The castle, once filled with the echoes of magical clashes, returned to an eerie calmness. The masked master, seething with anger, his face etched with frustration, surveyed the now-deserted hall. The grandeur of the mysterious fortress seemed to shrink in the wake of Evangeline's departure.

Suddenly, the woman with the fox mask materialized beside the master, her form graceful yet enigmatic. She inquired in a voice that carried an air of loyalty, "Shall I fetch Evangeline, my Lord?"

The master, still simmering with restrained fury, waved a dismissive hand. "No, Seraphine. There's no need for that now."

Seraphine, ever obedient, nodded but couldn't hide the curiosity in her eyes. "What do you intend, my Lord? She could be a valuable asset."

A sinister smile played upon the master's lips. "Oh, she will be, Seraphine. But not in the way she thinks. She will come back willingly, and when she does, she'll be a pawn in the grand design."

The woman with the fox mask bowed slightly, her loyalty unwavering. "As you wish, my Lord."

As the echoes of their conversation faded, the masked master's eyes glinted with an ominous determination. The game had just begun, and the pieces were moving into position on the chessboard of destiny.

Evangeline materialized in an unexpected place – the bathroom of Mana, who happened to be showering at that very moment. The sudden appearance of an uninvited guest startled both of them.

Mana, her expression a mixture of surprise and fury, quickly covered herself with a towel. "Evangeline! What the hell are you doing here?" she exclaimed, her voice a mix of anger and embarrassment.

Evangeline, taken aback herself, stammered an apology. "I didn't mean to... I just teleported, and I ended up here. I'm sorry!"

Mana, still irritated, scowled. "You're sorry? That's all you have to say?" She delivered an annoyed swipe, a towel-wrapped fist connecting with Evangeline's shoulder.

Evangeline winced, both from the hit and the pain of Mana's wrath. "Ouch! Okay, I get it, I shouldn't be here. Sorry, Mana."

Mana huffed, her anger not entirely subsided. "Just get out".

As Mana gave Evangeline a forceful push, the latter found herself propelled out of the bathroom. The impact of Mana's strike, while not magical, left Evangeline surprisingly sore. She rubbed her shoulder, contemplating the strange irony that getting hit by the mysterious master seemed less painful than being on the receiving end of Mana's towel-clad wrath.

Mana's voice echoed from inside the bathroom, "And don't teleport into people's private spaces, you weirdo!"

Evangeline, now in the hallway, mumbled to herself, "Note to self: work on teleportation accuracy."

Mana, still perturbed by the unexpected intrusion, emerged from the bathroom, finding Evangeline still present, clutching her stomach where Mana's punch had landed. Her anger was still palpable as she spat out, "I thought you got kidnapped. I was hoping you'd never come back, you filthy pervert. Couldn't you just stay there?"

Evangeline winced but managed a response, "I didn't know you hated me that much. And I've already apologized. I didn't mean to teleport into your bathroom. Besides, we've taken a bath together before, so there's no need to be so angry. I'm not a pervert."

Mana's irritation deepened. "That was different, and you know it! Just get out of here before I decide to kick you out myself."

Evangeline, still nursing her sore stomach, shot back, "Fine, I'm going. No need to get violent. And for the record, I don't enjoy teleporting into bathrooms. It's not my idea of a good time."

As Evangeline made her exit, Mana grumbled, "Just disappear already."

Evangeline, departing from Mana's room, swiftly made her way to the principal's office. The corridors were eerily empty, and within minutes, she stood before the principal's door. Without bothering to knock, she entered. As the door swung open, she was greeted by the sight of the principal with her two mothers and Seiko. Upon crossing the threshold, both of her mothers enveloped her in a tight hug, relieved and teary-eyed.

Azumi spoke with a mixture of relief and concern. "Oh, Evangeline, you had us really worried. I didn't expect to see you back so soon. If you hadn't returned, your mother and I were ready to come looking for you. Are you hurt anywhere?" She scrutinized Evangeline's body for any signs of injury.

Misaki remained silent for the moment, studying Evangeline intently. Meanwhile, Seiko rushed towards Evangeline, as was his usual style, hopping onto her head. He inquired why she took so long to return and boldly declared that if he had come with her, they could have easily defeated everyone.

Evangeline chuckled, appreciating the concern. "I'm fine, really. Just a few minor bumps, nothing serious. And Seiko, I appreciate the confidence, but we need to be careful about these situations. It wasn't as simple as it seemed."

Misaki finally spoke, her voice gentle yet firm, "Evangeline, we're just glad you're back safely. Please, tell us everything. What happened?"

However, their conversation was abruptly interrupted by the principal, who coughed lightly to draw their attention.

The principal clears her throat and addresses Evangeline, her expression a mix of relief and concern. "Evangeline, we're glad you're back, but we need to understand what happened. Where were you, and are you hurt?"

Azumi and Misaki, still holding Evangeline, wait for her response, concern etched on their faces. Seiko, perched on Evangeline's head, adds, "Yeah, we need details! What went down, and how did you manage to get back?"

Evangeline takes a deep breath, appreciating the genuine concern. She begins recounting her experience in the mysterious castle, the masked woman, and the intense battle with the enigmatic master. As she speaks, she notices the worried expressions on their faces deepening.

The principal interrupts, "A masked woman and a mysterious master? This is troubling. We need to ensure the safety of everyone. Evangeline, did they mention anything about their motives or what they want?"

Evangeline shakes her head. "No, they were elusive, and the masked woman remained silent. But I managed to escape when the master got distracted during our fight."

The principal, now deep in thought, nods. "We must be vigilant. I'll gather the faculty and discuss how to address this threat. Meanwhile, make sure you get checked by the school nurse for any injuries."

Misaki, still holding Evangeline, speaks softly, "We're just glad you're back. You had us worried, dear."

Seiko, with a mischievous grin, adds, "Yeah, next time, take me with you. I could've handled that mysterious master easily!"

The principal continues, "Once you've visited the infirmary and confirmed you're well, you can go home. I've granted a one-week break to all students due to the recent events."

Evangeline, grateful for the concern, raises a question, "But why is Mana still here if everyone got a break?"

The principal explains, "Mana is an orphan. She asked to stay in the school because she has nowhere else to go. If you want to know more, you'll have to ask her directly."

Evangeline nods in agreement. Alongside her parents and Seiko, she heads to the infirmary, as advised by the principal. Upon entering, the nurse greets them warmly with a reassuring smile. She then directs Evangeline to take a seat on the bed for a thorough examination.

As Evangeline sits, the nurse begins the examination. When the nurse lifts Evangeline's shirt to check for injuries, she spots a bruise on Evangeline's abdomen — precisely where Mana had struck her earlier.

Despite the discomfort caused by the revelation of the bruise, Evangeline remains tight-lipped about its origin. She refuses to disclose how she got the bruise, claiming that she obtained it while battling the mysterious master.

However, the nurse seems to sense that there's more to the story. After all, she orchestrated the teleportation that landed Evangeline in Mana's bathroom. The nurse maintains a calm demeanor, though, choosing not to press further at the moment.