chapter 14

Today marked the day of re-entry, and miraculously, Evangeline was already dressed in her uniform—opting for the boy's version, defiantly refusing to wear a skirt. Yet, despite her preparedness, a familiar flutter of nerves coursed through her veins. The weight of having to deliver a speech added to her unease, until a certain cub's voice brought her back to reality.

"Evangeline, still fretting about that speech, are you?" he chuckled, teasing her.

"It's not amusing. I'd like to see you in my shoes," she retorted, feeling a pang of offense.

"Ah, but you humans are endlessly complicated. I'm grateful to be a magical beast," he remarked with a hint of amusement.

Just then, Julie entered the room, breaking the tension.

"Evangeline, hurry up. Your parents are waiting," she chimed in, her voice accompanied by a warm smile.

"I'm coming, Julie. You can go ahead," Evangeline replied, her heart racing as the looming moment of her speech approached.

Julie curtsied and exited the room, leaving Evangeline to grapple with her mounting stress. Yet, a comforting presence found solace on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Evangeline. I'll be right there with you," the cub assured her, nuzzling against her.

"You're right. I'm probably making a fuss over nothing," Evangeline reasoned, attempting to reassure herself.

With renewed determination, she swiftly left her room and made her way outside, where her two mothers awaited beside the coach.

Misaki spoke up, addressing Evangeline's nerves. "Not too anxious about your speech, Evangeline?"

"I think I'll be fine," she responded, though her tone betrayed her lack of confidence.

Azumi chimed in, her hand gently caressing Evangeline's head. "Don't fret. As long as you avoid any major blunders, everything will go smoothly."

The touch of Azumi's hand instantly calmed Evangeline's racing thoughts. "Thank you for your support," she expressed, a smile playing upon her lips.

Misaki injected a note of caution into the conversation. "Just be mindful not to break anything. The expenses at this school can be exorbitant, despite our wealth."

"I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises," Evangeline replied honestly.

Seiko, ever mischievous, chimed in, pledging to minimize damage. "I promise to make an effort to break as little as possible."

Misaki's anger flared at Seiko's comment. "At least show some effort! After all, it's not you who foots the bill," she admonished.

Azumi intervened, sensing the brewing tension. "Let's not dwell on this. Evangeline might be late for her first day if we continue."

"If there's nothing more to add, I'll take my leave," Evangeline declared as she climbed into the carriage. She bid her parents a final farewell, and the carriage set off towards the school. After a few hours, they arrived, and Evangeline, expressing gratitude to the driver, swiftly entered the premises.

She immediately encountered Megumi upon entering.

"Hey, Megumi! It's great that we're attending the same school," Evangeline greeted, a smile adorning her face.

Megumi returned the sentiment, offering a thumbs-up. "I'm glad too. Oh, and good luck with your speech."

Surprised by Megumi's knowledge, Evangeline inquired, "How did you know about that?"

Seiko burst into laughter, his typical response. "Everyone knows, considering you ranked first in the exam. Although, this time, I truly believe I can surpass you."

"Maybe next time, but don't be disheartened," Evangeline consoled her, patting Megumi's head.

Megumi brushed off the gesture. "I'm not a child anymore. Besides, we must hurry. The ceremony is about to commence," she urged, taking Evangeline's hand.

Evangeline's masked smile held a knowing sentiment. "(Even after all these years, some things never change)," she thought.

Together, they swiftly reached the ceremony room, finding vacant seats. Evangeline couldn't help but notice the curious glances directed her way as she settled with Seiko perched on her shoulder.

"Why do I always seem to attract attention?" she mused, sensing the weight of people's eyes upon her.

Perhaps it was the presence of Seiko perched on Evangeline's shoulder, or the enigmatic mask she wore, or even her choice to don the boys' uniform instead of the girls'. Regardless, she couldn't shake the feeling of invisible arrows piercing her heart, the weight of the attention focused on her.

"I don't need you to be so harsh," Evangeline quietly responded, her voice tinged with a touch of vulnerability.

Their conversation was abruptly halted by the commanding voice of the principal, the very woman who had appeared in Evangeline's letter.

"Greetings, dear students. I am delighted to welcome you to our splendid institution."

Evangeline found herself growing bored, tuning out the principal's monotonous words. However, amidst the minutes that felt like hours, a particular sentence caught her attention.

"And now, having endured my speech, we shall hear a few words from Evangeline Suzuki, our exceptional student who claimed the top spot in the entrance exam," the principal announced, pointing directly at Evangeline.

All eyes turned toward her, intensifying her discomfort. However, before she could dwell on her unease, Megumi stepped forward, offering support.

"Good luck, Evangeline. I'll take care of Seiko for you," Megumi offered, reaching out to take the cub.

Seiko chimed in, his voice filled with reassurance. "Don't stress too much, Evangeline. We have faith in you. You've got this."

"Thank you both for your encouragement. I believe everything will go well," Evangeline responded with a smile.

Stepping towards the podium, she found herself surprisingly calm, accustomed to being in the spotlight. The only concern was her knack for delivering lackluster speeches. Nevertheless, she reached the podium, and the principal handed her the microphone.

"May we find harmony and friendship throughout our next three years together, and may we all graduate side by side. Good luck to you all," she spoke, offering a slight bow.

The room erupted in applause, and Evangeline returned to her seat, where Seiko promptly clung to her shoulder. Megumi leaned in, complimenting her performance.

"See? It went well. You were brilliant up there," Megumi praised, gently stroking Evangeline's head.

"I suppose so. I'm relieved I didn't embarrass myself," Evangeline responded, scratching her head, still feeling a hint of embarrassment.

Seiko interjected, his focus shifting to his rumbling stomach. "I'm sure you've made your parents proud. But for now, I'm craving some food."

"Patience, Seiko. Let's find out which class we're assigned to first," Evangeline replied calmly.

Their conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a letter before both Evangeline and Megumi. It revealed they were both assigned to Elite Class 1.

"This is fantastic! We're in the same class!" Megumi exclaimed with excitement.

"Yes, you're right. I'm thrilled too. I wonder if there will be formidable individuals in our class," Evangeline pondered, her curiosity piqued.

Seiko interjected with a playful jab. "I doubt you'll find anyone who matches your level, but surely there will be those who can entertain you."

Megumi disagreed, defending her belief. "I think you're underestimating this school, Evangeline. It's renowned, and you may be surprised."

Suddenly, several figures materialized in the room—teachers. Shortly after, letters formed, displaying the names of each class. Evangeline quickly found her class name, and their assigned teacher was a stern-looking man with brown eyes and black hair. He exuded an air of elegance in his tailored suit and polished shoes.

Exiting the bleachers, Evangeline and Megumi made their way toward their teacher, feeling an unspoken pressure bearing down on them. Evangeline glanced over her shoulder, seeking the source of the sensation, but found nothing. Deciding to brush it off, she proceeded as if nothing had occurred. Once the teacher confirmed everyone's presence, they set off toward their assigned classroom.