I finally held something which was the ultimate dream of all Harry potter fans. A Hogwarts letter. My very own Hogwarts letter.
The letter was addressed to me, written in green ink on a thick yellowish parchment that had silver watermarks on it. It was no less pretentious than other school invitations but nevertheless special in a very different way.
'Sirius R. Black,
East Wing, 3rd Floor,
Black Castle, Newcastle,
England, Great Britain.
Hogwarts letter had a purple wax seal bearing a large "H" and the four animals representing the four Hogwarts Houses. He opened the seal with the same letter opener, and there it was written on the same silver watermarked thick Parchment with Green Ink as Envelope under a coat of arms of Hogwarts,
"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Scotland"
Headmaster: Dexter Fortescue,
(Grandmaster of warding and curse breaking, 17th Elected Lord of Glasgow seat in Wizengmort, Holder of Hogwarts seat in the confederation of Magical education.)
Dear Mr Black,
We are pleased to invite you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the new academic class of 1857-63.
Any Child born with magic in a magical family, who have reached magical maturity by their 11th birthday must attend an ICW certified Magical Institution till they gain sufficient OWLs to be declared a trained Mage, in accordance with the 'Law of mandatory Magical Education, 1701'.
Term begins on September 1st. Instructions, a necessary list of Requirements and directions to reach Hogwarts would be delivered once the acceptance is confirmed. A line of communication can be opened if the pupil or guardians have any queries regarding Education at Hogwarts School by a letter addressed to the school before the last date of acceptance.
We await your acceptance by no later than 31st July of the year 1856 with an accompanied Gringotts draft of 120G or the same can be deposited at the Ministry of magic, Department of education, Mandated by the Ministry of Magic, Britain, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.
Yours sincerely,
Eupraxia Mole
Deputy Headmistress,
Master of Charms, Master of Dark arts.
Huh. This letter was different and much more detailed than Sirius was expecting. He re-read it and noted that it was clearly a better version of the Acceptance letter than one Harry had received. Even if it didn't have shopping and booklist. This meant that there were more subtle changes in this world, or something had happened in the next century or so. Or harry had received a personalised 'invitation' which didn't have an option to deny acceptance.
Nevertheless, Sirius was beyond happy to finally receive this invitation. This was what he was looking forward to since he was a child. In both lives. Finally, he was going to go to Hogwarts, and he couldn't wait. It was just his luck that he would have to wait for the next 8 months.
His brother finally reached his limit of patience and snatched the letter from his hand to read it for himself. He just looked at Phineas as his brothers' cheeks turned red in childish envy.
"I want to go to Hogwarts too." Phineas declared loudly.
Father just chuckled at his younger son's impatience and said, "You would also go there in 3 years son."
"No, I want to go with Brother now." He petulantly said and father signed and looked at his wife.
"Phineas don't forget your manners in a juvenile fit. You would receive it when you turn 11. Now give that parchment to your father and go get ready for your lesson." Their mother scolded Phineas who gave the letter to their father and ran away from the dining hall with Ella running behind him.
They were as close as siblings could be, and Sirius missed when he was that carefree. He had responsibilities now and he had already enjoyed 2 childhoods. He shouldn't be greedy.
Even if He had been struck in training Since January and today was a short respite for him.
Since 13th January of 1856, he had to wake up every day at sunrise and train under the martial magic master his father had hired for him in the mornings till breakfast.
The physical aspect of martial magic which was learnt without staff had left his body aching and limbs heavy for the first month or so, after that, he had adapted and exceeded. Daily runs through the forest near their estate, survival training in harsh conditions and much more was fitted in his brain on daily basis.
He was trained in physical fighting and was given the staff of his ancestor Lord Rigel Black, through which he leaned to harness elemental spells. This was the only magic he was allowed as at the moment staff was doing the heavy loading while he was just a passenger. He would learn to control the given weapon when he had enough control over his magic according to his father, who had been presented him with the staff one day in March.
It had taken him just a month to control his staff and if his tutor had noticed, he hadn't told his father about this. He had given it his all and learnt the skill with tears, blood and sweat. He would do anything to survive, as those challenges were deadly.
His tutor had been impressed with him and had offered him an apprenticeship when he was of age if he was still interested in it by that point, and he had politely put the offer in the back of his mind for now as this was a decision for later.
Then after the martial magic training, he had a 3-hour long lesson on a branch of magic. There were primarily 6 subjects taught to him by specialized masters his father had hired from around the world.
- Transfiguration
- Charms
- Defense and offence
- Herbology with Potions
- Astronomy with ritual studies
- Magical creatures – Care, harvest, and defense.
He wasn't allowed a wand yet, but he had a carved Stick in a similar shape to a wand for practising wand movements like Flick, Jab, Point, Roll, Swirl, Swish, Tap, Twirl, Twist, Wave and many more. His theory was immaculate for at least 5 years of Hogwarts education and some more out of the syllabus knowledge by now and he couldn't wait to try the magic. He was even allowed a few black family tomes of old to pursue additional contents from the 3rd floor of the library.
After that, for 2 hours he worked on his mind arts in a secluded space. His grandfather had given him the same book as he had taken from Murray's home to advance his shields. He had already read that book cover to cover many times so he gave it to Phineas in secret, so his brother can learn to protect his mind. He did help his brother in learning by practising Legilimency wandlessly on him after removing both their pendants inside the safety of their chambers, so the detection device could not interfere. He never went inside his brother's mind or pried his secrets, just practised on detecting surface emotions and thoughts as only that could be done without harming Phineas' mind.
Sirius had spent some time analysing the pendant with the help of Kint. He never really had to use it but it was clearly good protection for children or elves, as kint had declared. House-elves didn't have natural shields or any kind of shields. Their mind wasn't developed to that degree yet, that they could comprehend the matter of protection of the mind. That is why kint had graciously helped him with his project pendant.
He took lunch with his mother, Siblings and Aunt Polly, after which he entertained his siblings while secretly practising and refining his wandless magic unseen from the eyes of others till the evening tea or attended social events his presence was required with his adults.
After tea, he had his Fencing, Riding, Swimming, Etiquette/Dancing, Languages, and ancient runes lessons for at least 2 hours daily, where Phineas and Ella joined him sometimes.
After the long day, He took dinner with the whole family in the formal dining hall with his grandfather and father taking note of his progress and giving suggestions on things he was struck at.
After the dinner, until Kint forced him to sleep, which was usually by 10 PM, he tinkered with different things he was interested in, in his private chambers.
He was given every Sunday as respite and he flew or fenced with Phineas, played chess with Mr Edward, spent time with house-elves, or socialised with underage children of their staff on grounds behind the muggle manor, which was very safe now. He didn't exert himself much on Sunday and usually only practised his occlumency and wandless magic in private.
His mother always looked at him in disapproval whenever she found him mixing with 'rabble' or 'critters' according to her. He didn't care as his mother was not someone who would raise her wand at him, and his father and grandfather were too busy to usually notice or care. They had been his age once and he was sure that they were quite a bit unruly than him if Mr Edward was to be believed.
Sirius looked at the letter he had written with instructions from his father, who had given him a 120G draft to put in the envelope with his acceptance letter.
He had discussed which school to attend with his father, who had chosen Hogwarts for him. He had even said that his brother would join him in Hogwarts while his sister's fate was undecided for now.
He had also written 2 letters rejecting the invitations from French and German schools, stating his regret, and telling them that he was attending his parents' alma matter. He had written those rejection letters in the respective languages of the schools as told by his father. It was a subtle power play according to his father who said that this showed that he was qualified for attending those schools, but he chose not to attend them to Honor the family tradition. While the foreign schools had shown respect to their prestigious house by inviting him to study there, he was to show respect to the other school even in his rejection like a Gentlemen.
According to his father, every Black family Heir apparent had attended Hogwarts since the founding of the school and he was following in the steps of his ancestors. Even he and his sisters had received the letters from beauxbatons and Durmstrang since their family was involved in business with both schools regarding something.
After spending an afternoon with their father, who regaled his own Hogwarts experience with all 3 children hanging on his every word, Sirius had picked up on an undercurrent of something from his fathers' tone and words.
His father was stressed about something, which Sirius was unaware of, and he had tried to pry a bit but was shut off as subtly as he has tried to know. But whatever it was, it was related to the mother. There was something going on between his father and mother, but the rest of the household was unaware of this.
Their grandfather must have an inkling of what was going on, but he had sealed lips and the rest of them were unaware.
The rest of the evening he spent with Phineas on the broom playing quidditch, while Mr Edward acted as referee and a medic for them. He healed various bruises and cuts both brothers and various other children of the staff received while playing the rough game with low powered bludgers flying around.
It was a pleasant day for Sirius, and he hadn't pestered his father for the wand as his father had told him to wait for a day.
In the evening after the dinner was finished, everyone except little Ella was summoned to the Family's tapestry room, by the Head of their house.
His grandfather took his signet ring and occlumency pendent declaring him old enough to protect his mind and then gave him a ring defining his status as Heir apparent of the family as Cygnus was still officially the heir of the Blacks.
Sirius accepted the Heir apparent ring with grace and gratitude. As he wore the ring, he could feel the subtle protections laid and woven in the Heir apparent ring. It was a greater exchange as he knew that his family won't leave his mind unguarded even if they declared him competent in Occlumency. The Heir apparent ring would function similar to the pendant.
After grandfather gave me the ring, my father gave me a small key with Gringotts insignia, which I recognised from the draft signed by him. He explained that this was key to my personal vault which also functioned as a trust vault. It had a base amount of 11,000 galleons, and he would deposit 1000 galleons every year on his birthday till he turned 21. The vault was fully at his disposal to do as he wished.
He was grateful for this and showed appropriate thanks to his father. Then his mother came forward and gave him an ornate small box.
There was a pocket watch in it, which might have looked ancient to me in my previous life, but it was a standard here. It was a gold watch with diamonds encrusted in it. Clearly a very expensive timepiece. I promised her that I would cherish it and she gave a beautiful smile at my words. She told me that it had multiple uses, which I had to discover at my leisure.
It was a good day overall and Sirius couldn't wait to go to Hogwarts. He just had to finish that pesky challenge and defeat his cousin. Except that his life was shaping out to be quite good.
A/N – Hello to all my lovely readers,
My many many thanks to all the people who are with me from the beginning of this fic a month or so ago and all those who have recently joined. Towards Greatness has finally crossed 600 collections and 120k views and I couldn't be more grateful to all of you. It would be awesome if you can give it ratings and honest reviews (shameless author asking).
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all of you.