As Evangeline watches Seiko and Megumi's conversation, she notices a peculiar glint in Megumi's eyes. It's fleeting, but it sends a shiver down her spine. Something about Megumi's demeanor feels different, as if she's hiding something.

Seiko, undeterred by Megumi's vague response, persists with his questioning. "Are you sure you don't remember? This necklace seems special, almost magical," he says, eyeing the gleaming pendant.

Megumi's smile falters slightly, and she casts a quick glance around the corridor, as if checking for eavesdroppers. "I... I really can't recall. Maybe it's a family heirloom or something," she offers hesitantly.

Seiko narrows his eyes, clearly not convinced. "Well, it's certainly unusual," he mutters under his breath.

Before the conversation can delve further, the pendant suddenly emits a bright, blinding light, momentarily stunning everyone in the vicinity. When the light dissipates, Evangeline blinks rapidly, trying to regain her vision.

As her surroundings come back into focus, she notices a figure standing in front of them. It's Megumi, but there's something different about her. Her expression seems more composed, almost serene, as if nothing unusual had just occurred.

"Is everything okay, guys?" Megumi asks, her voice tinged with concern.

Evangeline exchanges a bewildered glance with Seiko, unsure of what just transpired.

As the confusion from the sudden burst of light fades, Evangeline and Seiko exchange puzzled glances, both unable to recall what just happened. Megumi, seemingly unfazed, suggests they head to the courtyard to prepare for the beginning of the tournament.

Following Megumi's lead, they make their way to the courtyard. As they arrive, Evangeline's team notices them and makes their way over.

"Evangeline, Seiko, you're finally here!" says Yuriko, a look of relief crossing her face. "We were starting to worry."

"Yeah, we thought you got lost or something," adds Soon-mi, chuckling nervously.

Evangeline and Seiko exchange a glance, still feeling a bit disoriented from the strange encounter with Megumi and the pendant.

"Sorry about that," Evangeline says with a sheepish smile. "We got a bit sidetracked."

Seiko nods in agreement. "Yeah, something unexpected came up, but we're here now."

Yuriko gives them a curious look but decides not to press further. "Well, it's good you made it. We need to strategize before the tournament starts."

Interrupting their discussion, Evangeline speaks up, her voice carrying a sense of urgency.

"Sorry to interrupt, but there's been a change of plans," she announces, drawing the attention of her team. "The principal has decided that I'll be teaming up with Mana since I'm still under punishment, and Seiko can't participate because magical beasts are forbidden."

Yuriko and the others exchange surprised glances, clearly taken aback by the sudden turn of events.

"What? But that's not fair!" protests Soon-mi, her brows furrowed in frustration. "How are we supposed to compete without you two?"

Evangeline offers a sympathetic smile. "I know it's not ideal, but we'll make do. You guys are still a strong team, and you'll have to do your best without us."

Seiko nods in agreement, though he can't hide his disappointment at being sidelined from the tournament.

"We'll be rooting for you from the sidelines," he says, trying to inject some optimism into the situation.

Soon-mi sighs, realizing they don't have much choice but to accept the situation. "Alright, we'll do our best. But make sure you two don't get into too much trouble over there," she says with a hint of concern.

Evangeline and Seiko share a knowing look, silently acknowledging the challenge ahead. With a nod, they part ways with their team, making their way to join Mana and prepare for the tournament.

Unnoticed by Evangeline and Seiko, Megumi had already departed. With a final wave to her team, Evangeline and Seiko set off to find Mana. It took them at least twenty minutes of searching before they finally spotted Mana in the courtyard by the fountain. Of course, she was accompanied by Toshiko, and they appeared to be very close, almost as if they were about to embrace.

Evangeline couldn't hide her displeasure at the sight, feeling a pang of jealousy deep within. And then, suddenly, Toshiko's hair burst into flames as Evangeline inadvertently activated her magic.

Startled, Toshiko yelped in surprise as he frantically tried to pat out the flames. Mana, too, was taken aback, her expression a mix of concern and confusion.

"Evangeline, what did you do?" Mana exclaimed, her voice tinged with worry.

Evangeline's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled to find an explanation. "I... I don't know. It was an accident," she stammered, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze on her.

Seiko, ever the voice of reason, stepped forward. "It seems like Evangeline's magic got a little out of control," he offered, trying to diffuse the tension.

Mana sighed, shaking her head in exasperation. "Well, we don't have time to dwell on it now. We need to focus on the tournament," she said, trying to steer the conversation back on track.

Evangeline nodded, grateful for the distraction. "You're right. Let's get ready," she agreed, eager to put the incident behind her and focus on the challenges that lay ahead.

After extinguishing the flames on Toshiko's partially singed hair, which was quite comical, Toshiko announced that he had to go and rejoin his team. But before leaving, he shot Evangeline a dark glare, then snapped his fingers. A ball of water formed and struck Evangeline squarely on the head before he dashed off, laughing contentedly at his revenge.

Now only Mana, Evangeline, and Seiko remained. Mana chuckled as she looked at Evangeline. "That serves you right," she said, finding amusement in the situation.

Seiko joined in with Mana's laughter, and together they began to mock Evangeline, enjoying the lighthearted moment.

As Evangeline rubbed her head where the water ball had hit her, she felt a mix of embarrassment and irritation. She glanced at Mana and Seiko, feeling a pang of betrayal at their laughter.

"Okay, okay, you got your laugh," Evangeline said, trying to brush off the incident. "Let's focus on the tournament now. We've got a challenge ahead, and we need to be prepared."

At that moment, the principal's voice echoed throughout the school, calling all students back to the courtyard for the announcement of the first challenge of the tournament.

As Evangeline and the others arrived in the courtyard, they found the principal standing at the center stage, flanked by several teachers. The atmosphere was tense as the students awaited the announcement.

"The first challenge," the principal began, her voice carrying authority, "will test your skills in a true battle of wit and strength. You will face none other than your own teachers."

Evangeline's heart skipped a beat at the revelation. To battle their own instructors would be a daunting task indeed. She exchanged a nervous glance with Seiko and Mana, both of whom seemed equally apprehensive.

The principal continued, her voice commanding attention, "Each team will face off against a different teacher in a battle of magic and skill. Your task is to defeat your opponent using whatever means necessary. Remember, this is not just a test of strength, but also a test of strategy and teamwork."

With the announcement made, the tension in the courtyard soared. The students whispered amongst themselves, their minds racing with thoughts of the impending challenge. For Evangeline the real test was about to begin.