Chapitre 45

Chapter 45

"I feel so strange," Pepper said and trotted in a small circle, stretching her wings as she frowned before doing a small jump, her wings spread, trying to catch some air despite the lack of magic to keep her flying.

Fluttershy nodded, "M-me too," she admitted where she was sitting on the floor, one wing spread as she studied it, slowly flexing it.

"It's the lack of curse," I said, "It countered the blood magic pretty well, but it had a bunch of side effects. Feel lighter?"

"Yes!" Pepper said and turned to me, "That's right! I feel lighter!"

I smiled at her, "You aren't actually lighter, I'm told it's from it's the lack of metaphysical pressure from the competing spells on you. Should feel easier to move too. Both of you should find it easier to fly in the future once your magic gets back into shape and you get used to your new wings."

They both nodded and I got up, "Now, try this," I said before I jumped onto a chair, followed by table then wardrobe before I hooked my hooves over a low rafter.

Swinging up, I wrapped my tail around it and let go with my hooves, going swinging slightly back and forth as I wrapped my wings around myself.

"Uhm…" Fluttershy said quietly, "I-I'm not sure I can do that. I-I can hang from my tail, but I can't move like that."

"...And I never could hang from my tail," Pepper admitted, "Mom can, but I never could. I can move it, but it's not strong enough."

I smiled at them, "Go on, try it."

They shared a look before Pepper glanced back at her tail before she nodded, "Okay…" she said and jumped onto the table and then the wardrobe.

She looked at me and the rafter before she jumped. She caught it and swung up, wrapping her tail around the rafter before letting go and going swinging, "I did it!"

I smiled at her, "The curse suppresses some natural thestral abilities for some ponies as well, not just blood magic related. This is one of them," I said before I looked at Fluttershy, "I'm not entirely sure if it's the lack of curse and blood magic interference or if bats are more agile than pegasi, but we manage this kind of thing fairly easily in general, such as jumping between branches in trees. Thestrals may be the smallest kind of pony, even smaller than pegasi in general, but we seem the best at jumping and climbing. Go on, Fluttershy."

Fluttershy looked up at us on the way up before she swallowed and nodded firmly. She clambered onto the table from the chair before jumping onto the wardrobe and hesitating.

"Don't worry," I said, "If you miss, I'll catch you with my magic."

Fluttershy nodded and hesitated for another second before she jumped. Her hooves hit the rafter and she squeaked as she started to slip.

I lit my horn and grabbed her, giving her a small push upwards until she got a good hold. She breathed heavily and then got swinging, grabbing with her tail and letting go, hanging down by my other side.

"Well done."

"T-thank you," Fluttershy said quietly, wrapping herself in her wings.

"This is actually pretty comfortable," Pepper admitted from my other side, pulling her legs to herself, wrapping herself up in her wings.

I smiled, "It is," I agreed, "And pretty practical. While some do choose to sleep like this full time, even if you don't have any non-thestral family I can't recommend getting rid of the bed even if it does clear out quite a lot of space. Sometimes it's nice to stretch out. Besides, beds are much more practical for… other activities."

Fluttershy nodded, "Makes sense," she agreed quietly while Pepper turned red to the tips of her ears before she nodded as well.

"Now," I continued, "For something else. Let's try this," I said and let out a sharp chirp.

Both mares went still, ears perked.

"I-I heard the room!" Fluttershy exclaimed after a second, "I never could do that before!"

"I didn't even know that was a thing!" Pepper said, looking at her surprised, "We can do that?!"

Fluttershy looked at her, "I never could, but my mom can," she said, "I-at least I thought I couldn't?"

I grinned at her, "Give it a try," I said, "It's not a throaty sound, it's up by your nose almost. Like this," I said and let out another high chirp.

She took a breath and gave it a try before she frowned, "No, wait, that's not right."

"Higher," I confirmed, "It's a very high sound, non-thestrals can't even hear it at all. High as you can and you're not far wrong."

Fluttershy nodded and took a deep breath before letting out a loud chirp. It bounced nicely, letting me hear the shape of the room. Not quite clearly, she was a bit off.

"Better, but it takes practice, try not to force it," I said, "Don't worry, you'll get it quickly," before I turned to look at Pepper.

Pepper bit her lower lip and took a breath before letting out a sharp chirp.

"Almost," I said, "Too forced. Relax your throat, if you make it too sharp, it causes interference in the soundwave. Try again."

She nodded and chirped again. This time the room resolved clearly.

"Well done."

The door opened and Midnight walked inside. She blinked and looked around before looking up. Spotting us, she rolled her eyes, "...Bats," she said before she smiled, "I should have figured. How's it going?"

"Well," I said, "We're done with the tail and we're practicing echolocation. Flying will have to wait for a couple of days until their magic is back to normal."

Midnight nodded, "You can continue that later, it's time for dinner," before she smiled, "Talon came through in his Canterlot expedition."

I grinned at her, "Really!? That's awesome," I said and dropped down, letting go from the rafters and flying down before lighting my horn and helping Pepper and Fluttershy down.

"W-what is it?" Fluttershy asked as I put her onto her hooves.

"Lunch! Thestral style