005 // MC became big brother.

It was the 14th day of September, the year 1847; when Sirius met his newborn brother for the first time and fell in love with his tiny chubby face.

"What is his name Mother?" He asked his mother as he played with the tiny fingers of his brother. his hand was half the size of his hand.

"He hasn't been granted a name yet son; you can call him little brother for now." His Mother explained patiently.

"You are his big brother son; your duty is to protect and guide him," His Father chimed in, looking at both of them proudly, gazing at the newborn babe with adoration.

"Oh, when can I play with him?" Sirius asked as he couldn't wait to bond with his brother. He was an only child in his previous life so he was beyond happy to have a sibling in this one. Only after asking this question, he realized that he did possess an adult brain and it seemed like his lack of instincts was hampering his mind on some level.

"He is too little right now, perhaps when he is older and at least walking." His mother said and then she promptly kicked Sirius and his father out as the baby had started crying, probably because of hunger or noise.

Sirius was a bit sad hearing that, but his rational mind knew that tiny babies were fragile. He had to be patient as he had been with his progress. He had only started running properly a few months prior, that too after begging Madam Polly and his mother. They usually laced him with so many safety charms like he was fragile china. he wasn't even allowed a broom yet, his father had said 'when you're older, for now, use flying carpet' and then had dismissed his request for the broom.

He kept coming back to spend time with his little brother every day, he loved spending time with his adorable brother, who had looked mashed potato at the beginning but as days passed he had grown quickly and was resembling a proper baby now. His brother had a different nanny, a pretty young Miss Clara Allen. She was just 20 years old and followed Madam Polly's Strict directions.

As Sirius turned 2, His education started properly. Sensing his intelligence and great interest in learning, Madam Polly, who was his governess as well, didn't hold back in her teachings.

She started him on alphabets, numbers, words and basic things until he had somewhat grasp on his tongue while speaking then she started all that again in French and Latin. He had groaned for a few days over learning such basic things but when Madam Polly added languages, his interest in learning had renewed. he was learning something new so he paid attention to his lessons then.

She was a knowledgeable teacher, she liked telling tales of ancient times. Little bits of wisdom were always spread in her teachings and his favourite was the recent history of the Black family, which she taught him in small tidbits sprinkled in lessons so he learned something new every day.

Being a toddler again wasn't bad except for his random mood swings and fragile body. While he was an active child, he was prone to accidents, after his magical riot his magic had become active and not having any control over his magic made him moody. His family was patient and usually happy whenever he performed magic but he had an adult conscious damn it and just like his bowel moments in beginning had embarrassed him, his random displays of magic irritated him now. He always had an adult near him. His grandfather had told him that these random magic riots would vastly reduce after his first magical maturity at 7 and completely stop at his second magical maturity at 13.

He wasn't allowed to socialize with people outside his family and their staff right now but he still sneaked into servant quarters to play with their children or elf quarters to learn elven magic by observations. He got to know that his nanny was humouring him by letting him sneak away. He had thought himself so clever but one day he overheard his nanny and Mr Edward Hector, her husband and Black family Head of staff talking among themselves.

"Young Master is growing so fast, he is more mature and cunning than his father and aunts." Madam Polly told her husband Lightly over their evening tea.

"yes, he is a quite mischievous child. Last week he pestered elves in showing him magic almost every day and this week he is playing with the children of our gardener and maids." Mr Edward said taking a sip of his tea.

"yes, I am aware my dear. His magic makes him shed charms like water. It is getting tiresome applying charms on him every day. " Madam Polly said as she sighed exhaustedly.

"You're just getting old my dear. Children his age are always like that." Mr Edward chuckled good-humoredly at his wife of about 80 years.

"Still, I'd have to ask Lord black for a tracking amulet for the young master. He tends to get into trouble too frequently for my liking." She replied primly deep in thought.

"Ah, yes. Didn't he got stuck in one of the unused bedrooms 2 weeks ago? Lady Black was most displeased with his antics." Mr Edward said chuckling lightly in his teacup now.

"Yes, Lady Black was most displeased and has ordered staff to get rid of all enchantments and dangerous things stored in old unused family rooms." Madam Polly said tiredly.

"Now, now dear, children are like that. and it was about time that manor got a renovation, it hasn't been upgraded since Lady Agnes was Lady Black." Mr Edward consoled his wife pointing out the positives.

"Yes, I know dear. I just worry for the young master, with a new babe in the family, he is growing too soon. he is practically a genius in his studies and I fear that soon I won't have anything to teach him." Madam Polly replied to her husband and they finished their tea while continuing their talks while Sirius who was hiding under a fading invisibility cloak he had found in one of the old bedrooms listened to them.

He silently left the room, it was a boon that both Mr Edward and Madam Polly were busy with each other or he would have been easily caught.

Sirius got sneakier after that in his explorations. he was a curious soul by nature and being cooped up for lessons hours upon hours left him with an itch to explore this vast castle their family called home.

His family was happy with his progress in studies even if they scolded him for what he called having fun. As time flowed and around February of 1848, Madam Polly started teaching him etiquette and how to act like a noble, which included tiresome table manners. She bribed him in learning by arranging horse riding lessons on a small pony for him. Stablemaster Jacques of the Black estate was a taskmaster and what started as fun soon turned into another lesson of the gentry.

In March, Sirius witnessed the naming ceremony of his brother on the vernal equinox. He was curious about what had transpired when he was named, now he was able to witness it properly.

He saw as his grandfather, father and Aunt Aliya stood in a triangle surrounding his brother, who was lying on a softened stone ritual circle a little away from their home, crying loudly. They sent colourful beams of magic at his brother while they chanted something in Latin, which Sirius couldn't understand in the slightest.

He was standing at a distance with his mother, holding her hand, while the rest of the family stood near them, maintaining a certain distance from the ritual circle.

The whole Black household was present for the ceremony including staff and Many relatives were invited to witness the naming of the second son of blacks. All the house-elves of their estate were also present, standing at a distance from the rest of them.

''What is the happening mother?'' He asked in a whisper to his mother while he couldn't tear his eyes off the ritual.

''Your brother is getting the blessing from Mother Gaia Sirius, after this, his connection with magic would improve and he would be strong like you.'' His mother softly replied, still looking at her younger son lying on a stone altar.

''What would happen after this? Would brother be fine?'' He asked worriedly. He still remembered that happening to him but what had felt like tickles to him looked like harmful on his younger brother.

"Yes my dear, After this your brother would be named by your grandfather, and we would break bread and feast on the success of the ceremony." His mother reassured him.

''Will this also happen with the new child of Aunt Laila?'' He asked pointing at the few months old babes in arms of Aunt Laila, who was present today but wasn't participating in the ritual she wasn't wholly recovered from childbirth yet. The third child of Aunt Laila was about a month younger than his brother.

''Oh no son, this is a Black family ritual, only for Black Born children. Your new cousin is an Abbott by birth, just like your other cousins Lawrence and Stephen, they follow rituals and ceremonies of the House Abbot.'' She said patiently.

''oh'', He said still mesmerized by the lightning show going in front of him, his brother had quietened a few moments ago probably asleep or unconscious but no one looked worried. After a few minutes, the tone of chanting lowered and then it ended. His baby brother was glowing silver when their grandfather went to pick him up.

Grandfather looked at the sleeping baby and vanished his tears after conjuring a blanket for him.

All the family members moved inside following grandfather, as elves popped away to prepare the feast and staff left to take another entry inside the home.

As we entered the manor, grandfather stood in the centre of the entrance hall and the rest of us formed a circle around him.

"I declare him, Phineas Nigellus Black, Second son of the black family born on 13th day of 9th month of the year 1847, 3rd in a line of succession to the dukedom of Newcastle and son of Lord Cygnus black II of Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black and Lady Ella Black nee Max of Noble house of Max, on 20th day of 3rd month of 1848, on this Pious occasion of the vernal equinox. May Mother Gaia's blessing always be with you son." Grandfather said in a serious tone.

Everyone started congratulating his mother and father, who was now standing holding my other hand. Sirius kept looking at his baby brother, who was still either unconscious or sleeping.

Madam Polly took him from grandfather, while Miss Clara followed her as they left the entrance hall. Mother and aunt Ailya followed them soon after. He followed his father who was guiding everyone to the formal dining room with his grandfather. He finally used his newly learnt and still imperfect table manners like a miniature adult during the feast under the gaze of his father.

After the feast, they all followed my grandfather to a room that I hadn't explored yet, where he took 2 vials from his mother and added it to another vial he took from Mr Edward.

His Grandfather mixed the contents and then smeared tiny vials' content on the tapestry under the names of his parents, next to his own name. Then he waved his wand murmuring something, not audible to him.

As he was chanting, Sirius saw his newly named brother appearing with a tiny portrait upon it on the tapestry.

He had a tiny ribbon of ''Phineas Nigellus Black, b.1847'' written in gold letters connected by a gold thread to their fathers' name, like his own name. There was a flower also connected to his name in a red thread that had Ella Max written on it.

It was a happy day for all of us. My baby brother finally had a name, Phineas was a good name for him. with that, the naming ceremony was concluded, and everyone left for somewhere while he was led to his bedroom by Madam Polly, where he was tucked in for an afternoon nap like a baby. he pouted but the day's events had been tiring, being around so many people were new for him and most of them were strangers to him.

With that concluded, life moved on.

Soon He held quill for the first time, before that, he had practiced his number and alphabet with coloured wax and charcoal sticks on a bound book made of thick white parchment. It was specially treated parchment for art according to Madam Polly.

He rotated the quill in his fingers and saw it wasn't sharp enough to write fine letters, but Madam Polly had instructed him to write in blocks first then she would teach him the fine art of calligraphy when he had enough control on his quill.

September came and Phineas was babbling all the time now. He soon started walking unaided and was promptly shifted to a safe flying carpet to learn properly, where Sirius usually helped his brother in walking by encouraging him.

When Sirius turned 3, his grandfather ordered someone from their staff to teach him swimming in yet another unexplored room, this one just happen to contain a whole a** Swimming pool. He was also taught fencing by Mr Givens, his new instructor under the ever-present gaze of Madam Polly.

Even though he was learning a multitude of things, he didn't have a busy schedule as he had nothing else to do except learn for a few hours every day, so he started practising reading low-level books from the library while trying to control his stubborn magic secretly. He had to get reading material approved by his nanny, but that was just a precaution as the famed black library had many many tomes not suitable for children.

After he turned 3, he was happy that he would attend family meals from then, and he would be able to get insights into the familial relationships as well as eat his food away from the taskmaster Madam Polly and her horrible table manners.

How naïve he was in his thinking, he realized soon enough that Madam Polly was part of their intimate family and usually took her meals with her husband and Black family at the formal table. He started respecting his family more from that day as clearly Mr and Mrs Hector were quite a bit more than staff for his family as well.

Life was easy as a child, He was enjoying my childhood to the fullest even if he had to entertain his rude cousins Stephen and Lawrence whenever Aunt Laila visited, which was about once every two weeks. Magical travel made it easy to go anywhere. Cousin Edith, the third child of Aunt Laila was too small to play with the rowdy big boys so little Phineas usually kept her company and those two were inseparable for that time. Miss Clara kept an eye on the babies while we were minded by Madam Polly.