chapter 5

Evangeline gradually regained consciousness, her eyes fluttering open. Disoriented at first, she quickly realized she couldn't move and felt the constriction of being tightly bound. Panic surged through her veins as she surveyed her surroundings. The room was dimly lit, and she noticed the unsettling sensation of motion, realizing she was inside a moving vehicle. It was then that a deep voice shattered the silence.

"I see you're awake, princess," the man's voice rang out, accompanied by a mocking laughter that sent shivers down Evangeline's spine.

"Release me this instant, or my parents will show you no mercy," she retorted, her voice laced with determination, hoping to invoke fear in her captor.

A chilling smirk crept across the man's face as he responded, "I'm afraid your parents are unaware of your unfortunate predicament, my dear princess."

Evangeline's heart sank, a sense of disbelief washing over her. "That can't be true! They must be searching for me," she argued, clinging to the hope that her parents were already on the quest to find her.

The man's voice turned tauntingly sharp. "Then explain to me why you were all alone when I took you. Why does everyone avoid you?" he challenged, his words laced with intrigue.

Evangeline's breath caught in her throat, her mind racing to comprehend his words. "You're just trying to deceive me," she mustered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features.

With a smug smile, the man continued, "Oh, but I assure you, princess, there is truth in what I say. Your parents may even feign affection for you."

Evangeline's voice trembled as she rejected his claim. "No! That's not true! They love me!" she protested, attempting to shield herself from his words.

The man leaned in closer, his words dripping with malevolence. "But why were you left alone on the terrace tonight? Why were you isolated?"

(Maybe... maybe there is some truth to what he's saying. But why? Why does everyone despise me?) Evangeline's mind whirled with confusion, her thoughts becoming entangled in a web of doubt.

"You're beginning to comprehend, princess. You're starting to realize that no one can save you now. You must wonder why everyone hates you," he taunted, his tone resonating with sinister satisfaction.

"Enough with the riddles! Tell me why people despise me!" Evangeline's impatience boiled over, her desperation demanding answers.

The man's voice lowered, laden with malice. "Impatience suits you well, princess. Very well, then. On the day of your birth, a formidable magical creature attacked, leaving a trail of destruction and death. Do you know where that creature resides now?"

Evangeline's eyes widened, a mixture of shock and disbelief sweeping across her face. "What does that creature have to do with me?"

A malevolent smile played upon the man's lips. "That creature, princess, was sealed within you," he stated, pointing an accusing finger at her.

"You're lying! It's impossible!" Evangeline's voice quivered with a mixture of fear and denial, unable to fathom the revelation.

(If there was something inside me, I would have felt its presence, wouldn't I?) Doubt gnawed at her as she grappled with the notion.

"If that is the reason behind everyone's aversion, if that is why you are detested, then perhaps you deserve to die," the man sneered, inching closer to her, his hand clutching a glinting knife.

"No! Please, don't!" Evangeline pleaded, her voice filled with desperation, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Unbeknownst to her, something extraordinary was unfolding within her. As the man raised the knife, a surge of immense magical energy surged forth from Evangeline's body. Her once crimson eyes transformed into a piercing shade of blue, and her teeth sharpened, imbuing her with an otherworldly presence.

"I knew it... You truly are a demon," the man uttered, his voice trembling with a mixture of awe and horror.

Before he could strike, however, the knife shattered in his hand, leaving him momentarily stunned. Evangeline seized the opportunity, delivering a powerful blow to his stomach. He doubled over, spitting out a mouthful of blood, while the impact also caused the car they were in to crumble under the force of her punch.

Struggling to regain his footing, the man launched himself at Evangeline once more, but she swiftly retaliated, landing another fierce blow to his stomach. He fell back, clutching his abdomen in agony.

"How... How can you be so strong? I was told you were defenseless, incapable of using magic," he gasped, his disbelief evident in his voice.

Evangeline's gaze hardened, determination shining through her eyes. "I may have wanted to believe it, but I am no longer defenseless. I am not what they thought."

The man concentrated magic into his hands, conjuring a swirling ball of wind. He sneered, "Take this!" and hurled it towards her.

However, Evangeline effortlessly deflected the windball with a simple gesture of her hand, closing the distance between them in an instant. She prepared to deliver the final blow, but just before her fist landed, her hand was caught by someone—Misaki.

"It's alright, Evangeline. You can calm down now. Everything is going to be fine," Misaki's gentle voice reassured her, her hand softly patting Evangeline's head, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Evangeline found solace in her mother's presence, her tension easing. Fatigue soon overcame her, and her energy depleted rapidly. Her body gave way, and she began to faint, but before she could hit the ground, Azumi caught her, preventing her from harm.

Misaki's gaze hardened as she turned to the injured man. "How dare you kidnap our daughter? Do you truly believe you can escape unscathed?" she seethed with anger.

Approaching the man, Misaki delivered a swift flick that rendered him unconscious. "Now, how is Evangeline?" she asked, concern etched across her face, shifting her attention to Azumi.

Azumi cradled Evangeline gently, examining her closely. "She's physically unharmed, just exhausted. But I must ask, are you alright?" Azumi inquired, worry evident in her voice.

Misaki winced, rubbing her injured arm. "She broke my arm with that punch. I didn't expect her to possess such strength."

Azumi's eyes widened in astonishment. "Who could have imagined that she would be capable of breaking your arm? But what do we do with this man now?" she pondered, pointing at the unconscious captor.

A fierce determination glinted in Misaki's eyes. "We won't kill him, not just yet. Let's return to the castle first," she decided, realizing the urgency of the situation.

They swiftly made their way back to the castle, seeking the safety of their home. One week passed, with Evangeline slowly recovering from her ordeal.

Evangeline gradually opened her eyes, her vision greeted by the worried countenances of her two mothers.

Azumi's tear-filled eyes met yours as you regained consciousness. "You've finally woken up," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mixture of relief and worry. Moving closer, she enveloped you in a tight embrace, seeking solace in the warmth of the moment.

"Don't worry, Mum. I'm fine now. There's no need to cry," you reassured her gently, using your finger to wipe away her tears.

Misaki, hearing your words, approached with a longing for an embrace of her own. "I want a hug too," she expressed, her voice filled with genuine affection.

As her arms encircled you, a sense of security washed over you. In that moment, it felt as though all your fears and doubts were pushed aside, replaced by the love radiating from your mothers. Yet, in the depths of your mind, questions lingered.

"How long was I asleep?" you inquired, your curiosity tinged with a hint of concern.

"For an entire week," Azumi answered, her hand gently patting your head as if to reassure you.

You couldn't help but wonder about the fate of the man who had kidnapped you. "What happened to the man who took me?" you asked, your voice filled with a mixture of curiosity and a lingering desire for justice.

Misaki's response held a hint of restrained anger. "He was imprisoned for daring to lay a hand on you. Though I must admit, I wanted him to suffer a more severe punishment. Unfortunately, life rarely grants us all our desires."

Azumi interjected, her voice calmer but no less firm. "So, how are you feeling now, Evangeline? And do you remember what occurred before we arrived?"

"I feel fine, Mum. Physically, I'm in great shape. However, I don't recall much before that man tried to harm me with his knife. But one thing I do remember is the way people avoided me at the ball," you expressed, a tinge of sadness coloring your words.

Inwardly, you questioned the explanation given by your mothers. Their words felt hollow, as if they were withholding something from you. Yet, for the time being, you decided to trust them, placing your doubts aside.

"Let's go and eat then," you suggested, hoping to distract yourself from the lingering uncertainties.

The three of you made your way to the dining room, where a spread of delicious food awaited. Just as you were about to sit down, Misaki surprised you by lifting you onto her lap, halting your attempt to take your own seat.

"Misaki, you know I can eat by myself," you protested, a touch of exasperation in your voice.

"I know, but I wanted to," Misaki replied, her hand gently patting your head as if to emphasize her point.

Azumi chimed in, redirecting the conversation. "Let's begin eating now."

As you savored the meal, Misaki's question piqued your interest. "Tell me, Evangeline, who was the girl you were dancing with at the ball?"

Surprised, you responded, "How did you know? I thought you were occupied with the other guests."

Azumi interjected, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "You should know that you can't keep secrets from us. We'll find out sooner or later."

Eager to share, you spoke excitedly, "Her name is Megumi. She's really nice, and she was the only one who didn't shy away from me. Plus, she's incredibly pretty!"

Azumi teased, feigning a sly tone, "Oh, have you fallen in love with her?"

Blushing furiously, you waved your arms in protest. "No, Mum! It's not like that!" you exclaimed, feeling both flustered and embarrassed.

Amidst the playful banter, you managed to finish your meal. Just as you were about to leave Misaki's lap, she stopped you.

"Evangeline, starting next week, you'll begin learning magic with your mother, and then I'll teach you the art of fencing," Misaki announced, her words filled with a newfound excitement.

"Finally, I get to learn magic!" you exclaimed, the prospect filling you with exhilaration. Yet, a realization struck you—Misaki hadn't been the one who promised to teach you magic initially. Suspicion lingered, prompting you to challenge the unfolding situation.

"Mum, you know, before the ball, when Misaki woke me up, something happened during my shower," you began, only to be silenced by Misaki's hand over your mouth.

"You don't have to tell her, Evangeline. It's not necessary," Misaki interjected, her voice betraying a hint of worry as beads of sweat formed on her forehead.

Azumi, however, intervened, determined to unveil the truth. "Let her finish, Misaki," she demanded, gently removing Misaki's hand from your mouth.

Taking a deep breath, you continued, "Well, as I was saying, Misaki tried to drown me and tear my skin off while I was bathing."

Azumi's anger flared, her voice resonating with a mix of disappointment and rage. "That's right, Misaki."

Attempting to downplay the severity of her actions, Misaki offered a weak excuse. "You know how children tend to exaggerate things."

Azumi's tone grew sharp as she pressed for the truth. "Tell me the truth."

Reluctantly, Misaki admitted, "Yes, it's true. But it won't happen again."

Releasing you from her lap, Misaki swiftly fled, but Azumi pursued her with determination.

Amidst the commotion that echoed through the castle, you couldn't help but feel a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. Misaki's deception had been exposed, leaving you with a bitter taste in your mouth.

That day, the sounds of Misaki's terrified screams filled the air as she attempted to escape Azumi's wrath.