bit against the chair, "...Would you mind if I sleep a bit? So tired."

"Sleep," Midnight said, brushing a feathered wing across my bandaged head, "I'll have some food for when you wake up."

"Mango. Or salmon."

Midnight giggled softly, "Maybe, I'll try. Now try to get some sleep."

Dreamless sleep followed.