As Mana and Evangeline found themselves alone in the school playground, tension hung thick in the air, palpable between them like a heavy fog. It was Mana who broke the silence first, her voice laced with accusation.

"I'm certain you stuck to me on purpose during our fight with the principal, you pervert," Mana spat, her anger evident in every word.

"Don't pin this on me. It was clearly an accident, and who's to say you didn't do it intentionally? You'd be the pervert in that case," Evangeline retorted, her tone defensive as she pointed an accusatory finger at Mana.

Their argument escalated quickly, fueled by pent-up frustration and lingering resentment. The words spoken by the principal seemed to fall on deaf ears as the two girls clashed in a verbal showdown.

However, their quarrel was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Toshiko and his team. Mana's demeanor softened instantly at the sight of Toshiko, a small smile playing on her lips as she greeted him warmly. In contrast, Evangeline's expression soured further, her discontent evident as she seized the opportunity to enact a petty revenge.

Using her magic discreetly, Evangeline conjured a small fireball, barely visible to the naked eye, and placed it beneath Toshiko's foot. The sudden heat caused Toshiko to stumble and fall to the ground in front of his teammates, much to their surprise and confusion.

As Mana observed Toshiko's fall, a sudden burst of fury surged through her. Without hesitation, she lashed out, delivering a swift blow to Evangeline's head. The impact sent a shockwave of pain rippling through Evangeline's skull, leaving her momentarily dazed.

Meanwhile, Toshiko struggled to regain his footing, his pride stung by the unexpected fall. Mana quickly rushed to his side, extending a helping hand to assist him. Grateful for her support, Toshiko accepted her aid, his lips curling into a smug smirk as he locked eyes with Evangeline.

There was a provocative glint in Toshiko's gaze as he met Evangeline's eyes, silently daring her to retaliate. Despite the pain throbbing in her head, Evangeline gritted her teeth and held her ground, refusing to show any sign of weakness in front of her rivals.

As the moments passed, more and more groups of students began to arrive in the school playground. Some wore expressions of satisfaction, their faces lit up with triumph, while others appeared visibly frustrated, their brows furrowed with disappointment. Among them were the remaining members of Evangeline's group, who arrived alongside Megumi's team. It seemed they had all emerged victorious from the trial.

Within seconds of their arrival, a sudden blaring sound pierced the air, echoing across the courtyard like a clarion call. The first challenge had come to an end, signaling the completion of the inaugural trial.

As all the students gathered in the courtyard, the atmosphere buzzed with a mix of tension and relief. Moments later, the principal made her entrance, accompanied by several other professors. Her authoritative presence commanded attention as she announced the conclusion of the first challenge.

"Congratulations to those who have survived," she proclaimed, her voice ringing out across the courtyard. "However, it appears that more than half of you have been eliminated."

Her words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the assembled students. Yet, there was a sense of relief among them, knowing that they had made it through the initial trial.

"The tournament will resume tomorrow," the principal continued, her tone firm yet encouraging. "Take this time to rest and prepare yourselves. The challenges ahead will be even more demanding."

With those words, she wished the students luck before vanishing from the courtyard along with the other professors. As they dispersed, making their way home, a collective sigh of relief swept through the crowd.

Seiko reappeared, nestled in Evangeline's arms, his presence bringing comfort to her.

In Rosaline's office, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation as she, Jade, and Midori gathered around. Rosaline held a peculiar photo album in her hands, a subtle smile playing on her lips.

"Midori, did you manage to capture the moment I asked for?" Rosaline inquired, her tone tinged with excitement.

"Of course, how could I miss such an opportunity?" Midori replied, conjuring a photograph into his hand with practiced ease.

The image displayed Evangeline and Mana locked in combat against the principal, their intertwined forms captured in a frozen moment. Jade and Rosaline exchanged knowing smiles as they observed the image.

"We're making progress. Soon, Evangeline and Mana will be together as we've envisioned," Rosaline remarked, her eyes shining with determination.

Jade interjected with a note of caution, "Shouldn't we allow their relationship to develop naturally, rather than manipulating the situation?"

Rosaline and Midori shared a laugh at Jade's suggestion, dismissing it with a wave of their hands.

"No, expediency is key. We can't afford to wait idly by," Rosaline asserted, her confidence unwavering.

Midori chimed in, "Evangeline's apparent jealousy of Mana's proximity to Toshiko could work to our advantage."

With their plans set in motion, the trio exchanged knowing glances, eager to see their designs come to fruition.

Returning to Evangeline's perspective, we find her sneezing incessantly as she lounges in her room with Seiko.

"What's wrong, Evangeline? Do you have a cold?" Seiko inquires, concern evident in his voice.

"No, I doubt it. It's probably just someone mentioning my name," Evangeline responds, a hint of arrogance coloring her tone.

Seiko chuckles, teasing, "Are you getting a bit too narcissistic, Evangeline?"

"Not at all," she retorts dismissively.

Seiko, however, presses on, probing, "Could it be that you're falling for Mana? I couldn't help but notice how you acted around her and Toshiko earlier."

Evangeline's facade wavers momentarily as she hesitates before responding, "No, you're mistaken. Mana and I are like oil and water—we simply don't mix. Besides, there's already someone else in my heart," her thoughts drifting to the Mana of her previous life.

"Alright, I won't pry any further. I'm off to bed," Seiko declares, settling onto the bed and drifting off to sleep almost immediately.

Left alone with her thoughts, Evangeline reflects on the events of the day. But soon, her mind turns to Mana, prompting a question that lingers in the depths of her consciousness: "What if Mana has also been reincarnated like me? What if this Mana is the one I encountered in this life?"