As the principal continued, her voice resonated with authority, "Each team will face off against a different teacher. However, the teacher will be equipped with a bracelet that restricts their powers, making the battle more balanced. Your objective is to defeat the teacher and claim their belt within a maximum of two hours. Failure to do so will result in elimination."

With those words, a blinding light enveloped the courtyard, disorienting everyone present. When the light dissipated, Evangeline found herself standing in a vast desert landscape, with only Mana by her side. There was no sign of Seiko, a reminder that magical creatures were prohibited from participating in the tournament.

In the distance, the principal's voice echoed across the desert, signaling the start of the challenge. A countdown timer appeared, ticking away the precious minutes.

"Seems like we're in for quite the adventure," Mana remarked, surveying their surroundings.

Evangeline nodded, her mind racing with thoughts of strategy. "We need to find the teacher and claim their belt before time runs out. Let's stick together and stay focused."

As they began to traverse the unforgiving desert terrain, Evangeline couldn't shake the feeling of unease. The scorching sun beat down on them, casting long shadows across the golden sands.

"Keep your eyes peeled for any signs of movement," Evangeline urged, her senses on high alert.

Suddenly, a gust of wind swept through the desert, carrying with it the faint sound of footsteps. Evangeline tensed, readying herself for whatever lay ahead.

As Evangeline and Mana turned towards the sound of approaching footsteps, they were surprised to see none other than the principal herself. Her presence in the challenge made it clear that this part of the tournament wouldn't be as straightforward as they had hoped.

"It looks like the principal herself is our opponent," Evangeline remarked, her voice tinged with both surprise and determination. "That explains why she said the first trial wouldn't be easy for us."

In the principal's mind, this moment presented an opportunity for Evangeline and Mana to grow closer. As they faced off against her, the principal observed their interactions closely, curious to see how they would navigate this unexpected twist in the tournament.

As the challenge unfolded, the principal's maneuvers became increasingly obvious. Evangeline and Mana found themselves caught in a series of unexpected situations, orchestrated by the principal to bring them closer together.

The arena crackled with anticipation as the battle began. Mana swiftly notched an arrow to her bow, channeling the power of the wind and thunder. Evangeline conjured flames and shadows, ready to unleash her magic against the principal.

The principal, with a sly smile, initiated the first attack. A gust of wind surged towards Evangeline and Mana, aiming to knock them off balance. Reacting quickly, Mana countered with a burst of wind magic, deflecting the assault.

Meanwhile, Evangeline unleashed a torrent of flames, creating a wall of fire to shield them from the principal's next move. But the principal was cunning; she dispersed the flames with a wave of her hand, leaving Evangeline and Mana vulnerable.

Seizing the opportunity, the principal surged forward with lightning speed, her movements synchronized with crackling bolts of lightning. Evangeline and Mana dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the electrifying strikes.

As the battle intensified, the principal's maneuvers grew more intricate. She manipulated the terrain, causing the ground to quake beneath Evangeline and Mana's feet. Rocks and debris rained down upon them, forcing them to take cover.

In the midst of chaos, Evangeline and Mana coordinated their attacks. Evangeline unleashed a barrage of dark energy, creating a swirling vortex of shadows to disorient their opponent. Mana followed suit, summoning a tempest of wind and thunder to amplify the darkness.

Together, they launched a combined assault, their powers intertwining in a dazzling display of magic. The principal, caught off guard by their synchronized attack, stumbled backward, momentarily stunned.

But the principal was not one to be easily defeated. With a fierce determination, she countered with a surge of elemental energy, pushing Evangeline and Mana to their limits.

Amidst the clash of magic and the roar of the elements, Evangeline and Mana fought with unwavering resolve. They dodged, parried, and countered, each movement calculated and precise.

As the battle raged on, the principal's true intentions became clear. In the heat of the moment, Evangeline and Mana found themselves in close proximity, their faces mere inches apart. A blush tinted their cheeks.

Despite the distractions, Evangeline and Mana remained focused on their objective. With a final burst of energy, they launched themselves towards the principal, determined to claim victory.

In a climactic showdown, Evangeline and Mana unleashed their most powerful spells, their magic intertwining in a dazzling display of light and shadow. With a triumphant roar, they seized the principal's belt, emerging victorious from the intense battle.

As the dust settled and the arena fell silent, Evangeline and Mana stood victorious. 

As the light enveloped them, temporarily blinding Evangeline and Mana, they found themselves back in the school courtyard. They were the only students present, as only thirty minutes had passed since the challenge began.

The principal appeared before them, offering her congratulations for successfully completing the first trial. She praised them for their teamwork and emphasized how well they had cooperated during the ordeal.

"Your teamwork was exceptional," the principal remarked, her smile widening. "Who knows, perhaps you won't be punished anymore."

But behind her encouraging words lay a deeper motive. The principal secretly hoped that the closer Evangeline and Mana grew, the more likely they would end up as a couple. In her mind, their union would eventually lead to marriage and the birth of children, fulfilling her desire to become their aunt and witness their future together.

Evangeline and Mana exchanged a glance, uncertain of the principal's true intentions. However, they both knew that they had to stay focused on the challenges ahead.

"Thank you, Principal," Evangeline replied, masking her skepticism with a polite smile. "We'll do our best in the upcoming trials."

Mana nodded in agreement, her expression guarded yet determined. "Yes, we won't let you down."

With a final nod, the principal disappeared, leaving Evangeline and Mana alone in the courtyard.