013 // MC goes through magical maturity!!!

On 20th October 1856, When Sirius went to sleep, he knew he would wake up different next day. He had been anticipating this since he had realized who he was. The family had a hearty meal that was as elaborate as the norm in the evening, but his father called him to discuss an important matter.


"You requested my presence, Father?" Sirius said as he was summoned by his father just as he was getting ready for sleep.

It had been another tiring day full of training since the sunrise till sundown after which he had been given time to rest till next sunrise.

"Ah Sirius, You're here. Come in son. Take a seat." His father called him in.

Sirius sat opposite his father, who gave him a vial full of silver solution.

"Drink that son" His father commanded, but Sirius didn't drink it as he was inspecting the vial.

"What is this?" he questioned Cygnus while intently studying the solution, who looked at his action of talking back with unreadable eyes.

"It's an alchemical solution to aid your magical maturity. This is a black family secret that is passed down from Lord to his heir since the establishment of the most ancient and noble house of Black."

"What is its effects father? You must have drunk it in your time." Sirius asked curiously, his family hasn't exactly steered him wrong till now, so he was sure it wasn't anything nefarious, but he still won't consume anything without knowing its effects.

"When you cross the threshold of being a true wizard, it would strengthen your core trinity."

"Mind, Magic and Soul" Sirius murmured looking at the solution with an incredulous gaze.

"What are its long-term effects?" He continued his line of questioning.

"None. But you must consume this before 3 of your magical maturities or it won't be as effective as it could be." His father replied.

"Who made it and what is it made off?" Sirius was curious about whom his family could share a black family secret with.

"A highly valued alchemist our family employs made it under a secrecy contract and It is made of 7 highly potent alchemical solutions and has been steeped for 3 years. Every solution was made to accelerate your development and prepare you to take the mantle of Lord Black one day." Cygnus Black said in a tone that brokered no arguments.

Sirius's gaze sharpened at his father's words, he hadn't dabbled into alchemy yet but knew it was notoriously hard for those who didn't know the basics of transfiguration, chemistry and Arthimacy. A solution made of 7 solutions and if he knew his family, every single one of those solutions would be a boon on its own, so he decided to finally drink it. It was an advantage he wasn't willing to pass on. He would study the solution when he has sufficient knowledge of the field.

"Will I learn to make it? He asked excited at the prospect of learning alchemy.

"If you show disposition towards alchemy then tutors can be arranged when you have passed your OWLs."

Sirius sensed that his father was nearing his end of patience with his questions, so he drank the silver solution which didn't leave a taste on his tongue. Highly intriguing was running in his mind when his father dismissed him, and he trekked back to his room which was on the 3rd floor.

Sirius finished his personal training in the confines of his chambers and turned in to sleep as his elf doused the lights. He tossed and turned for a couple of hours not able to sleep in anticipation and sat up in a lotus position and started to mediate knowing trying to sleep was futile that night.

At 3:33 in the morning at the exact time of his birth, He found himself in a dark place filled with golden mist which was faint but visible.

On 21st October 1856, Sirius Black woke up startled and immediately grabbed his fading dream and converted it into an obsidian stone, which he usually used to store his more precious and private memories. He hadn't done that with dreams yet but felt like this was something he should not let slip by even if he couldn't remember what it was. After converting it he dived into the memory to see what had startled him so.



Where am I was running in his mind, when he recognized the golden mist surrounding him from the time, he had unlocked his wandless magic. He remembered having an epiphany and then having an easier time using wandless magic after that. Not that he had gotten expert in that, it had just cut his efforts in half.

He noticed that the mist was slowing moving in the opposite direction from where he was existing and then he tried to 'see' but found that he didn't have a body just a presence wherever he was. He started moving towards the source of golden mist with great difficulty. Only his superior willpower and an internal voice screamed at him that this was important, so he moved ahead facing the resistance.

After a while, he found himself at the source of golden mist. What he saw there shocked him.

He found a golden-hued orb layered with what looked like Black built-up of grease over it. There were pinpoint-sized minuscule bubbly openings in it, which allowed for rays of golden mist to pass through it. But there were very few openings.

He gazed at the orb for a long while before trying to feel the orb with his presence. The Blackish Built-up felt greasy and slimy, his presence felt disgusted by it but on the contrary, the golden mist emitting from the pinpoint cracks soothed him. Such a jarring opposite effect left him in a conundrum but made one thing very clear in his mind, the greasy built-up was bad and the golden mist was good. The golden mist was important.

As he touched the orb, the intensity of golden mist increased and surrounded the orb fully which made it harder to 'see' it. His presence felt pressure and started flickering and he had to will himself where he was with great difficulty while the increased golden mist made him back away from the orb.

His presence 'saw' with guarded anticipation at what was happening to his magical core. He patiently waited for the change to take place while trying his best to stay there despite the resistance.

After what felt like hours, he saw the golden mist had started to spread around from its originating point and gradually it settled.

He noted the changes and saw that His core had increased twice in size and became a bit clearer, and he could see those pinpricks from where the golden mist was appearing had multiplied and became bigger and his core had also grown somewhat. If he had to compare, then he would say previously golf ball-sized core became Pool ball sized.

There were still multiple layers of greasy built-up, but they had somewhat reduced but was still covering about 97% surface of his core. His presence slowly faded from the dream/memory.


Sirius Rigel Black, 11 years old heir of the prominent Black family of the British Isles opened his eyes and a smile bloomed on his face. If someone was to see him, they would call the child angelic and a future heartthrob.

He stood in front of a mirror, getting ready for the day with the help of his elf who helped him don the layers he was required to wear to show his status in his household as well as in society.

He looked at his reflection and saw Black wavy hair which a blue sheen, which reached just past the nape of his neck, smoky stone-grey eyes which shined with intelligence, a straight aquiline nose, high cheekbones, pouty lips, all set on a pale squarish face, which had some baby fat, that overall gave him a look which screamed Noble.

He had gotten a couple of days off from training at his father's insistence. He was glad for that as he didn't feel like doing much and sleeping the day off. But duties were a must and he as an elder brother had to set an example in front of his siblings as well as his family. But he wasn't a child truly; he had an adult mind which made him look past emotions driving the children his age, so he buried his emotions behind his shields to deal with at a less urgent time.

As he made his way for the dining room, he grew excited. He had finally turned 11 and reached the age of Schooling in the wizarding world. He would probably get his Hogwarts letter today as was the tradition. He couldn't wait to read his very own Hogwarts letters.

He arrived in the dining room where his grandfather and siblings were yet to arrive, but my parents were already present.

"Salutations on your birthday my dearest son, May mother Gaia's blessings be always with you." His mother, Lady Ella Black stood up and greeted him, kissing both his cheeks like the French people did, where she had recently gone for a visit to some family.

Then father stood up and patted him on back and then shook his hand as if declaring him a man and wished him a happy birthday.

As his father took his chair and he made way towards his own chair, his siblings ran into the dining room and their mother started scolding them for acting like heathens, while Phineas regained proper posture but 5 years old Elladora still kept running and Sirius opened his arms to scoop and lift his darling little sister.

"Salutations of birthday big brother." She said kissing his cheeks unknowingly copying their mother.

Sirius ruffled her curly black hair, which was missing a head accessory as Ella was prone to running away from her governess who tried to force her to dress up properly for meals on formal occasions.

"My thankyou to you little sister. Did you run away from Mrs Dagworth again?" he asked his sister who was trying to escape his arms now looking guilty.

"She is mean and makes me wear that awful headpiece. I couldn't bear her presence brother." She informed her brother in a clear 'I know better than you voice' and pouted.

Sirius couldn't resist her cute puppy dog eyes and pinched her cheeks, putting her down on a chair gently.

As his arms got free, his younger and only brother moved towards him and shook his hand trying to act like an adult and wished him.

He shook Phineas' hand and thanked his brother who was trying to act an adult a bit seriously. No need to tease his brother today, he would be unbearable then. Phineas gave him a quick hesitant hug and then ran to his seat opposite Sirius on the dining table.

Their parents just chuckled at Phineas' act while Sirius tried hard to control his smile. As he pulled his chair, Head of the household, his grandfather arrived in all his regal glory and wished him in a similar manner to his father. Sirius unconsciously smiled seeing how his father still followed his own father's footsteps and comparing it to how their mother's mannerisms were shaping his sister.

The family broke fast over tinkering of cutlery and small talks mainly focused on Sirius's special day. As the meal drew to close, a servant came in the room holding the tray of the daily mail. There were more than usual letters present and most letters were addressed to him.

What shocked him was that among those, there were 3 letters addressed to him which were heavy with stamps of vastly different magical schools.

His grandfather motioned him to open the letters and he picked up a letter written in German, a language he had learnt only enough to get by. Still, it was sufficient to read a letter.

The first letter had a coat of arms of a double-headed eagle and featured the school's name 'Durmstrang' in both Latin and Cyrillic script.

It was simply addressed as

"Herr Sirius R. Black, Newcastle, England."

He used the ornate silver letter opener on the red seal which was stamped on a cream-coloured heavy parchment.

Inside were 2 thick parchments,

First had the same coat of arms as the seal and details about the school founding years and current headmaster in the top paragraph with their accomplishments and below it was an invitation to attend the most prestigious school of Northern Europe, Durmstrang Institute.

He read the letter quickly and saw that the second parchment was a sort of minimalistic prospectus with information regarding the cost to attend school when the term begin which was surprisingly 1st February, which was in the basic 1st yr. curriculum, what were the individual requirements to attend the school as well as a way to contact the school to send an acceptance letter. There was no book list or requirement list of any sort.

He guessed that it was clearly only sent when a student accepted the invitation, no need to put unimportant information if the potential student didn't accept.

He passed both pages to his father to read. His mother and grandfather were sorting their own correspondence while his brother and sister were reading the already opened greetings he had received from their relatives.

He picked another envelope and his nose picked up a pleasant flowery scent from the parchment.

The parchment held a light blue hue and was addressed to him in French in black inked calligraphy.

This was the invitation or acceptance letter from the beauxbatons most probably. His mother looked interested in this letter, so he quickly examined the seal which was the coat of arms of the French school.

It consisted of two golden wands crossed over one another, each shooting three stars.

He opened the letter and read it silently, his French far better than his German.

It was of a similar format to the Durmstrang letter just with much more elegance and flowery words with the coat of arms above the letter content with their accomplishments as well as information on the current director of the school.

'Monsieur Black,

We are pleased to invite you to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, "Where magic meets magnificence". At Beauxbatons Academy, people of an unimaginable nature attend to learn more about their gifts. As well as improving our magic, we learn etiquette, poise and more.

We are looking forward to your acceptance letter. An owl can be sent addressed to the school itself or Ministry of magic, France and we would open further communications for the formal arrangements.

Au Revoir,

Cyrille Manoury,

Head of department of education,

Ministry of magic, France.

Sirius promptly passed single parchment to his mother and picked the most anticipated letter.


A/N - Hey guys, I know you all are looking forward to the challenges and I am really grateful for all those lovely suggestions! Those chapters are work in progress.

Sorry, to leave you all hanging at this point in this chapter, I couldn't fit our most anticipated letter in this chapter as it was already running long. ;)

All comments and suggestions are welcome and please give me Powerstones and share this with your fellow Potterheads if you are enjoying this storyline!!

P.S- this fic have crossed 500 collections and I couldn't be happier !!!! Much love to all of my readers. ❤️❤️❤️