Sirius was almost 7 years old now and a proud older brother of 2 siblings. Phineas had grown like a weed once he started walking and their mother gave them a lovely sister to spoil about a year and a half ago.
Little Lady Elladora Black, born in 1850, already had the whole household wrapped around her little finger. She had her naming ceremony on the summer solstice of the year 1850 a few months after she was born.
He had asked to participate in the ceremony with his grandfather but was denied as it needed an innate control on pure magic of self and knowing the blessing of Mother Gaia by heart.
His family members were unaware of what he can do with magic. He had the freedom of a child to explore the castle he called home on his whim, while his brother followed him around whenever he could escape from his lessons.
When he turned 7, he was introduced to society as well as Wizengmort and the Royal court of Britain by his grandfather after he was given the Heir ring of The Black family as well as a chain with a raven pendant on it. His father instructed him to never remove it in public as this was to protect his mind from unsavoury elements of society.
He had nodded seriously and promised his father, meanwhile formulating plans to study this and learn what the pendent did.
His education was going wonderfully, even if it got tiresome to learn like a child sometimes. He was now Fluent in English, French, Latin and Italian. Madam Polly had added Italian to the mix when he started getting fluent in other languages. With the support of his grandfather, she was all in favour of pushing him to his limits. She had also started on Greek and German 2 years ago. Blacks had a vast business empire hidden from the eyes of most, where these languages were necessary for trade.
Meanwhile, his brother was learning Spanish, Latin, Hebrew and Mandarin, to handle the other side of the business. He wondered what languages his sister would learn.
Madam Polly was strict on etiquette, just like our mother so proper manners were ingrained in us. We were taught to walk, talk, eat, sing, dance, read, and play with manners, so we won't embarrass our family in court, in society or in front of visitors who frequented our public Residence for one reason or another.
At that time, cultural education was given value in life and society, so he was exposed to art, music, poetry, literature, and history from a young age. Both kinds are Muggle and Magical.
Sirius was made to sing or play violin or dance with daughters of my mothers' various social circles frequently, so he became proficient in Singing, Dancing and violin. Seeing children his age accomplishing these things hurt his ego at the beginning, as he was older in mind, so he buckled up and learnt everything, Dedicating himself to the fullest.
Nothing was more humiliating than the younger son of Lady Hednesford being better at dancing or the daughter of Lady Fawley being better at the violin. His mother had looked disappointed for once and he couldn't bear to be lowly at something like dancing or violin.
Pride was one of his major flaws, which he had learned early in life. He couldn't stand to see someone else excelling at anything which he felt he could do better. Sirius only liked his brother excelling at things.
My brother was also taught dancing and lute as his choice of instrument, which he wasn't very fond of. Whereas he was fond of fencing, and it was our activity. Phineas never won except on the occasion when I yielded defeat to make him happy, but it was a perfect way to bond with my baby brother. He was just too fun to tease at any given moment. They were also made to meditate daily due to some reason, but Sirius connected dots soon and deduced that it was the first stage of occlumency or art of protecting the mind. He wasn't in the hurry of learning mind arts as he had protection against it in form of his pendent, so he didn't mess with a thing as delicate as his mind without proper knowledge.
Madam Polly was all for pushing him to his limits so when she added Arthimacy to the course load, which was just advanced math children learnt in middle-high school in my previous life he didn't protest, but he did protest when she added ancient runic languages, which were dead languages and very difficult to learn and wasn't used much anywhere in anything. But his father pushed for them to be taught, so he had kept his head down and learnt them like the perfect pureblood heir he pretended to be. Sirius was provided with a tutor to learn ancient runes from outside the family, while everything else was taught by Madam Polly, Miss Clara, Mr Edward or various hired staff from the household from the beginning. He learnt ancient runes in their family's public residence as outsiders were rarely allowed in the primary residence.
While learning normal stuff was good, he didn't neglect my magical education. He knew about magic from an early age so many things were quite normal to him. Magic was like a muscle according to the books present in our library and how much you used your muscle depended on you. Father had mentioned in passing that he would get a fitted wand when he turned 9, so he could prepare for a bit before school. The black family wasn't going to send their children defenceless to a school full of immature children as they had many enemies.
Sirius was comfortable doing wandless magic most of the time, he had learnt the art by training his body to recognize accidental magic bouts at an early age and duplicating it. He still remembered his magical riot faintly; he was losing memories like a normal person in life and only meditation and taking ample notes helped him in retaining important things. Like any other normal child, he was just more mature and responsible in personality.
He sucked at transfiguration but loved charms. He wasn't allowed near a caldron but understood plants and animals' parts used in potion-making. His uncle Philips had promised to teach him the delicate art of potion-making when was older.
As he grew older, he noticed that his family lead 2 lives, one in front of muggles and one in front of magical. his family's behaviour didn't change but they adjusted according to who they were speaking to. He did notice that his mother frequented various social circles and a few of them lacked magic even in the most primal sense. Her handmaid as well as a magical guard, who were adept at blending among muggles and an invisible house-elf always accompanied her, protecting her from threats from outside and from within the court.
Sirius was confused for a while about the Black family getting chummy with the muggles as he remembered reading that blacks hated muggles and muggle stuff of all kinds, but he accepted everything for now. He did keep a close eye and a sharp ear at what was being said around him. Children were invisible to adults most of the time, if a child remained quiet, he was unnoticed. Maybe something happened that developed into hate for muggles later. It was almost a century and a half before the time books were written and much could happened during that time.
He had noticed over the years that while we had 2 residences on the same land, one near the town with muggle gardens and a visible boundary wall and the hidden castle which was the primary residence, much more secluded, we children were allowed the freedom to be our magical self only in our primary home, under the eyes of magical staff of household.
The secondary manor was a public home for entertaining visitors and outsiders. Grandfather had forbidden us from visiting the front manor which was referred to as the muggle manor by adults. We usually went there with Madam Polly or Family members. I usually went there to be tutored while Phineas accompanied me a few times when our lessons didn't overlap.
Father had told us that our family was employing squibs from the town to run the muggle manor since the beginning it was built as it was easier than to hide magic from even our staff.
I enjoyed exploring the muggle manor with Phineas whenever we can ditch our tutors. We found several hidden passages around that home, being around magic most of our life made us look at muggle stuff with different eyes and hidden levers, pulling books from random bookshelves, dusty basements with bloody chains hanging on walls. It was a classic old manor, just well maintained.
Life was pleasant so Sirius didn't think about the future too much, he enjoyed being a child in such a different time. he acted like a carefree child most of the time so his cunning nature was hidden well and deep, not too deep it wasn't good to hide a big part of his personality so much so that when he acted his true self, everyone would deny knowing him. A world full of magic was dangerous, and he still possessed a hidden adult mind.
Hello my lovely readers,
So, our MC is finally somewhat grown and his Hogwarts years are soon. are you as excited as i am for his Hogwarts journey or would you prefer that I skip it orrrr take our MC to some entirely different school? let me know in the comments.
Please give me motivation by adding this to your collection and power stones never hurt anyone. :p
Thankyou again.