Chapitre 46

Chapter 46

The meal had been interesting.

Pepper and Fluttershy had been introduced to salmon. Pepper looked a bit green even after tasting it, but Fluttershy seemed just fine with it funnily enough.

Or maybe not. She likely prepared fish and such for some of her animals all the time.

But the food was long gone and both Pepper and Fluttershy were out on the balcony, talking quietly with Princess Luna. Shining Armor and Cadance had joined them a moment ago.

I fully admit that I did my best to avoid her. Seeing her was... difficult.

Midnight walked up and sat down next to me, a cup of that heretical brew floating in her magic, "It's done," she said quietly.

I blinked at her over the rim of my teacup, "What's done?"

"The spell. I can cast it anytime we're ready."

"But... I thought it would take another week at least," I said, "Especially with you having to take time to teach the others the decursing spell."

Midnight shrugged her wings, "Got an idea after the decursing spell and spent the night working on it. It worked out. It's done."

"That's amazing," I said before I frowned at her expression, "Isn't it?"

She nodded and sighed, "I... yes."

"You're debating staying," I said and glanced towards the rest of the girls where they were talking with Princess Celestia.

Midnight hesitated for a second before she shook her head, "No... not really," she said and sighed softly, "I'm just… going to miss everypony."

Sipping my tea, I watched her. Come or stay... Midnight will be an unhappy filly for quite a bit. Didn't blame her one bit for it, it would just suck.

"When do you want to do it?" I asked after several moments, letting her gather her thoughts.

Midnight hesitated, "...In a few days. I have..." she trailed off.

I nodded, "We have been here for most of a month, Midnight. Don't worry about it, take what time you need and don't forget, at any point up to when you cast that spell you can change your mind."

She looked at me, "Still want me to stay?"

I sighed, "...I think you staying would be the best for the most number of ponies," I told her quietly but seriously, "But I'm also your friend and want you to be happy. I know it's going to hurt ponies no matter what you pick, and you more than anypony else. What I want is for you to choose for yourself and not let anypony or anyponies' expectations to pressure you in either direction. Including me."

Midnight smiled weakly and pulled me into a hug, "Thank you," she murmured against my mane.

I hugged back, "Just make whichever choice you want to make," I said equally quietly, "I'll back you either way."

Nodding, Midnight broke the hug, "I will."

Glancing around I then frowned, "...Where are your parents by the way? I would have expected them to spend as much time with you as possible."

Midnight smiled, "I'll join them after this," she said, "They volunteered to watch Flurry for the evening and give Cadance and Shining a break."


Then I poked her with my wing and motioned towards her friends and Princess Celestia with my ear, "Go to them."

She nodded, "I will," she said, looking over at them with a small smile, "...I'll miss them."

"I know."

She slipped off her chair and onto her hooves before she looked at me for a second, seeming to want to say something before she shook her head and walked to join them.

I watched for a second before I took a deep breath and sipped my tea.


We're going home. I was happy about that of course. Luna. Twilight. Sunset. Everypony at home, I missed them.


But at the moment all I could worry about was the mess I was leaving behind.

Finishing my tea, I took another deep breath, blinked a couple of times before slipping off my chair and onto my hooves, moving towards the group of ponies with Princess Luna.

Least I could do was to be there while I could.

Even if it hurt to spend time around this Princess Luna.


Luna slowly looked around the dream portals floating all around us, "Truly... this many?"

"More," I said from next to her, looking over towards Fluttershy's dream portal. Smooth silvery pink.

Good for her.

"Only those that are asleep right now," I continued and sighed, "This is only a couple of thousand, there are over five thousand bats in total."

Luna turned to look at me, "And all moved to Nocturnis?"

I smiled and shook my head, "No, far from it. But they have the option, just knowing that if you want, there is somewhere safe to go... even if it's far away from home... hope is a powerful thing, Princess."

"So it is," she agreed quietly and looked around, "But I never thought it was so many."

"Hiding for thousands of years makes you very good at it," I pointed out while moving towards a dark and shimmering dream portal.

Flower Rain.

She was having a bad dream. Just a regular nightmare.

"You know this pony?" Luna asked as she walked up next to me, looking at the dark portal.

"Back home she is my assistant," I said and then smiled wryly, "Or perhaps I should say my keeper. I would never be able to do my job without her," I said and shook my head, "Without Flower Nocturnis would have failed the first month."

"She's a friend."

I nodded, "I like to think so," I said before I sighed softly, "Even if I think she is a bit too... she looks at me like I can solve everything."

"To her you did," Luna said softly and then touched the dream with her horn, causing it to calm down into a smooth silvery blue.

"Wish I did," I said and turned away, "But plenty of problems to go around."

"Perhaps," Luna said and walked next to me, "And there always will be."

I snorted in annoyance and nodded.

How did I end up doing this? I never wanted any of this, I never asked for any of this.

"Do you think they will listen?" Luna then asked before she trailed off, "Let us..."

I looked at Fluttershy's dream portal for a second before I answered, "Maybe. At first, maybe not a lot. Maybe only some, a few. With time, with proving you make things better, then maybe," I said before looking at her, "But know that with thestrals, being a princess will give you no leeway. You will have to prove to them that they can trust you, prove that you can do what you say you do."

Luna turned to me, her wings spreading, "You don't think we can do it?"

"I don't think any Princess can do it," I said firmly.

"Then why all this!?"

I took a step forward, "Because I believe you can do it."

Luna frowned, looking uncertain, taking half a step back, "We… We do not understand…"

I shook my head, "Princess, this is not something you can do. This is something they are going to do and you are going to assist them. If they ever feel like you are trying to take over, they are going to lose all trust. You can't do it, but I believe you all can, together. Don't be their Princess. Be a pony. They don't need a Princess, they need somepony that can help."

She regarded me for several long moments, eyes wide as her wings slowly folded, "I…" she started to say, trailing off before she shook her head, "...I'm not sure how."

"I know," I said, giving her a small smile, "Which is the reason I asked Pepper. Assist, advice, but allow her to take the lead on this with Fluttershy. She's strong enough to handle it and with yours, Celestias and Fluttershy's support… with the rest of the elements and Cadance backing them…"

Luna frowned slightly, "You truly planned that?"

"That's giving me a bit too much credit," I admitted and smiled at her, "But I know everypony involved and…" I trailed off as it struck me it wasn't my Luna I was talking to.

Maybe outright telling her that I know what threads to pull on with everypony involved might not be the best idea.

She looked at me for several long moments before she just nodded with a small sigh, looking away, "My sister trained you well. She always could get ponies to do what she wished."

"Midnight told you."

Luna nodded, "Celestia is a good teacher," she admitted and then looked at me, "Better than me."

"At some subjects," I agreed, "But you taught me how to fight, how to defend myself. That's something you are definitely better at."

That drew a smile from her, "You think so?"

"Oh, definitely. During the rebellion she had to resort to the elements to win despite being the technically stronger alicorn," I told Luna and looked up at her with a small smile back, "Celestia is a menace when it comes to tactics and strategy, but you're a better fighter."

Luna's hoof scraped against the not-ground beneath us and looked away, "...I wish I had been the Luna to meet you," she said quietly.

"You were," I told her gently, "The Luna that met me was you. I'm not sure where the timeline split, but Twilight and Midnight thinks it was when I arrived in this world. You arrived back on this world after that, we met for the first time at the castle and…that's where you deviated from this timeline. You are the same Luna I married. If I had not met you, this is who you would be."

She turned to look back at me again, taking a small step forward and kissed my forehead next to my horn, "Care for her, Page."

I smiled up at her, raising a hoof and put it against her chest as I looked into her eyes, "Find somepony, Luna. You may not feel like it, but you deserve somepony to love you," I said seriously before I smiled a bit wider, "If you don't believe me, ask Cadance. I'm sure she'd be happy to help."

That drew a laugh from her and she nodded, "I may do so