
Everything happened so suddenly.

Time seemed to stand still at this moment.

As time goes by.

Cold rain mixed with blood dripped down John's shoulders.

Lao Xu could feel his body getting colder.

In heavy rain, hypothermia symptoms are approaching themselves.

Lao Xu knew that if he stayed here forever, death would find him sooner or later.

Not far above his head is his own ambush point.

Lao Xu knew very well that as long as he stood up a little, he would be able to access his communicator.

But would the sniper hiding in the dark give him such a chance?

The answer is no.

Lao Xu understood that the other party was a master.

Just now, the time when the other party fired was exactly the time when the thunder entered his ears.

The other party knows how to use the thunder to cover up his gunshots, and the timing is just right.

How could someone who can seize such an opportunity let himself easily get a communicator?

He is a member of the sniper team, and Lao Xu understands that even the worst sniper.

You can kill yourself the moment you stick out your body, not to mention a master who can use the weather to cover up.

Gritting his teeth, Lao Xu could even hear Zao's twitching sound above his head.

"I'm sorry, Zao, I can't save you."

At this moment, Lao Xu can finally understand the feeling of seeing his teammates die but helpless.

Who would have thought that just now he was playing with the enemy's life, but now he has become the person being played with.

But just when Lao Xu was thinking about how to get the communicator.

Suddenly, a faint sound came from the communicator overhead.

"Attention all squads, report your current situation, repeat, all squads pay attention and report your current situation."

This is the captain's voice.

Hearing this voice, Lao Xu's eyes revealed a hint of longing.

As long as you can get the communicator, your teammates can save you!

But how to get it?

Looking left and right, Lao Xu did his best to break a branch with his left arm.

Then put your beret on it.

I want to get a communicator.

There is only one way, and that is to use this hat to trick the other party into shooting!

As long as you give yourself a second, you can get the communicator.

This will be your only chance!

Carefully poke up the branches and stick your hat slightly out of the soil slope.

Just heard a gunshot.

The upturned hat flew away.

Hearing this voice, Lao Xu couldn't help but be overjoyed.

The other party really fell for it!

Without any hesitation, Lao Xu rushed out from behind the dirt slope, ignoring the pain in his right shoulder, and rushed towards the position of the communicator.

But with a flash of light again.

The scene in front of him stunned Lao Xu who stood up.

In the place where he had just ambushed, a man with a mask stood silently in front of him.

In the man's hand was a silver pistol, and the long silencer was almost on his forehead.

Under the man's right foot, he was stepping on his communicator.

Seeing this scene, Lao Xu couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face.

"Which army are you from? At least let me know."


Gunshots sounded.

The masked man did not speak in the end, and the gunshots rang out.

With endless doubts, Lao Xu's body fell backwards.

Blood slowly flowed out from the back of the head.

Lao Xu couldn't understand until he died, why the other party appeared in front of him.

Looking at Lao Xu who fell to the ground, there was no expression on Saen Paul's face.

As for why Saen Paul appeared here.

the reason is simple.

Because Saen Paul guessed what the other party was thinking.

After he fired the first shot, Saen Paul saw it clearly.

The other side's surviving observer was injured and rolled down without a communication device.

With such a serious injury, it is definitely not realistic to want to leave here alone.

Then there is only one possibility, and that is to wait for rescue here.

According to the idea of ​​normal people, they will calm down first, and then find a way to get the communicator.

Generally speaking, most snipers will patiently ambush after blocking the opponent's way with their guns, waiting for the opportunity to come.

But Saen Paul did the opposite.

Immediately after firing the gun, he closed the gun and rushed towards the opponent's ambush site.

Such a long time, coupled with the clear night mode of the Nano Mask, made Saen Paul feel here very quickly.

And Saen Paul is very clear that the other party is the pursuer.

It is impossible for those who are chasing one side to set up defensive measures like booby traps beside them.

So you don't have to worry about stepping on any dangerous traps at all.

Sure enough, after Saen Paul touched here silently.

Lao Xu, just as he thought, actually wanted to use old-fashioned tricks to trick himself into shooting.

He was touched in front of him and his right shoulder was injured.

Lao Xu's consequences can be imagined.

The communicator at the foot of the foot is still coming from the voice of speaking.

Saen Paul stepped on it hard, and the communicator was silent.

He glanced coldly at the two corpses on the ground.

Saen Paul moved on towards the mission point.

Because Saen Paul understands that his mission this time is to protect the evacuation.

After killing the opponent's sniper, he has to take people out of here as quickly as possible.

At this time, Sam Anderson, who was hiding in the pit, was still shivering.

But what surprised Sam Anderson was that the other party didn't seem to shoot anymore.

But Sam Anderson didn't dare to look out, because Sam Anderson didn't know.

Will the enemy smash his head with a single bullet.

At this moment, a slight sound of treading water sounded behind him.

It was the sound of someone stepping in the muddy water.

Dumbly raised his head.

I saw a man with a silver mask looking at him with a sniper rifle on his back.

Seeing this person, Sam Anderson was like falling into an ice cave.

"It's over, the other party is coming."

This dress, at first glance, is not his own.

However, just as Sam Anderson closed his eyes and accepted his fate, a cold, hoarse voice like a machine came from behind the silver mask.

"Is that Sam Anderson? I'm the one who came to rescue you."

As soon as these words came out, Sam Anderson was completely stunned.