chapter 4

A few hours before the ball, Evangeline lay peacefully asleep, undisturbed by the impending grand event. However, her slumber was abruptly shattered by the piercing sound of someone's screams. Startled, she opened her eyes to find Misaki, her mother, leaning over her.

"Evangeline, wake up," Misaki urged, gently patting her face in an attempt to rouse her.

"Let me sleep for another five minutes," Evangeline mumbled, still half-asleep.

"No, we can't afford to be late for the ball. Get up now," Misaki insisted, her voice tinged with urgency.

Evangeline, however, chose to ignore her mother's pleas and snuggled back into her cozy cocoon, determined to savor a few more minutes of sleep.

Frustrated by her daughter's lack of cooperation, Misaki's patience wore thin. "Come on, Evangeline. Wake up or I'll have to be mean to you," she threatened, attempting to invoke a sense of fear.

Evangeline, fully aware that her mother's threat was empty, remained unmoved and continued her blissful slumber for another 20 minutes.

"Wake up! It's been 20 minutes already. You know I'm going to get angry," Misaki warned, her tone growing more stern.

Realizing that she had pushed the boundaries of indulgence, Evangeline finally relented. "Okay, but you have to help me take my bath," she negotiated, seeking a compromise.

Misaki appeared skeptical but relented. "How can I help you take your bath? You're old enough to do it yourself," she argued.

"No, I'm not tall enough to reach the showerhead, so you'll have to assist me," Evangeline pleaded, emphasizing her physical limitations.

With a sigh, Misaki reluctantly agreed. "Sure, no problem. I can do it," she replied, lacking confidence in her abilities.

Evangeline raised an eyebrow. "Have you ever given a child a bath before?" she inquired, somewhat amused by the prospect.

Misaki, feigning confidence, responded with a touch of pride. "Who do you think I am? There's no problem. It's just giving you a bath. I can handle it, even if I've never done it before."

Heading towards the shower, Evangeline prepared herself for the ordeal that awaited her. After enduring what she deemed the worst shower experience of her life, she emerged, dripping wet.

"So, how did you find your shower?" Misaki inquired, attempting to gauge her daughter's satisfaction.

"It was horrible! I didn't even know it was possible to drown in a bathroom. And when you rubbed my back, I felt like you were going to rip my skin off," Evangeline complained, shivering at the memory.

Misaki, wearing a remorseful smile, tried to pacify her. "Don't be silly. You're still alive, aren't you?" she retorted, attempting to downplay the severity of the situation.

Undeterred, Evangeline threatened, "I'll tell Mum you tried to kill me in the bath."

Panicking at the thought of facing the consequences from Azumi, Misaki quickly intervened. "No, don't tell your mother. She might kill me. But right now, you need to get ready for the ball," she urged, shifting the focus away from her earlier blunder.

Refusing to be diverted, Evangeline stuck her tongue out defiantly. "Don't change the subject. I'll tell Mum, and you'll get your punishment," she warned, relishing her newfound leverage.

Misaki, desperate to find a solution, seized upon an idea. "Evangeline, how about this? After the ball, I'll teach you how to use magic," she proposed, hoping to entice her daughter with the allure of supernatural knowledge.

Evangeline's eyes widened, captivated by the idea of delving into the world of magic. "Okay, I won't tell, but only if you teach me magic," she agreed, her curiosity piqued.

Smiling triumphantly, Misaki knew she had secured a victory. "Now that this problem is solved, let's choose your outfit for the ball," she declared.

With a snap of her fingers, Misaki conjured two outfits before them. The first was a resplendent red and white princess dress, while the second was a sophisticated red and black dinner jacket.

Surveying the options, Misaki posed the question. "So, which outfit do you want to wear?"

Evangeline immediately dismissed the princess dress, knowing her disdain for such attire. "I'll take the dinner jacket," she declared, opting for a more comfortable and fitting choice.

Misaki, pleased with her daughter's decision, made the princess dress vanish, leaving only the dinner jacket. "Good choice," she remarked, assisting Evangeline in donning the garment swiftly.

"You look really nice in that dinner jacket, Evangeline. I'm sure a lot of girls will be watching you tonight," Misaki commented, attempting to boost her daughter's confidence.

Evangeline, with the innocence of youth, dismissed the notion. "Yeah, but I'm just a kid. I don't think anyone will pay much attention," she replied, underestimating her own presence.

Misaki, wanting to create a sense of camaraderie, snapped her fingers and transformed her own attire into a black and blue dinner jacket. "Then we'll both wear dinner jackets. Look, we're alike in that respect," she pointed out.

Evangeline grinned, finding solace in their shared preference. "You're right. But don't forget, after the ball, you'll teach me magic," she reminded Misaki, holding her to the promise.

Misaki, concealing a hint of uncertainty, reassured her. "Yes, don't worry. We'll make sure to do that." Internally, she hoped that Evangeline's curiosity would wane after the ball, sparing her from having to fulfill that particular agreement.

Eager to move on, Misaki informed Evangeline of the ball's status. "The ball hasn't started yet, but all the guests have already arrived. They're probably waiting for us right now."

Evangeline, concerned about her mother's presence, inquired, "Is Mum already there?"

Misaki nodded affirmatively. "Yes, but we have to go now. I'm sure the guests are getting impatient."

Misaki gently slipped Evangeline's feet into a pair of delicate shoes before attending to her own. With shoes adorned, Misaki took Evangeline's hand, and together they made their way toward the grand ballroom nestled within the castle's walls. As they entered the room, all eyes turned towards them, causing a slight unease within Evangeline. She tried her best to conceal her discomfort, not wanting it to overshadow the occasion.

Sensing her daughter's embarrassment, Misaki leaned closer, her voice low and soothing. "You're feeling a little self-conscious, aren't you, Evangeline?" she whispered.

Evangeline nodded, her cheeks flushing. "Yes, I am. But why is everyone looking at us like that?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Misaki's eyes twinkled with warmth as she explained, "Well, my dear, you are not only the princess of this kingdom but also incredibly beautiful. That's why all eyes are on us."

They continued to walk gracefully through the ballroom, taking in the opulent surroundings until they reached Azumi, where two resplendent thrones awaited. Evangeline released Misaki's hand and approached Azumi, reaching out to take her mother's hand.

"You look stunning, Evangeline," Azumi remarked, her voice filled with pride.

"Thank you, Mommy. You look beautiful too," Evangeline responded, embracing Azumi tightly.

Misaki, yearning for affection, stepped closer and pleaded, "I want a hug too, Evangeline."

Evangeline took a step back, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. "No," she firmly replied, choosing to stand behind her mother.

Misaki's heart sank at the rejection, feeling the sting of hurt in her chest. Azumi, sensing the tension, interjected, "Stop being childish, Misaki. Remember, we are in front of guests."

Misaki nodded, her disappointment palpable. "You're right, but it's time to address them," she agreed, attempting to compose herself.

Raising her voice to capture everyone's attention, Misaki began speaking. The room fell into silence, with all eyes fixated on her.

"Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us tonight to celebrate 200 years of Quellerea. Enjoy the food, the drinks, and the dancing," Misaki announced graciously.

Azumi followed up, adding excitement to the atmosphere. "To commence the ball, we request the honor of a dance with our beloved princess."

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat, realizing that she would be the first to dance. Though she had practiced her steps, she hadn't anticipated being the center of attention.

Azumi continued, addressing the crowd. "So, who among you would like to dance with the princess?"

Silence engulfed the room, and not a single hand rose in response.

Misaki's internal thoughts mirrored the disappointment. "I expected this. After all, most people here fear Evangeline."

Evangeline, feeling the weight of rejection, expressed her understanding. "It's okay, Mum. Maybe next time," she reassured Azumi with a tender smile.

Misaki patted Evangeline's head gently, her sadness lingering. "It's okay, Evangeline," she whispered, trying to mask her own disappointment.

Azumi, determined to proceed, declared, "Let the festivities begin."

The musicians struck up a melody, filling the air with enchanting tunes, and guests indulged in dancing, conversations, and revelry. Initially, Evangeline stayed close to her parents, but they were soon drawn away by other guests, leaving her to navigate the ballroom on her own. She attempted to approach other children her age, but they actively avoided her, leaving her feeling isolated.

Curiosity and a desire for solace compelled Evangeline to seek refuge on the terrace. The view from there was breathtaking, offering a panoramic scene of the entire city. Gazing at the stars, Evangeline found solace and peace in their shimmering beauty.

"I don't understand why they treat me this way. But looking at the stars helps calm my heart," Evangeline murmured, finding solace in the cosmic expanse.

Lost in her thoughts, Evangeline suddenly became aware of approaching footsteps. She turned, and her eyes widened at the sight of a girl her age. This girl possessed stunning features, with hair as white as snow and golden eyes that shimmered with warmth. Despite being shorter than Evangeline, she exuded a captivating presence.

"Good evening, Princess," the girl greeted her, her smile genuine and welcoming.

Returning the greeting, Evangeline felt a glimmer of hope. "Good evening. Are you not avoiding me like the others?"

The girl shook her head, her sincerity evident. "Why would I do that? You seem like a kind person. My name is Megumi."

Evangeline's smile widened. "I'm Evangeline. Nice to meet you, Megumi."

In a surprising turn of events, Megumi offered a solution to Evangeline's loneliness. "Would you like to dance with me since no one else would?"

Evangeline's heart swelled with gratitude and a tinge of pain at the thought of rejection. "Sure, why not. Although we can't hear the music from here," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness.

"We don't need music to dance," Megumi declared with conviction, taking Evangeline's hands and guiding her through the graceful motions they had practiced before. As they danced, time seemed to stand still, and a sense of magic enveloped them.

Twenty minutes later, their impromptu dance came to an end. Panting slightly, Evangeline spoke, her admiration evident. "You dance beautifully, Megumi."

Megumi humbly returned the compliment, her words filled with sincerity. "The feeling is mutual. And thank you for spending this time with me."

Evangeline blushed, feeling undeserving of such praise. "You're too kind. I should be the one thanking you."

Their moment of connection was interrupted by an elderly butler, whose robustness defied his age. He approached Megumi with a sense of urgency.

" Miss Megumi, it's time to return home. Your parents are waiting for you."

Megumi sighed and turned to Evangeline, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "Okay, I must go now. We'll meet again, Evangeline."

Evangeline nodded, her smile filled with warmth. "Yes, until next time."

Megumi embraced Evangeline, surprising her with the gesture, before departing with her butler. Alone again, Evangeline found herself reflecting on the encounter.

"She was truly a wonderful person," she mused, her gaze fixed upon the starry sky.

Unbeknownst to Evangeline, a man stealthily approached from behind, holding a handkerchief. Before she could react, he swiftly covered her mouth with it. She struggled in vain, sensing her consciousness slipping away.

As darkness consumed her, the man communicated telepathically with an unknown entity. "I have the princess. I'll bring her to you now."