Mana, still captivated by the mysterious scene in the mirror, couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more to these dreams. She blinked, half expecting the figures to vanish as figments of her imagination, but they persisted.

The blurred visage beside her in the reflection seemed to be trying to convey something, a message that eluded her conscious mind. Her instincts told her it was important, but the details remained frustratingly out of reach.

The strange connection between her and this unknown person weighed on her thoughts. Was it a premonition, a warning, or perhaps something even stranger? The green-eyed anomaly and the crowned figure in the mirror held secrets that Mana was yet to comprehend.

With a sigh, Mana turned away from the mirror, as if hoping to escape the enigma that lingered there. She walked back into her room, the soft glow from the bathroom light casting a gentle ambiance.

The night outside was quiet, and the subtle rustling of leaves accompanied her contemplative mood. Mana settled back into her bed, pulling the covers tight. Despite the unsettling nature of her dreams, fatigue quickly claimed her, and she slipped back into a restless slumber.

In the dreamscape, the blurred figure beside her seemed to whisper words that were just beyond the threshold of understanding. Mana reached out, a gesture of both curiosity and trepidation, as the dreams continued to weave their enigmatic tale.

Back in Evangeline's perspective:

A week had slipped away like sand through an hourglass, and the return to school had arrived all too swiftly. However, this interlude was marred by a surge in Evangeline's nightmares. Each night bore witness to a new unsettling vision, a cascade of foreboding dreams that seemed to whisper of impending danger, as if a cherished soul was ensnared or manipulated, a specter from her previous life, intertwined with Mana.

On this particular morning, Evangeline jolted awake, the echoes of another nightmare fading but leaving a residue of unease. Seiko, always vigilant, voiced his concern.

"Another night, another unsettling dream, Evangeline. It's the eighth time this week. I'm starting to worry," Seiko expressed with genuine concern.

"Don't fret, Seiko. I've grown accustomed to these nocturnal visits. They'll subside soon," Evangeline replied, attempting to offer solace to Seiko

However, Seiko wasn't convinced. The frequency of the nightmares had surged, and it was impossible for him to dismiss the growing unease.

"For how long have you been saying that? Since you stepped into this school, your nightmares have multiplied. Or more precisely, since you encountered Mana," Seiko pointed out, the gravity of his words hanging in the air.

Their conversation reached an abrupt halt as a knock echoed through the room, accompanied by Julie's voice.

"Evangeline, it's time to get ready. School awaits you," Julie announced through the door.

"Alright," Evangeline responded, the interruption providing a welcome diversion from the uneasy discourse. She sprang out of bed, grateful for the timely interruption.

Evangeline swiftly got ready for the day, the echoes of her unsettling dreams lingering in the back of her mind. The morning sunlight filtered through her curtains, casting a warm glow on the room that felt incongruent with the disquiet within her.

As she descended the stairs, the aroma of breakfast wafted from the kitchen. Her two mothers, Azumi and Misaki, were already busy preparing a hearty meal.

"Evangeline, darling, breakfast is ready," called Azumi with a warm smile as she noticed her daughter's descent.

Seiko was perched on the kitchen counter, his eyes keenly watching Evangeline. The small creature seemed to sense the weight of her recent nightmares.

"Morning," greeted Misaki, offering a plate of pancakes. "You need your strength for school."

"Thanks" Evangeline replied, taking a seat at the table. Despite the reassuring normalcy of her home, the specter of her dreams lingered, making every cheerful sound and comforting touch feel like a fragile facade.

After breakfast, Seiko hopped onto Evangeline's shoulder as she made her way to the front door. The sunlight streaming through the windows painted a serene scene, yet a subtle tension lingered in the air.

"Evangeline, dear, take care," Azumi said, giving her daughter a reassuring hug.

"I will, Mom. See you later," Evangeline replied, managing a smile.

The journey back to school, usually an uneventful routine, felt different this time. The weight of her nightmares clung to her thoughts, and Seiko's usual banter was subdued.

Upon reaching the school gates, familiar faces greeted her. Students hustled through the halls, their chatter creating a familiar buzz. Yet, there was an undercurrent of tension that Evangeline couldn't quite shake off.

Evangeline and Seiko entered the school building. A sign caught Evangeline's eye, directing them to the schoolyard for an important announcement from the principal. An unspoken exchange of glances between Evangeline and Seiko conveyed their shared curiosity about what the principal was about to reveal.

They strolled through the school's corridors, eventually reaching the bustling courtyard. As Evangeline stepped into the open space, familiar faces greeted her. Megumi, spotting Evangeline, rushed over and enveloped her in a tight hug.

"I was really afraid for you, Evangeline, when they told me you'd been kidnapped," Megumi said, genuine concern etched on her face, tears welling up.

"Don't cry, Megumi. As you can see, I'm fine. It takes more than that to get to me," Evangeline reassured, gently wiping away Megumi's tears and affectionately patting her on the head.

Seiko, ever the jester, seized the opportunity to interject humor. "Yes, it's true, Megumi. Don't cry. Everything's fine. By the way, do you have any food on you? I'd love some," he quipped, leaping into Megumi's arms.

Laughter ensued, breaking the tension. Just as Evangeline's group gathered around, Megumi interjected, "Evangeline, I need to talk to you in private, just you without Seiko."

Both Evangeline and Seiko registered surprise, but Seiko gracefully climbed down from Megumi's arms. "I won't bother you any longer than that. I'm off to join Evangeline's group," he declared with a mischievous grin before departing.

Seiko departed swiftly, leaving Evangeline and Megumi in search of a secluded spot away from prying ears.

"So, what did you want to tell me, Megumi, that even Seiko shouldn't hear?" Evangeline inquired with curiosity.

"Well, it's nothing too serious. I just didn't want Seiko to tease me for giving you this," Megumi confessed, pulling a box from her bag and handing it to Evangeline.

"A present for me? Why all of a sudden? It's not my birthday," Evangeline remarked, a smile playing on her lips.

"Who says it has to be your birthday for me to give you a present? We're friends, after all. Go ahead and open it," Megumi insisted eagerly.

Evangeline nodded and opened the box, revealing a splendid silver moon-shaped necklace.

"Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you; I love it already," Evangeline expressed her gratitude.

"I knew you'd love it, Evangeline. Let me tie it for you," Megumi said, chuckling.

Evangeline handed the necklace to Megumi, who deftly fastened it around Evangeline's neck. As the necklace settled, Evangeline felt a peculiar sensation before everything returned to normal. She was about to comment when Megumi seized her hand and guided them back to the school playground.

Just then, the principal's voice resonated, announcing, "The tournament's about to start."