After the examination, the nurse finishes up with Evangeline, who then heads back to the castle with her parents and Seiko. The servants, initially anxious, visibly relax upon seeing Evangeline returning safely. They greet her warmly, and together, they make their way to the dining hall.

In the grand hall, dinner is served. The atmosphere is a mix of relief and concern. The servants move efficiently, serving food and attending to the needs of the family. The chatter in the room gradually shifts from hushed whispers to more animated conversations, reflecting the collective relief at Evangeline's return.

Despite the reassurance of her presence, a subtle tension lingers in the air. It's as if the recent events have left an indelible mark on the usually lively castle. The clinking of cutlery against plates is occasionally interrupted by thoughtful silences.

Evangeline, seated among her family, remains contemplative. The encounter with the mysterious master still echoes in her mind. She wonders about the motives behind the kidnapping and the significance of her captor.

Evangeline concluded her meal as the darkness enveloped the surroundings. A brief farewell to her parents was exchanged before she retreated to her room in the company of Seiko.

An unusual hush enveloped Seiko during dinner, a departure from his usual animated self. As they returned to the room, Seiko swiftly leaped onto the bed, letting out a series of tired yawns.

Evangeline, feeling the weariness of the day, decided to take a refreshing shower, changing into her pajamas as she emerged.

Exiting the bathroom, she half-expected Seiko to be nestled in sleep, as was his habit. To her surprise, he was wide awake.

"Are you sure everything's alright, Evangeline?" Seiko inquired, a trace of concern evident in his voice.

"Don't worry, Seiko. Everything's fine. It'll take much more than that to defeat me," Evangeline assured him, her confidence shining through.

Seiko chuckled at Evangeline's unwavering assurance.

"Alright, but tell me how you got that bruise," he persisted.

Evangeline, however, chose the path of silence. Revealing the peculiar circumstances of her bruise, acquired in Mana's bathroom, was a topic she preferred to avoid. The mere thought of it brought a noticeable blush to her cheeks.

Seiko, sensing her reluctance to share, wisely dropped the matter. "Good night then, Evangeline. I don't want to press you too much, but you'll tell me one day anyway," he said, closing his eyes in preparation for sleep.

Evangeline reclined on the bed, mirroring Seiko's posture, and as her eyelids descended, she swiftly succumbed to the embrace of sleep.

Switching to Rosaline's perspective:

Inside Principal Rosaline's office, an intense conversation unfolded among Rosaline, Midori, and Jade. The atmosphere carried the weight of seriousness, or at least that was the outward appearance.

"Jade, teleporting Evangeline into Mana's bathroom while she was showering wasn't the wisest move," remarked Midori, his laughter betraying a hint of amusement.

Jade, joining in the laughter, responded, "True, it might not have been the best idea, but perhaps it brought them closer together."

Rosaline interjected with a serious tone, "Yeah, except I'd like to point out that they hate each other, and that's not the path to reconciliation. Besides, if you'd let us get rid of Toshiko, everything would be easier."

Rosaline's words were met with Jade's stern gaze.

"Right now, we need to deal with the people who kidnapped Evangeline and figure out their motives. Above all, we must expose the mole hiding in our school. I'm convinced it's Toshiko," Midori asserted with an air of certainty.

Rosaline nodded in agreement, but neither of them expected Jade to respond by playfully hitting them both over the head.

"For now, we'll bolster security in the school and scrutinize those around us," Jade declared with a seriousness that brooked no argument.

"It's true that there's an imminent threat, but perhaps this incident will forge a connection between Evangeline and Mana," Rosaline remarked, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

"Agreed. We can use this to our advantage. I've been contemplating a plan to unveil the mole, proposing a tournament among the students," Midori suggested.

Jade nodded in approval, her eyes gleaming with a strategic focus. "Indeed, it could serve as a dual-purpose event—revealing the mole and drawing out those attempting to abduct Evangeline."

Meanwhile, in a concealed corner of the school, a mysterious figure clad in a mask and cape engaged in a peculiar conversation with a raven.

"Master, what's our next move now that Evangeline has eluded us?" inquired the masked individual.

The raven responded sagaciously, "Fear not for now. Continue approaching her, build connections. She won't suspect you to be the mole."

"Understood. I'll do my best," affirmed the masked figure.

The raven offered a final piece of advice, "Remember, don't underestimate her. She possesses more strength than meets the eye. And ensure she wears the collar; it'll make controlling her much simpler."

The masked person nodded resolutely. "Rest assured, I'll handle it."

As the words left their lips, the raven took flight, disappearing into the shadows. The masked figure, left alone, began to move away with a purpose in their step.

Several hours passed, and we find ourselves in Mana's room, the perspective shifting to her.

Mana lay asleep, the peaceful façade on her face betrayed by the subtle twitches and movements that hinted at a troubled dream. Suddenly, she jolted awake, beads of sweat glistening on her forehead.

"I can't shake these nightmares. Always the same person, but his face is elusive, like there's a strange connection," she mumbled to herself, her voice carrying the weight of unease.

Mana rose from her bed, the room bathed in a soft glow as she flicked on the lights. A quick decision led her to the bathroom, where she hoped to clear her mind with a splash of water. As the droplets settled on her face, she stared into the mirror, seeking clarity.

To her surprise, where there were once two crimson eyes, now one was a vivid green. Instead of shock, Mana's reaction was nonchalant, as if this were an expected occurrence.

Gently touching the green eye, she felt a slight pain. As swiftly as it had changed, the vibrant green shifted back to its original red hue. Yet, on the mirror's reflective surface, an anomaly persisted. Mana's image wavered, the green eyes returned, and a crown materialized on her head.

Beside her blurred reflection, another figure emerged. The features were indistinct, a face lost in a blur, yet an unmistakable smile and a blush hinted at a connection. Mana's reflection seemed intertwined with this mysterious figure, both sharing a moment of obscured intimacy.

The bathroom fell silent, the only sound the soft hum of the lights. Mana stood there, eyes fixed on the mirror, pondering the enigma that lingered in her dreams and now, somehow, in the reflections that stared back at her.