Chapitre 14

Chapter 14

What do you call a combination of breakfast and dinner? Binner? Breakner?

Either way, that was what we were having in one of the small dining rooms. Midnight had been trying to force herself awake during the day, but we were both still on something approaching Nocturnis time.

It was just before sunset and I was having breakfast. Celestia had left earlier during the day I heard so it was only me, Midnight and Talon.

Midnight was poking at her roasted vegetables, a fork held in her magic. She looked more asleep than awake to be honest.

Suddenly Talon pushed his plate of gems and vegetables away, "This sucks."

Midnight blinked and then looked at him, "What do you mean?" she asked, "Something wrong with your food?"

"I want to go home."

"We are home."

Talon shook his head, "This was home. I want to go home to Nocturnis."

Midnight sighed, "Spike, it's not tha-"

"Why? I know we missed everypony here, but I miss everypony back at home too!"

"Spike, I kno-"

"Stop calling me that!" he exclaimed and jumped down from his chair before storming out, slamming the door behind him.

Midnight sighed, "...Sorry, it's difficult for him," she said quietly and pushed her own plate to the side, rubbing her eyes with her hooves for a second.

I nodded, "I understand. He's been through it twice, same as you."

She shrugged her wings, "But it's harder for him this time," and then she smiled faintly, "He's been spending some time with this unicorn filly the last couple of months."

I grinned, "Oh really? Who?"

"Her name is Quiver Stream, she's a new arrival. A year older than him and they seem to have really hit it off."

Quiver Stream, Quiver Stream...

Nocturnis was still small enough that I could meet all the new arrivals. Name did ring a bell...

"Unicorn, pale blue coat, pale purple mane?" I asked after a second of thought, "...Crossbow cutiemark."

"That's the one," Midnight said with a smile before she sighed, "I don't blame him for missing her."

"He's not the only one though," I told her gently.

Midnight rubbed her eyes again before she nodded, her ears drooping, "I...I miss Tempest. A lot."

"Maybe after I'm back, she can come here?" I suggested, "Because surely there has to be a way."

She shook her head and took a deep breath, "She wouldn't. I wouldn't even ask her, she takes her duty too seriously."

Because she felt she owed me something.

"You know what, Talon's right," Midnight continued and got down from her seat, "This does suck."

The door closed behind her and I looked at my breakfast of fruit slices.

I no longer felt hungry either. Because there was no solution here. I could go home, I knew I could because Midnight was working on it with the pony that managed to get her home. Starlight Glimmer.

But Midnight and Talon...

They left ponies behind in Nocturnis. Not only marefriend and maybe marefriend, but friends.

A home.

They have a home here too. Family. Friends. But that dosn't meant they didn't also leave one behind.

For Midnight and Talon...

...There was no happy ending to this story. But at least tomorrow Midnight's parents will arrive, they were away from Canterlot when we arrived apparently. And in a few days, Shining Armor and Cadence will be here.

Hopefully that'll make them feel a little better.

Or maybe not.

Talon really was right, this does suck.

Pushing my own plate away, I moved towards the door. I'm going for a flight.


The moon shone high above as I swept across the silent streets of Ponyville. I banked across above the sugarcube corner and above the remains of what used to be the library.

A beat of my wings and I shifted course, coming in for landing on the railing of the clock tower of the school house at the edge of town.

It felt good stretching my wings and it was a warm summer night.

I looked around, glancing down before I jumped up, beat my wings once before wrapping my tail around a roof rafter. Then I folded my wings and relaxed, swaying slightly in the breeze as I looked out over the town.

I suppose I could go out beneath an illusion during the day if I wanted to, but... I didn't want to. I didn't want to hide.

Didn't want to go out during the day either.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath before pushing all thoughts about my bats from my mind.

I did my best to ignore the fact that on this world, Flower Rain was freezing in a tiny Manehattan flat, barely making a living minding a small book store.

Other ponies I knew had it even worse.


I'm not too proud to admit that I squeaked like a filly and if it wasn't for my tail's automatic grip, I would have fallen. As is, I swayed wildly before I forced myself to stop and look to the side, finding Pinkie Pie hanging from her tail just next to me.

"...H-hey," I answered, trying my best to get my thundering heart under control, "Didn't see you."

Pinkie grinned sheepishly, "Sorry," and then she reached behind her back and pulled out a small cake, holding it out upside down for me, "Welcome to Ponyville."

I blinked at her, "...Thank you..." I said as I took it. It was cherry and decorated with slices of mango.

"Figured you wouldn't like a big party," Pinkie continued with a small shrug, "Some ponies don't. But if you like, we can head to the sugarcube corner and meet some ponies."

I looked between her and the cake for several moments. How did she even figure out my favorite fruits...

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," I admitted after a moment, "Most ponies are afraid of bat ponies. I'm very much not in the mood for that tonight, sorry."

"That's fine," Pinkie said and smiled, "But I promise nopony will be afraid."

I never did give you enough credit, did I Pinkie?

I glanced at the cake again. It was way too much for any one pony... that wasn't named Celestia.

"Okay," I admitted, "If you're sure."

Pinkie smiled brightly, "Come on then!" and then let go, dropping down inside the tower, "Weeeee!"

...I'm just going to assume she's alright.

Swinging slightly, I spread my wings before letting go, swooping down towards the ground as I carefully balanced the cake.

Ever try landing while carrying a cake?

Not easy. Luckily I stopped being stupid and remembered I had a horn. So I took it in my magic instead and could land on all four hooves, just in time for Pinkie to bounce out of a nearby bush, moving to trot along next to me.

"So... who's there?" I asked her.

Pinkie smiled, "Not many, just some ponies I know. Don't worry, leave it aaaaallll to Pinkie!"

Fair enough.

Pinke led the way and then pushed the door open and let me inside, "Hello everypony! Let me introduce Blank Page! Say Hi to everypony!"

I blinked against the light.

There were more ponies than I expected. Fluttershy were there, so was Rainbow Dash, Applejack, a red pony I think was her brother, her younger sister I could never remember the name of. Those were the ones I knew the names off, but there was another half dozen ponies there as well.

I raised one hoof, "Hello..."

"Welcome to Ponyville," an earth pony said and smiled as she approached. She was very pale yellow with a blue and pink mane, "I'm Bon Bon," she said and then motioned to the pony walking up next to her, a minty green unicorn, "This is Lyra."

"Blank Page and thank you," I said and smiled at them, trying to keep the amount of fang down. I think I actually saw Lyra around before somewhere. Couldn't quite place where though.

Pinkie was smiling to the side