004 // MC's first Magical Riot.

It was after Sirius's first yule and into the beginning of 1847, which was celebrated with festive joy in the Black household, when he started speaking in legible sentences. He finally got enough control over his tongue to produce the sounds. His family was happy with his progress as he was a fast-developing baby according to the Ancient Madam Polly, ( He finally got to know that she was over 100 years old and oldest in their household and thus commanded respect from even his illustrious grandfather who was raised in her arms when she was young), she liked boasting about Sirius during the meals, which everyone indulged with smiles. Sirius got to know about her proud boasting when he was allowed to partake with family in a few meals.

His father and mother were always proud of his progress, and they even started getting more involved in his upbringing.

It was a sunny day week in march, and his emotions were all over the place. He was feeling cooped up in this room, which was not small by any means, but it was still 4 walls that made him angry for some reason right now. He wanted to feel free, he wanted to breathe in the fresh air.

His teeth were growing all the time for the last few months, and they hurt a lot. His nanny gave him something to soothe them, but he was still irritated.

One day he got so frustrated that a dam burst within him,. the same dam he had tried so hard to control over months and everything in his nursery started shaking.

Elves had a hard time controlling chandelier from falling over him and only quick thinking of the nanny, who scooped him up at the end moment saved him from becoming a human pancake.

Such close brush to death or severe harm hadn't happened to him ever. Even in his last life, He was a fairly sheltered child who didn't get into fights. Even his death was peaceful and he had accepted it. This was something that had never happened before. He had never felt such anger, moreover on such a small matter like not being able to go out.

While He was panicking and bawling uncontrollably, Madam Polly tried her best to soothe him.

"Shh young master, everything would be alright." Madam Polly said rubbing his back.

He was still crying, when he screamed, "Go out. Go out. Out."

He needed fresh air desperately.

He murmured these words again and again while big fat tears were flowing from his eyes and his nose was full of snot. He could hear elves faintly trying to repair his nursery.

"Shh, we would go out Sirius, we don't have to stay here…." Madam Polly uttered reassuringly. She said a few more things while walking outside still holding Sirius.

They met his mother, and the lady of the house on the way out and as she saw his tear-streaked face, she took him from the arms of Madam Polly.

"What happened Madam Hector? Is Sirius alright?" She asked in a concerned voice while patting his back comforting manner and kissing his forehead.

"Oh, don't worry Lady Black, the little tyke just wanted fresh air and his magic helped him in causing havoc in his nursery. I was just taking him out in the garden." She replied quite happily.

"Did you say his magic? Are you saying that my son just had his first magic riot Madam?" His mother asked with disbelief in her voice.

His new mother's scent was soothing so he started feeling calm in her arms, He quieted down with difficulty just in time to follow their conversation.

"Indeed! And what a strong riot it was. He almost destroyed his room today. Looks like Little Lord Black outgrew his nursery quite earlier than his father, aunts, and grandfather." Madam Polly said happily, and His mother hugged him tightly after hearing that.

He contently breathed in her sweet scent.

"Oh, my son, such strong magic you have. Mother is so proud of you. I can't wait to tell your father about this." She cooed at him lovingly and seeing her smile loosened something in his tightly wounded heart.

He babbled finally happy, realizing what had occurred during his fit, "mum, mum, Me magic."

She looked at him proudly while founding his reaction adorable and took him outside on her own, while Madam Polly left to probably salvage what was left of the nursery.

He finally felt calm in the fresh air and when his mother took him in the air over the forest near their home, which was more of a castle on a flying carpet, He felt like he was in heaven.

That night after dinner Grandfather, Father, and mother watched Madam Polly's memory of Sirius's first magical riot and came out of the pensive with proud faces.

He listened to everything about the incident when Madam Polly told him about it the next day still smiling proudly in a new room where he didn't have to sleep in a crib and had a proper bed, which still had barriers but no longer a crib, yay, upgrade!

Letters were sent to His uncles and aunts bearing good news that the black family heir was certainly magical. There was no fear of Sirius being a squib in their eyes now.

He felt this kind of conditional love was toxic but was bound with circumstances for now.

Almost a week later, He was taken to an intimate family celebration, where Madam Polly made him sit in a highchair adjacent to his similarly-aged cousin, who was probably a few months older than him but not as disciplined, this didn't allow him to move and she gave them a bowls of mushy flavorless food. Sirius ate it resigned while keeping his ears trained towards the conversation happening during the meal.

It was a joyous day in the Black family household, both his mother and his aunt, Lady Laila Abbot had news to share with family. He peeked a glance at his father and saw him looking extra proud for some reason while he was talking with his uncle Lord Matthew Abbot in a hushed voice. His aunt Ailya looked a bit stoic for some reason, which he had observed only because she loved him a lot and didn't hide her emotions from him in private when she was alone with him.

His cousin Stephen, the second son of his aunt Laila was throwing mashed potatoes at him when Madam Polly finally had enough of his disobedience and sent a spell at Stephen, which made him calm instantly.

Everyone including Sirius was busy listening to his father and Uncle Matthew announcing that they were to become Fathers once more that year and increase the family.

After the happy news, while everyone was celebrating except his older Cousin, 6 years old Lawrence, first son of Aunt Laila, was sulking for some reason or other from the beginning of the meal, He peeked a glance at his sweet aunt Ailya, she looked happy on outside congratulating and teasing her sister and sister-in-law while hiding her pain behind a mask.

He couldn't see her sad, so he cried for attention and reached out for her, pretending to sob for his auntie Ally, she happily took me in her arms, but his crying made his cousin Stephen cry as well and most adults of the family dispersed leaving crying babies with their caretaker to the sitting room for after-meal tea.

Auntie Ally as he called her was the sweetest woman he knew, even more, caring than his mother and Nanny, he vowed to make her happy in the future and fulfil her wish of having a child of her own.

They were taken to a playroom near the dining chamber after that, where Madam Polly minded them, while aunt ally left to join the adults.