Chapitre 47

Chapter 47

"Prince Page?"

I opened an eye and looked down on Cadance before I opened my second one and yawned, "Princess Cadance," I said, "No, do come into my bedroom in the middle of the day. I don't mind at all being woken up at bucking noon."

I hate ponies.

The pink alicorn had the good manners to look a bit chagrined, "...My apologies," she said, "I didn't think of that. I wanted to talk to you."

The pink menace wasn't going away.

Suppressing a sigh, I let go with my tail as I spread my wings and flew down to land before her, "if we're going to be talking this early, I need tea."

Cadance nodded and followed along as I moved down to the kitchen, keeping quiet until I spoke up as I put some water on a burner,

"Well, what did you want to talk about?" I finally asked her as I dug out the box of tea.

Cadance sat down across the counter from me, "Twilight."

I nodded, "And you are worried that she's just going for Tempest."

Cadance frowned and then shook her head, "No, not that Twilight. The Twilight from your world."

"Oh," I said, "I see. What about?"

She shrugged a bit, "Mostly curious," she admitted, "And her relationship with you."

"Ah," I said, nodding and checking the water, "What would you like to know?"

Cadance put a hoof on the counter, "About your relationship," she said as she looked at me intensely, "because Twilight is like eighty percent into mares."

"...My Twilight or your Twilight?" I asked with a small frown.

She sighed and rolled her eyes, "...Midnight."

I smiled at her, "See, much easier."

She nodded, "Admittedly yes," she agreed, "So how did you get together with your Twilight?"

"Well, it was kind of a slow progress," I admitted and took the water of the heater, running my magic across it before putting it back on and measuring the tea up into a strainer. I filled the teapot with hot water and whirled it around, "And kind of a package deal to start with. I got together with Sunset Shimmer whom she's dating. It actually took years before Sparks and I got further than cuddles and even then it was always with Sunset. Us being a thing between us took a while."

Cadance nodded as I refilled the teapot, adding a strainer of tea to it, "How did that happen?"

I grinned and shook my mane back, raising my wings, "Because I'm a pretty batty pony."

"Pretty batty sounds about right," Cadance agreed with a teasing smile, "So, going to marry her?"

"Yes," I said firmly as I poured us a cup each, sliding one over to her, "But I know she wants to marry Sunset first and Sunset says she isn't ready yet."

She slowly nodded again and picked up her cup, "I see," she said quietly.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and sipped my tea.

"You," she said quietly and then sipped her tea before blinking and looking down at it in surprise.

I smirked at her, "What?"

"...This is good."

"Yes, it's good. It's tea," I told her, "Prepared properly and without being scorched by boiling water."

Cadance smiled a bit, "I only had tea like this with aunty Celestia. Though admittedly, I am much more for coffee."

I glowered at her with a small scowl, "So that's where Sparks learned that. Heretics, both of you."

Cadance laughed, "I suppose," she said and sipped her tea again before looking at me across the cup, "What about foals?"

Sipping my tea for a second to think, I then flicked my ears, "I know my Luna wants some," I said softly, "But we have been moving from crisis to crisis and then this entire thing with Nocturnis. It hasn't been good timing so we have been careful. Maybe… when things calms down a little."

"A small tip, it never calms down."

"Isn't that the truth," I sighed and looked at her, "But to be completely honest, none of us is even sure it's even possible. I mean, pure statistics means that Celestia should have dozens by now if it was possible."

Cadance smirked a bit, "You would think so," she said before she looked at me, "But you're an alicorn. They weren't."

"Odds seem poor."

"I did."

I rolled my eyes, "Well, you're a fertility goddess, fairly sure that's cheating."

"I am not!" Cadance exclaimed.

"Tell that to the Griffins," I teased, "They have statues and everything."

She gaped at me in horror, "They don't!"

"Oh yes, they do," I said with a grin, "Almost as big as Lunas."

Cadance sighed and rubbed her eyes, " as it may, my domain is love, not…"

"Well, it's definitely a lot closer than anypony else."

She shook her head, "My point is," she said, "Is that if you and your mares are looking for a foal, ask the me in your world. I can help."

I raised an eyebrow at her, "I'm not sure Sparks would be comfortable with your assistance like that. Then there is Shining and-"

"With spells!" Cadance exclaimed and facehooved as she blushed to the tips of her ears, "Spells, buck it. No wonder you're married with aunty Luna, you have the same sense of humor!"

"Ah," I said and nodded with a smile, "So that's it."

Cadance looked a bit guilty, "So you figured it out."

"Trying to figure out what I'm really like so you can help Luna," I said and nodded, "Makes sense. Want the most important tip?"


"Somepony that's not intimidated by her."

Cadance nodded, "Goes for most ponies."

"Yes, but it's even more important for us," I said seriously, "Especially for Luna and Celestia. Ponies are so used to revering alicorns and ponies looking up to them. They need somepony that doesn't give a buck about that. I'm sure Shining Armor wasn't afraid of you."

Cadance laughed, "You're kidding, right? He was terrified of me!" she said with a grin and sipped her tea, "But admittedly it was because I was a pretty mare, not because I was an alicorn. He grew out of it."

I smirked, "Sounds about right."

She smiled, "What of-" she started to say before she frowned slightly, "Wait, you said Shining and… and what? What were you going to say?"

"Well, your second stallion of course," I said and sipped my tea.

Her jaw dropped slightly, "What, who?" she asked in surprise.

"Oh? Does the Princess of Love need help with love?" I asked with a grin, "ironic."

She glowered at me, "Spill."


Cadance blinked in surprise, "...Sunburst," she then said thoughtfully, looking down onto her tea, "I guess I can see that