Sirius and Phineas were tired after a long day of learning, both brothers decided to have a picnic in the garden on the lovely day of May, perfect for the outdoors.
They wanted to go flying after the picnic and knowing that no muggle guests were staying at muggle manor, they were safe to do so in the garden they were going to have their picnic.
By now Sirius was 8 years old and quite responsible in eyes of his family. He was a perfect pureblood heir who could do no wrong. The ad never once embarked his family in front of anyone and listened and learnt what was taught without arguments and backtalking like his brother, who was a free and rebellious spirit by nature. Even little lady Elladora was mischievous, but Sirius was the favourite of his parents.
So, when he asked for a picnic in the garden, he got it. Not that anyone in their right mind would refuse 2 lovely boys a chance to breathe in fresh air after being cooped up studying for many hours. This was a frequent activity they did together.
Sirius had always loved the outdoors since the time was a babe whereas Phineas loved to be in the Air. He loved flying of all kinds; he even had his own flying carpet which Aunt Ailya had bought specially for him from her tour to Egypt.
After a long tiring day, Elladora and Miss Clara joined them in the gardens, they were having a lovely picnic.
Phineas asked Miss Clara for a Ball, which she readily Transfigured out of a leaf and then boys were playing with Ella, who was giggling and trying to run behind the ball, when they heard a loud thud and saw miss Clara dropping on the ground petrified, her cornflower blue eyes wide open.
Ella stopped seeing her brothers were not laughing and started crying sensing tension in the air.
"Phineas take Ella and go to muggle manor now, it's near!!" Sirius immediately stood up and shouted at his brother.
They didn't know what had happened to Miss Clara, it might have been an accident or something, so Sirius moved towards Miss Clara to check on her.
"Come brother let's go! We must find help for Miss Clara!" Phineas said in a worrying tone trying to soothe Ella who was crying loudly now.
"No Phineas, I'd stay with Miss Clara while you get help," Sirius said moving towards the fallen body of Miss Clara.
"But brother wh-'' whatever Phineas was trying to say was cut mid-sentence as a beam of red enveloped him and Ella from behind.
He fell to the ground with a loud thud which made Sirius who was checking Miss Clara's pulse look behind him at his fallen brother and sister.
Sirius was scared now, whoever this was, wasn't an ally.
Then a beam of red came towards him from behind the tall bushes and his magic reacted and produced a weak shield, which wasn't enough to protect him from the attack.
Sirius's magic tried its best, but it only weakened the curse and he found himself in the body bound lying on the ground. His siblings were petrified too, and he prayed to Mother Gaia to save his siblings. He was only worried for his siblings right now who must be scared shitless in their petrified state. They all were sheltered children, but he was previously from the 21st century so he at least knew about the realities of the world, whereas his siblings were truly innocent.
"Grab the heir, we must hurry." He heard a harsh voice loudly whispering.
"What about others, we can't leave them here." asked another voice, which was quite soft in comparison.
"You go with the heir; I'd handle the rest of them." Said the person with a harsh voice.
As he tried to listen more, his kidnappers sent a jinx at him.
Suddenly He couldn't see or hear anything but then felt a tight squeezing sensation in his entire body after a few minutes and suddenly putrid smell assaulted his nose. He couldn't control himself; the combination of squeezing sensation and putrid smell broke his body binding, and he vomited violently.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, which he ignored for now. He was dry heaving now when he felt the hand on his shoulder motioning him to walk. He complied with his kidnapper, he didn't have his sight and hearing so he was not functioning at his best. Without knowing where he was, shouting for help was out of the question. He would have to take a wait and see approach for now.
They walked for what felt like hours, finally, they stopped.
'We must've reached wherever they were taking me' Sirius thought as he was forced to move down on a staircase which he was only able to sense due to his kidnapper moving one of his hands on the downwards going railing.
They stopped moving after walking for a few more minutes than Sirius was pushed to the hard ground. He heard the heavy clinking of metal and then felt his senses returning to him.
It took him a few minutes to hear again properly as the spells cast on him were not gentle. He didn't open his eyes yet and tried to listen to his surroundings, while he kept reminding himself that he wasn't a helpless kid. As he heard a sob from somewhere near him, he opened his eyes and found himself in a tiny dirty cell. He saw a kid with dirty blonde hair sitting in the cell opposite to him with his face buried in his knees.
"Hey, who are you? Where are we?" he asked the kid.
The kid lifted his head, and he got the proper look at his face, it was tear-streaked and dirty, while his clothes looked of good quality.
*Sob* *Sob*
"I am Aiden Adams; these people took me from my home. They are bad people who want to hurt me." The kid replied sobbing loudly.
"When did they take you Aiden?" Sirius asked, his mind working a minute a mile.
"3 days ago. I was playing outside my home, and they hurt my auntie and took me." Aiden said full-on crying now.
"It's okay Aiden, don't cry. We would get out of here, don't worry" Sirius tried to reassure the kid, who looked his brother's age.
"But how? they had Edwin here as well and they took him somewhere!" Aiden said shifting close to the bars of his cell, which were about 2 meters away from the bars of my cell.
"Who is Edwin? And when did they take him?" Sirius asked Aiden.
"Edwin is my cousin and he was here yesterday but when I woke up today, he wasn't in his cell," Aiden told Sirius in a broken voice, now looking like he would start crying again.
"It's okay, we would find the way out of here Aiden, my family won't leave any stone unturned to find me, and I know your family must be looking for you as well." Sirius tried soothing the kid.
"They would be coming soon with food for us, we should stop talking or else they would hurt us like they hurt Edwin," Aiden said in a serious tone and then he moved to the back of his cell.
Sirius nodded and followed Aiden's actions while thinking a way out of this mess. He didn't want to be hurt, and he wasn't going to eat whatever these people provided him.
Soon he heard footsteps coming towards their cell and then saw a man with 2 bowls in his hand.
"Here brats, eat up." The man said pushing the small bowls in our cells from the floor.
"Who are you and why did you take me," Sirius asked his captor bravely.
His captor was a tall muscular man who looked dirty and unkempt. A far cry from even the townspeople near their estate.
"eh, you are a curious one," His captor said laughing.
"Tell me," Sirius said now a bit angry.
"Shut your trap brat, we are the so-called muggles and we are sick of you witches hoodwinking the king. You all should have stayed away from the royal family." the muggle man said.
"But you used magic to capture me. How can you be a muggle if you used magic?" Sirius asked, trying to fish for more information.
It seemed that the man was in good mood because of some reason as he was forthcoming with information.
"Mah Brother is what you call him, yes, a Muggleborn. He was sick of you people, so he helped us. You people taking our children to that castle of yours and then making their life hell. He couldn't even find work after escaping from there. Now shut your trap brat before I make you regret being born." The man said harshly in a low-born accent and then left stomping his feet heavily on the dirty floor.