chapter 13

Immersed in a murky black void, Evangeline's senses were enveloped in darkness. Seiko's absence left her disoriented as she attempted to navigate this strange space. Time seemed to pass, and gradually, the surroundings shifted, revealing her restrained form. Standing before her was an ethereal figure—an elf woman with flowing blond hair, elegant elongated ears, a captivating bosom, and piercing green eyes. The sheer beauty of the woman struck Evangeline, and a flicker of recognition ignited within her.

(Am I dreaming? How can she be here?) Panic pulsed through Evangeline's mind.

"No need to fret. I mean you no harm. I'm here to free you from these chains," the elf woman reassured, a warm smile gracing her lips.

Evangeline tried to speak, but her voice remained trapped within her. Suddenly, the space shifted once more, and she found herself still bound, witnessing the elf woman surrounded by hordes of demons. A fierce battle ensued, but before long, the tides turned against the elf woman. Overwhelmed, she succumbed to the relentless assault of the demonic entities. Evangeline's heart ached to intervene, to save her newfound ally, but her efforts were futile. She could only bear witness to the elf woman's tragic demise. Finally, her voice was liberated.

"No, don't leave now!" Evangeline shouted desperately through the void, yet her words echoed in vain.

Abruptly, a voice called out, jerking her awake. Opening her eyes, she found Megumi standing before her, concern etched across her face.

"Evangeline, you're alright. You were having a nightmare, so I woke you up," Megumi explained, offering a gentle pat on Evangeline's head.

"Don't worry, it was just a bad dream," Evangeline replied, scratching her head.

"Okay, but who is @@@@? You called out her name earlier," Megumi inquired curiously.

"She's just a friend. Don't worry," Evangeline reassured, attempting to dispel Megumi's curiosity.

(Sorry, but I can't reveal who she truly is. I met her in a past life.)

"I won't pry any further, but are you prepared for the practical exam?" Megumi asked, brimming with enthusiasm.

"Of course, I'm ready. But have you seen Seiko?" Evangeline inquired curiously.

"He must be off eating something. Let's go; it's about to begin," Megumi replied.

Rising from her spot, Evangeline and Megumi made their way to a vast and imposing stadium filled with several arenas. After a few minutes, a teacher stepped forward, his voice projecting from a podium.

With a snap of his fingers, a screen materialized in the air. "This screen will randomly select participants for battles. There are a total of 20 arenas, so 20 teachers will be observing. Be prepared, as you could be chosen at any moment."

As the teacher concluded his speech, the screen whirled to life, randomly choosing students. After approximately twenty minutes, Evangeline's turn arrived. She found herself pitted against Fugaki Agukare. Making her way to the designated arena, she faced a young man with vibrant green hair, light gray eyes, and a penchant for expensive attire—a clear product of privilege.

"If you're my opponent, victory is certain. How can someone who conceals half their face hope to defeat me?" Fugaki taunted, bursting into laughter.

"Don't be deceived by appearances. Wearing a mask doesn't render me weak. The last person who made that mistake paid a heavy price," Evangeline countered.

Interrupting their conversation, the teacher interjected, "If you're both ready, the match will commence. Prepare yourselves."

Assuming their combat stances, they braced for the impending clash.

"You may attack me first, and I won't defend myself," Fugaki arrogantly declared.

"Are you certain you won't regret those words?" Evangeline responded, a subtle smile forming beneath her mask.

"Of course not. I fail to see why I should lose to someone like you."

"Very well, but remember, you initiated this challenge."

With a deft movement, Evangeline conjured a small flame, no larger than a match, within her right hand.

"If that's all you can muster, then I have nothing to fear," Fugaki scoffed.

"Remember, it's not the size that determines effectiveness," Evangeline retorted.

She swiftly launched the minuscule fireball toward him. Fugaki raised his hand, intending to deflect it, but as his hand made contact with the fireball, it erupted into a powerful explosion, engulfing and obliterating half the arena. Smoke billowed, momentarily shrouding the scene.

(I hope I didn't go too far. I have no desire to bear the weight of another person's death on my conscience.)

Within seconds, the smoke dissipated, revealing Fugaki sprawled on the ground, unconscious. The teacher swiftly approached, checking Fugaki's pulse.

"Fugaki Agukare is no longer fit to continue the fight," the teacher declared.

Nurses swiftly arrived, carrying a stretcher to transport Fugaki away.

"Young lady, you may now leave. In a few days, you will receive a letter informing you of your admission status," the teacher informed Evangeline.

With a nod, Evangeline exited the arena, silently contemplating her next move. Just as she was about to leave, a familiar figure darted toward her—Seiko, bounding swiftly and perching atop her head.

"Evangeline, hurry, we need to run," he panted, breathless.

"Why? What have you done now?" she inquired, unfazed by his antics.

Suddenly, a teacher approached, pointing an accusatory finger at Seiko. "It's him! The rascal who demolished the entire kitchen!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with exasperation.

"I can't believe it, Seiko. You actually did it," Evangeline remarked, a mix of amusement and exasperation coloring her words, as they sprinted away.

"It's not my fault! They refused to feed me, so I took matters into my own paws and taught them a lesson," Seiko proudly declared.

"You know my mother is going to have your hide when she finds out," Evangeline warned, shaking her head.

"Damn, I completely forgot, but it's too late for regrets. Anyway, I always manage to survive," Seiko shrugged nonchalantly.

The pursuing teachers closed in, their swift strides leaving little room for escape. But just as panic threatened to consume them, they stumbled upon an alley, a glimmer of hope.

"Don't worry, I have an idea. Create clones of us to impede their pursuit," Evangeline suggested.

"Great idea. Flame clone!" Seiko exclaimed.

In an instant, three identical clones materialized, each bearing Evangeline's likeness. The clones dispersed in different directions, successfully misleading the pursuing teachers. Capitalizing on the diversion, Evangeline and Seiko made their escape, hailing a cab that swiftly carried them home without a hitch. As they entered the castle, their two mothers awaited them, their expressions less than pleased.

"Evangeline, what have you done this time?" Azumi, her voice brimming with anger, interrogated.

"I promise you, Mother, this time it wasn't me. It was Seiko," Evangeline replied, gesturing toward the mischievous cub.

"Traitor! You helped me escape!" Seiko trembled, his voice filled with mock accusation.

"And it wasn't me who destroyed the kitchen," Evangeline added.

The two of them began bickering, their voices intertwining in discordant harmony.

Azumi intervened, her tone firm. "Enough of this bickering, both of you!"

A resounding thud echoed as Azumi delivered a stern blow to their heads, leaving a noticeable bump in its wake.

Misaki chimed in, her voice composed. "We will discuss your punishment later. For now, Evangeline, how did you fare in the entrance exam?"

"It was a breeze, both the written and practical exams. The opponent I faced wasn't particularly formidable," Evangeline boasted proudly.

"That's excellent news," Azumi commended, her hand gently patting the spot where the bump formed.

"Ouch, Mommy, don't touch the sore spot," Evangeline winced.

Seiko stuck his tongue out mischievously. "Lucky you," he taunted.

Misaki's gaze turned steely. "Enough nonsense from both of you."

Evangeline and Seiko fell silent, abiding by Misaki's command. Azumi's voice resonated with authority.

"For your incessant arguing, both of you shall retire to bed without supper," she declared firmly.

"Mom, you can't do that," Evangeline protested.

Seiko chimed in, his voice filled with desperation. "Yes, she's right! If I don't eat, I'll perish!"

Azumi's eyes flashed with a chilling intensity. "How dare you complain?" she warned, her tone carrying a note of danger.

Both Evangeline and Seiko wisely held their tongues. They retreated to their room, took refreshing showers, donned their pajamas, and settled into their beds, empty stomachs gnawing at them. Seiko had already drifted off into sleep, prompting Evangeline to follow suit, soon succumbing to slumber.

Several days later, a letter arrived, bearing the seal of Sunlight School. Gathered in the living room, Evangeline, Seiko, and their two mothers eagerly anticipated its contents. With anticipation mounting, Evangeline tore open the letter, triggering a holographic projection. A woman appeared—a figure exuding grace and elegance, aged around fifty, her countenance bearing faint wrinkles.

"I am delighted to welcome Evangeline Suzuki as a student to our prestigious institution. The classes will commence in one week. Additionally, as the top scorer in the written examination, we request the honor of your presence to deliver a speech before the incoming students. Please ensure the kitchen repairs are settled—a consequence of your cub's actions. We eagerly anticipate your arrival and extend a warm welcome to our esteemed school."

As the message concluded, the woman's image dissolved into nothingness. Azumi beamed with pride. "Congratulations, Evangeline. I had every confidence in your success."

Misaki joined in, her voice exuding delight. "Indeed, congratulations! I would have been astonished if you had failed. And securing the first position is truly remarkable."

Evangeline's thoughts betrayed her apprehension. (Yes, except that delivering a speech is no easy task.)