
"You… are you a comrade of the country?"

"Forget it, I will protect you to a safe place, hurry up and go with me."

Sean Paul didn't say much.

At this time, Sean Paul was still a little puzzled.

The expressions of the NPCs in this game are too real, right?

Just like the real thing.

But Sean Paul didn't think much about it at this time.

Because in the novice task of "hunting and killing", the enemies that I encounter also have extremely high AI, and even the words of different killing methods are not the same.

Lift up the black leather bag that fell on the ground.

This is the main goal and task, and it must not be lost.

With one hand, Sam Anderson was pulled up from the ground.

Sean Paul planned to evacuate with Sam Anderson.

"Wait! They're not dead yet."

Seeing that Sean Paul turned around and was about to leave, Sam Anderson was also anxious.

He hurried to the side of the two responders. Although the two were shot, they were not the vital parts.

So the two of them are still breathing weakly.

Hearing this, Sean Paul's brows could not help frowning.

This NPC said too much, didn't he actually ask him to save people? interesting.

Back next to Sam Anderson, Sean Paul leaned over to check the bodies of the two.

Although they suffered serious gunshot wounds, as Sam Anderson said, the two were still breathing weakly.

The painful expression and the blood-soaked wound made Sean Paul puzzled.

This is too realistic, right?

A thought suddenly flashed in Sean Paul's mind.

"Wait, this game can't be real, can it?"

Thinking of this, a stormy mood instantly swept Sean Paul's heart.

It's true if you think about it.

How can any game be so realistic?

Whether it's the smell of blood or the ambient sound, plus the fully immersed high-tech equipment.

All this made Sean Paul tremble all over.

Yes, this is most likely not a game, this is the real world!

In this game, you teleport yourself to the real battlefield.

Thinking of this, Sean Paul's cold sweat flowed down violently.

Sean Paul is silent here because of shock.

But in Sam Anderson's eyes, this is not the case.

The mysterious man who had saved himself remained silent in the face of the seriously injured receptionist.

As time passed, Sam Anderson also became anxious.

Because Sam Anderson understood.

There must be an enemy behind him, and it is impossible for the opponent to go away easily.

"Comrade, comrade?"

There was no other way, Sam Anderson had to remind Sean Paul softly.

Sam Anderson's voice brought Sean Paul back to his senses.

His eyes regained clarity, and Sean Paul understood.

Even in the game.

It is impossible to abandon a person who is not dead yet.

Not to mention that this could be the real world.

Thinking of this, Sean Paul no longer hesitated.

Gently patted the small flat box beside his waist, and two things that looked like injections were pushed out from it.

This is the basic supply for each mission, Blood Needle.

Each mission will automatically replenish three sticks.

For the player itself, a single injection is an instant recovery of blood.

But for others, Sean Paul doesn't know if it works or not.

They slammed into the heart of the two of them.

With the blood needle pierced.

I saw the pupils of the two responders shrank suddenly, as if they had been given a cardiotonic.

He exhaled heavily, and then the two of them gasped significantly more than before.

It really works!

Seeing this, Sean Paul knew in his heart that he was afraid that his thoughts were true.

It's possible that this game actually takes place in the real world.

Everything I have experienced is not a game at all, but a real battle!

But now is not the time to think about that.

Hold the two wounded on the shoulders one by one.

The characters controlled by the player have very strong physical strength, and it is not difficult to walk against two wounded.

Seeing Sam Anderson staring at him motionless, as if he was looking at some monster.

Sean Paul frowned.

"Don't hurry up? Do you want to die here?"

"Oh… sorry."

With the wounded, Sean Paul and Sam Anderson disappeared into the icy rainforest.

Only strong winds and torrential rains witnessed it all.

Just less than ten minutes after the two left here.

At Zao and Lao Xu's ambush point.

Several soldiers in black and green combat uniforms emerged from the bushes on both sides.

The leading soldier had gray hair and a deep scar on his face.

Wang Jin.

Captain of the "Poison Swamp" squad.

He is an absolute expert in rainforest combat.

But now, the captain of the Poison Marsh team frowned at the scene in front of him.

Just now, he lost contact with Zao's sniper team.

After the convenor arrived here, he saw this shocking scene.

Zao and Lao Xu died, and their sniper team was annihilated in the familiar rainforest environment.

This made Wang Jin a little unacceptable.

Zao won't say anymore, the veterans in his squad have more than five years of combat experience in this rainforest.

A sniper with such rich combat experience died here, which made Wang Jin very sad.

You must know that snipers are different from other arms, and the training is extremely difficult.

Excellent snipers are generally the gun kings in the army, especially the snipers in the special forces.

It's hard to imagine how hard it is to come up with someone like that.

But it was Lao Xu who gave Wang Jin the most headache.

Lao Xu himself is a new recruit to his team, and he has been here for less than three months.

But his father was the principal of the Eagle Country Special Forces School.

Has a high reputation in the military.

Now that his son is dead, don't even think about how troublesome this is going to be.

Thinking of this, Wang Jin took a deep breath and looked at the team members who were examining the corpse.

After the inspection, the two inspectors got up and said.

"Captain, Zao was killed by one shot. Lao Xu was shot twice, one in the head and one in the shoulder. Looking at the shape of the wound, a sniper first shattered his right shoulder, and then was shot at close range. The incoming enemy was killed with a pistol"

The soldiers in the Poison Marsh Squad are all battle-hardened elites.

It is easy to judge the situation at the scene from the wound.

After hearing this, Wang Jin fell silent.