Chapitre 15

Chapter 15

The dream realm stretched out in every direction but I ignored it and the dreams in it. I just laid on my stomach with my head on my forelegs, my eyes closed.

I felt so…

…Alone. I would have to do something nice to the Pinkie on my side, I really had underestimated her. She really had found ponies that would accept a bat pony. Some a bit hesitantly like Big Mac, but…


What more that she might not know about was that Fluttershy was there and saw it all.

I can't say how thankful I am to her for that.

But the way they greeted me almost made it worse. I will leave soon. I trusted Midnight to get me home.

I trusted her to get me home.

But meeting all of those ponies just made me feel even more lonely.

I felt her presence almost instantly. It was amazing how much she felt like my Luna.

Identical even.

She didn't say anything, she just stood there.

Finally I opened my eyes and raised my head to look at her, "Princess Luna. My apologies if I'm intruding, but I don't dream normally anymore."

She looked exactly like Luna.

Because she was Luna... but she wasn't My Sky. It was the eyes. Same as with Celestia.

Luna nodded, "Twilight Sparkle said you were a dream walker, Prince Page," she said as she regarded me, "But I did not expect you to be this powerful."

I smiled faintly at her and climbed to my hooves, "Alicorn of Stories. Dreams are a more solid part of my realm than of yours. Drawback is that in the outer world, I am a lot less powerful."

Princess Luna nodded as she regarded me, one ear flicking once before she spoke again, "This must be strange to you," she finally said, "Twilight said you are married to the Luna on that world."

"We are," I said before I looked up at her, "And it is."

Luna smiled at me, "I would imagine so. If you wish, I can leave you alone."

"No, it's fine," I said and sighed, stretching my wings, "I just miss them. You look very much like her," I said before I looked up at her again, "...Other than the eyes."

"The eyes?"

I shook my head and folded my wings again, "No... maybe not the eyes. Just the way she looks at me."

Luna smiled a bit wider, "I would think so," she said and then motioned, "Walk with me?"

I moved up to walk next to her, "You have talked to your sister about my bats."

It wasn't a question.

"You read me that easily?" Luna said and glanced at me.

I smiled a bit, "You and My Sky aren't so different in that regard," I admitted and looked at a dream portal we walked past. Shiny blue shimmering silver.

Unicorn still asleep. Young, but not very young. Not sick.

Skipping school.

Good for her.

"I suppose not," Luna said before she nodded, "And yes, my sister and I have discussed the thestrals. You say there are many still left?"

"Several thousands," I said and sighed, "I wouldn't call that many."

"You would teach me how to find them?" Luna asked, "I can not differentiate between a pegasus and a thestral."

"I will," I and and frowned. If I did... she'd find out about Fluttershy. I had no right to expose her like that, "Before I leave."

Luna looked at me, "Twilight is working on a way back. But it took all of us to find her and open the portal. To do so in reverse..."

"I trust her and her galaxy sized brain," I said and smiled up at her, "I have no doubt she'll find me a way back home. Especially with Starlight on the case too. That mare is crazy good at magical theory. Besides, I'm fairly sure Sparks and the other Starlight is on the case back home."

Luna raised an eyebrow, "Sparks?"

"...Nickname for my Twilight."

"Twilight did say you were also involved with the other Twilight and Sunset Shimmer," Luna said with a small smile, "...I am curious, how close are your Twilight and Luna?"

I grinned, "Very," before I sighed, "When we're all together anyway. My Sky is in Canterlot, the rest of us are in Nocturnis. We meet in person... couple of weeks a year."

"I don't think she likes that."

"I don't think any of us likes that," I agreed and then eyed her, "Any reason you ask about my Luna and Twilight? Got your eyes on this one?"

Luna shifted her wings, "...Perhaps."

"I wish you luck but warn you to be careful. She left somepony on my side," I told her seriously, "Somepony she loved."

"Tempest Shadow."

I nodded, "What happened to her in this world? She used to work for the Storm King."

"Died. During the invasion attempt."


"I killed her."
