Chapitre 12

Chapter 12

Once I woke up again, it was significantly later.

Not sure how late. But late afternoon light streamed in through the open balcony doors.

I slowly blinked against the light. I felt stiff and groggy but the headache seemed to have mostly passed.

"Oh, hey! You're awake!"

Blinking, I turned my head to spot Talon sitting by the desk, "Talon," I said, "Morning?"

"Almost evening," he said and smiled, "Midn-...Twilight asked me to keep an eye on you."

I slowly unfolded myself from the chair, rolling carefully off it and onto my hooves.

Didn't feel like I was about to fall over, but I was still a little wobbly, "How long was I out?"

"All day," He said and jumped off his seat, frowning up at you, "Are you sure you should be walking about?"

"No," I admitted and forced a small smile, "Where's Midnight?"

"Downstairs. Everypony is here."


"You know, the girls."

I blinked at him.

"The elements."

"Ah," I said and nodded before I held my hoof out for him, "Thanks for keeping an eye on me. I know you want to see them too."

Talon smiled and bumped his knuckles against my hoof, "I told you I would do good in the guard."

"You would," I couldn't help but agree before I got a sudden sinking feeling.

Oh Celestia, Amber.

She had to be beside herself with worry. She was usually close enough to see me, so she likely saw what happened. She's known to tell Sparks and Sunset about it.

They would both recognize the portal description.

They'd know what would have happened.

"Talon, you wouldn't happen to be able to send a message to Spike, would you?" I asked, "I know Sparks linked your magic."

He frowned, "I don't know, I haven't tried," and felt around the desk for a piece of paper before he scribbled a message on it before burning it with a burst of fire.

He waited several seconds before he burped and the note reappeared. Talon shrugged, "Sorry."

"No worries, I thought so. But it was worth a try."

Talon nodded, "Come on, I'll show you down. Hungry?"

"Bit, yes," I admitted, "Think we can stop at the kitchen on the way?"

"Sure thing, this way."

I moved to follow him out into the corridor. Moving felt good. I was stiff all over, I had to have been laying still the entire time. And curled up in the chair like that...

It was too bright as well. Stupid light making me feel sleepy. I was asleep for the entire night and day!

Sparks and Sunny have to be so worried.


I took a deep breath and pushed that thought away for now. If I think about it, I'll panic and if I panic I can't function to fix it.

Talon led me to a kitchen, "Fruit and water?" he asked, "Midnight won't be happy if I give you tea without an okay."

"Fruit and water sounds nice," I admitted and my stomach growled, "Or anything you have."

Talon quickly returned with a plate of apple slices and a big pitcher of water.

"Thank you," I said and quickly dug in.

I just barely managed to restrain myself from devouring it all like a starved wolf.

"Come on," Talon said as I finished, "I'll take you to everypony."

I followed him from the kitchen, "So... you're home again," I told him, "How does that feel?"

"..Weird," He admitted, "Very weird."

I just nodded, "I get that."

I followed Talon into a large room centered around the crystal map, six thrones surrounding it.

Each throne was marked with the cutiemark of one of the elements.


Midnight jumped off her throne and quickly trotted over, "You shouldn't be up yet!"

"I feel a lot better," I admitted and touched the side of my head, "Somepony has mostly stopped playing drums in my head. Last time I had a headache like that I overstressed my horn, I really must have landed badly."

Midnight glanced back and Rainbow Dash shifted in her seat. Midnight then nodded and turned back to me, "Well, as long as you're feeling better," she said, "You remember?"

"Where we are, yes," I agreed and swallowed, "Midnight…"

"Don't worry," Midnight said and put her hoof against my chest, "We'll find a way to get you back," she said seriously, "I took a full reading, I have your signature."

"Find a way," I said quietly, "...So you don't have a way yet?"

"...Not yet," Midnight admitted, "But should only take a couple of weeks."

I swallowed and nodded, "I trust you."

Midnight stepped closer and hugged me softly, "I promise we'll get you back. I know exactly how you feel right now and I promise you, Page, I can do it."

I nodded and hugged back.

Midnight slowly pulled back and smiled, "Come on, I'll introduce you," she said and then guided me along to the rest, "Girls, this is Prince Blank Page. Page, you already know their names."

"I do," I said and did a small bow, "Nice to meet you all."

"A pleasure, your highness," Rarity said and slipped off her throne to do a small courtesy.

"Welcome to Ponyville and the canon world!" Pinkie cheered and bounced off her throne, bouncing in a circle around us before continuing out through the open door.

I stared after her for a long moment before I blinked at Midnight.

Midnight just shrugged her wings, "Pinkie."

"Okay then."

Applejack was next approaching slowly. She looked me over cautiously and I could feel her eyes rest on my fangs, ears, eyes and wings before she nodded to herself and offered me her hoof, "Applejack," she said.

"Blank Page," I answered and touched my hoof to hers.

"So how come you keep calling Twilight, Midnight?" she asked curiously.

I smiled a bit, "In my world there already was a Twilight."

"It got confusing quickly," Midnight supplied, "Spike and I picked new names."

Applejack nodded, "Makes sense," she admitted, "That had to be weird."

"Very," Midnight agreed.

Rainbow Dash moved to join us, "So… vampony, huh?"

"No," I said, "Batpony. Vampony is completely different, for one thing they are fictional," I told her.

Rainbow flicked her ears back, looking nervous for some reason before she nodded, "...Sorry about you getting hurt."

I shrugged one wing, "It's fine I just landed wrong, but thank you. It happens."

I glanced over her shoulder. Fluttershy were watching us. She seemed frozen in her seat, her eyes very wide.

Seeing her like this was… I had seen the progress she made in Nocturnis. Seeing her back this way was…

It made my soul hurt.

I slowly moved past Rainbow towards her and stopped a couple of meters away. I got the usual double vision I got of a disguised being, her real form overlaying with the illusion. Fluttershy was afraid.

I bowed to her, "I'm Blank Page. It's a pleasure to meet you, Fluttershy."

"Hey, back off!" Rainbow exclaimed, "Can you see yo-"

"Rainbow!" Midnight said firmly, "Let's go, we're leaving."

"What, bu-"

"No," Midnight told her and moved up, "Please Rainbow. Trust me."

Rarity walked up to look at Fluttershy and then myself. She looked thoughtful for several moments before she looked at Fluttershy, "Is that alright, darling?"

Fluttershy swallowed and tore her gaze away from me to her before she nodded slightly.

Rarity nodded, "We'll be right outside if you need us," she said and then turned to help herd Rainbow outside.